
現在Kyle XY已經出到第二季。第二季從Kyle再次回到曾收留過他的家庭開始,他想再次融入這個地方,與此同時卻不得不暗中接受Tom Foss的訓練。正當人們以為kyle就僅僅是個雙親死亡的可憐男孩,想要再次接納他的時候,一個所謂麥達公司的陰謀正在進行……
在學校Amanda的男友背叛她,Lori 和Declan這對最佳情侶分手,再到後來的Stephen Trager這個一家之主失業,Josh吸食大麻……

英文名稱:Kyle XY
導演:Gil Junger
Pat Williams
首播日期:2006-6-26 美國
角色 | 演員 | 備註 |
凱爾 | Matt Dallas | ---- |
妮可兒·特雷格 | Marguerite MacIntyre | ---- |
羅莉·特雷格 | April Matson | ---- |
戴克倫 | Chris Olivero | ---- |
阿曼達·布魯姆 | Kirsten Prout | ---- |
希拉蕊 | Chelan Simmons | ---- |
史蒂文·特雷格 | Bruce Thomas | ---- |
喬史·特雷格 | Jean-Luc Bilodeau | ---- |
安迪 | Magda Apanowicz | ---- |
傑茜 | Jaimie Alexander | ---- |

每次當凱爾(Kyle)坐在他的浴缸里時,都是《天賜》(Kyle XY)的劇情進行到了某個轉折點的時候:要么是製造凱爾的那個神秘組織又搞出什麼動靜,要么是特雷格(Trager)家裡又鬧出了什麼彆扭,要么是凱爾自己在和阿曼達(Amanda)的交往中遭受了挫折。不過每次只要凱爾乖乖的呆在浴缸里,我相信所有觀眾們的心都會不由自主的安靜下來——浴缸是子宮的象徵,對凱爾來說,特雷格家的浴缸給他的感覺與那個放置他的身體長達十六年的培養器毫無二致,從潛意識的層面來說,浴缸能給凱爾最大的安全感,甚至,浴缸就像凱爾的母親一樣呵護著他,給他溫暖和力量——我並不是說妮可(Nicole)對凱爾的照顧不夠悉心、感情不夠真摯,但是凱爾實在是個太特殊的人,他超人的智商和蝙蝠俠般的身體素質使得任何一個普通的美國主婦都很難擔當起凱爾母親的全部責任,其實凱爾更多的是把領導製造他的Zzyzx工程的首席科學家亞當·拜倫(Adam Baylin)視為精神以及血緣上的父親,特別是當凱爾仔細的閱讀拜倫留下的研究筆記和日記資料時,就像是父子倆在進行特有的交流,也許只有在此時,凱爾才能體會到一絲為人子的溫馨。
天賜 第一季 Kyle XY Season 1
在07年夏天 第2季再次與我們相聚!倒地會如何發展,一起拭目以待吧
天賜 第二季 Kyle XY Season 2
Kyle一直在探尋自己身世的秘密,終於,他遇到了一個知道答案的人——Adam Baylin。在Adam的幫助下,Kyle知道了自己的來歷,也知道了自己有多大的潛力。站在命運的轉折點上,Kyle發現自己又回到了那個被他拋在身後的家。現在,在Tom Foss嚴格的訓練下,他必須學會他能力範圍內的所有本領,並且要對家裡人隱瞞一切,他的家人一直想把他培養成一個正常的少年。Trager家也發生了一些變動:Kyle走了之後,Nicole變得很沮喪,並且辭掉了工作;Stephen不得不接替Nicole的事情。與此同時,Lori想不明白Declan為什麼總躲著她,Josh則是一如既往的行為乖張。
《Kyle XY》的演員陣容有"Wannabe"的Matt Dallas,"The Days"的Marguerite MacIntyre,《律政俏佳人》中的Bruce Thomas,"Quintuplets"的April Matson,"Ill Fated"的Jean-Luc Bilodeau,《24小時》里的ChrisOlivero,"Elektra"里的Kirsten Prout和新加入的出演過"Rest Stop"的Jaimie Alexander。
天賜 第三季 Kyle XY Season 3
(一)Kyle Xy: The Soundtrack 天賜:電視原聲 歌曲前帶★的為我推薦
O01. Hide Another Mistake - The 88
★O02. Nevermind The Phonecalls - Earlimart
★O03. Surround - In-Flight Safety
O04. I'll Write The Song,You Sing For Me - Irving
★O05. Wonderful Day - O.A.R.
O06. Bug Bear - Climber
★O07. Honestly - Cary Brothers
★O08. So Many Ways - Mates Of State
★O09. Middle Of The Night - Sherwood
★O10. Alibi - Mariana's Trench
★O11. It's Only Life - Kate Voegele
O12. 3 A.M. - Sean Hayes
O13. Born On The Cusp - American Analog Set
★O14. Will You Remember Me (Lori's Song) - April Matson
★O15. Alley Cat (Demo) – Sherwood (iTunes Bonus Track)
(二)天賜 第一季 Kyle XY Season 1 插曲
S1E01: Pilot
★S1-01.She Will Only Bring You Happiness - McLusky (Lori and Declan waking up in her bed)
S1-02.Born on The Cusp - American Analog Set (Kyle arriving at the Tragers')
★S1-03.Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel (Kyle hearing Amanda play the piano for the first time)
★S1-04.Hold the Line - Pilot Speed (Stephen meeting Kyle)
S1-05.Sounds - Earlimart (Lori being followed by Kyle to the party)
* S1-06.Flock - DJ Harry (The police arriving at the party)
S1-07.Supposed To Be - Cary Brothers (Kyle carrying Lori home & Nicole asking the others if Kyle could stay for a while)
S102: Sleepless in Seattle
S1-08.Second Son - Elliot Brood (Kyle raiding the fridge)
S1-09.The Airways - Castle Project (Lori and Hillary talking to Declan at the cafe)
★S1-10.So Many Ways - Mates of State (Lori talking to Declan on the phone (scene not in TV episode))
S1-11.A Kind of Hope - Pilot Speed (Declan and Lori talking about Kyle at the cafe)
S1-12.Sunday Morning Blues - Waking Eyes ()
S1-13.Summer Song Summer - Radiogram (Lori and Kyle talking about sarcasm)
★S1-14.Falling - Paper Moon ()
★S1-15.Honestly - Cary Brothers (At the end of the episode)
S1E03: Lies that Bind
S1-16.The Songs We Knew Best - The Bonaduces (Before the elevator scene)
★S1-17.Surround - In-Flight Safty (Declan and Lori in the pool)
* S1-18.Citizen's Arrest - Wolf Colonel (Josh doing homework)
S1-19.Vallee of Cobras - The Summerlad (Kyle doing Josh's homework and Josh making his hair wet in the morning)
S1-20.Crush - Aiden Hawken (Lori and Hillary staking out Declan's house)
S1-21.Three Lights - Kids These Days (Lori and Nicole talking in her room)
S1-22.Lost (The March Song) - In-Flight Safety (Nicole and Stephen surprising Kyle with his room)
S1E04: Diving In
S1-23.When Good Things Go Bad - Vanlustbader (Kyle's underwater dream with Amanda)
S1-24.Love and Memories - O.A.R. (Lori,Kyle and Josh arrive at the pool)
★S1-25.Wonderful Day - O.A.R. (Josh "scooping babes" with Kyle)
S1-26.3 AM - Sean Hayes (Kyle's swimming lesson with Amanda)
S1-27.Scratch - Kendall Payne (Amanda talking to Kyle about his swimming improvement)
S1-28.Between Us and Them - Moving Units (Lori,Kyle and Josh arrive at the party)
S1-29.Rest Tonight - Kids These Days (Lori and Declan kissing and Josh getting busted in the pool)
★S1-30.Satellites - Beneath Augusta (Lori and Declan getting up in the bushes and HIllary hitting on Kyle)
S1-31.All I Need - Mat Kearney (Kyle mees Amanda's boyfriend Charlie at the end of the episode)
S1E05: This is Not a Test
S1-32.Hide Another Mistake - The 88 (Kyle arriving at the school)
S1-33.Along Comes a Smile - The Meligrove Band (Kyle in the cafeteria)
S1-34.Pillows and Records - Aidan Hawken (At the end of the episode)
S1E06: Blame it On the Rain
S1-35.Stay - Blue Merle (Lori and Delcan talking in her room)
S1-36.All The Rage - Cary Brothers (Lori and Declan talking about his accident)
S1-37.Out of Sight - In-Flight Safty (Declan hugging Lori and telleing her happy birthday)
S1-38.Lucky Boy - In-Flight Safty (Kyle and Lori trying to blow out the candles)
S1E07: Kyle Got Game
* S1-39.Oh!The Way You Move - Mic Check (Lori dropping Kyle off at basketball practice)
* S1-40.I'm Fresh - Mic Check (Kyle's first basketball lesson)
* S1-41.Scratch This - Big Rush (The game begins)
S1-42.Too Hot - Swollen Members (The game continues and Kyle scores)
S1-43.Bastian Cooper - Cinderpop (Hillary and Lori making up in the fitness center)
S1E08: Memory Serves
S1-44.Bug Bear - Climber (Declan,Lori and Kyle talking about "U Dub" in her room)
S1-45.Care I Don't Care - Irving (Declan,Lori and Kyle arriving at "U Dub")
S1-46.I'll Write The Song,You Sing the Song - Irving (Declan,Lori and Kyle making plans where to meet again)
S1-47.Take Me To The Sun - Meligrove Band (Lori meeting a guy)
S1-48.Set It Up - Sign of the Fox (Declan and Kyle talking in the room about telling Amanda/Lori that they like them)
S1E09: Overheard
S1-49.L-O-V-E - Irving (Josh and Kyle walking on the basketball court)
S1-50.Want You Now - Velvet Crush (The song Josh is listening to with his headphones)
S1-51.Burning the Cow - Earlimart (Declan & Kyle and Josh & Lori arriving at the fair)
★S1-52.Ride - Cary Brothers (Kyle and Amanda riding the carousel)
S1E10: End Game
★S1-53.I Wouldn't Do That To You - Carey Ott (Lori and Hillary talking about the relationship with Charlie)
S1-54.Forever In A Day - Helene (Declan and Lori talking about Kyle leaving)
S1-55.Bug Bear - Climber (Kyle and Declan talking at the goodbye party)
★S1-56.Replay -Martyrs and Poets (Hillary & Lori and Amanda & Kyle talking by the pool)
★S1-57.Where We Gonna Go From Here - Mat Kearney (Kyle leaving the Tragers)
(三)天賜 第二季 Kyle XY Season 2 插曲
S2E01: The Prophet
S2-001.The Prayer - Bloc Party (At Josh's party when he's talking to Kyle)
S2-002.Love Doesn't Last Too Long - The Weepies (Declan and Lori making out in her room and ending up talking about Kyle)
★S2-003.Follow Me - Thirteen Senses (Kyle returns to the Tragers,At the end of the episode.)
S2E02: Homecoming
* S2-004.Must've Been The Devil - Old Reliable (Jessi arriving at the hunter's campfire)
* S2-005.Ordinary Day - Griffin House (Kyle runs from telling Declan what has happened)
★S2-006.Something - Cary Brothers (Nicole talking to Mr.Taylor)
★S2-007.Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs (Lori,Josh and Kyle at the café)
★S2-008.So Far We Are - The French Kicks (Amanda arrives at the cafe and Kyle spots her)
★S2-009.Welcome To The Family - Michael Suby (Kyle secretly phones the house during dinner after predicting the phone will ring)
S2E03: The List Is Life
S2-010.Rescued - Jack's Mannequin (When Amanda and Kyle talk in the diner.)
S2-011.No Mean Time - The French Kicks (Lori,Hillary and Kyle discuss telling Amanda about Charlie)
★S2-012.Breakable - Ingrid Michaelson (When Kyle checks on Lori and they talk about Declan.)
★S2-013.Lovers Who Uncover - The Little Ones (Lori and Hillary talking to Amanda about "re-virginizing")
★S2-014.Say Anything - Marianas Trench (Plays life at the bonfire after Lori and Hillary revirganize.)
★S2-015.Alibi - Marianas Trench (When Lori and Declan talk at the bonfire.)
★S2-016.Skin And Bones - Marianas Trench (When Jessi attacks the boy at the bonfire.)
★S2-017.Set The Story Straight - Tom McRae (At school when Kyle,Hillary and Josh talk about the voting.)
S2E04: Balancing Act
★S2-018.Living A Lie - Aquaduct (Kyle training with Tom Foss)
S2-019.Who You Are - Cary Brothers (Kyle trying to talk to Amanda)
★S2-020.Nevermind The Phonecalls - Earlimart (Kyle staring at Amanda)
★S2-021.Thread - Kid Lightning (Lori and Nicole discussing Declan)
S2-022.Collarbone - Fujiya & Miyagi (Josh and Andy talk about girls and cars)
★S2-023.Living In Twilight - The Weepies (Kyle and Amanda talking after Josh tries the car)
★S2-024.Live To Be Free - Griffin House (Kyle and Stephen surprise Josh with his new car)
★S2-025.Take It From Me - The Weepies (Andy gives Josh a present)
S2E05: Come To Your Senses
★S2-026.My Heart - The Perishers (When Declan and Lori do the breakup exchange and Jessi and Declan meet.)
S2-027.Still Alright - Adam Merrin (When Stephen talks to Josh about smoking pot.)
★S2-028.Closer - Travis (At the end of the episode when Amanda and Kyle talk in the tub.)
S2E06: Does Kyle Dream Of Electric Sheep?
★S2-029.Tickets To Crickets - Ferraby Lionheart (Kyle wondering about his life in the beginning)
★S2-030.Middle Of The Night - Sherwood (When Josh and Andy plan Josh's first date.)
★S2-031.A Different Light - Sherwood (Amanda tells Lori she should play at the open mic night)
S2-032.Alley Cat - Sherwood (When Lori and Amanda talk about the open mic night.)
★S2-033.Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel (When Kyle walks into Amanda's house.)
S2-034.Nobody Knows Me At All - The Weepies (When Josh and Andy sit in Joshs car.)
S2-035.You Made Me Like It - The 1990s (When Andy and Josh finish discussing the date and Lori and Declan talk.)
S2-036.Dayvan Cowboy - Boards of Canada (The song Kyle is focussing on in his tub)
* S2-037.All These Days - Turn (When Lori arrives at the open mic and Josh picks up Andy.)
★S2-038.Will You Remember Me (Lori's Song) - April Matson (Lori performs)
S2E07: Free To Be You And Me
S2-039.Respectfully Proceeding - The Tacticians- (Jessi starts school / Josh admires the radio in the drunk driving car)
S2-040.Two Directions - Ampop (Jessi and Declan making out)
S2-041.Take A Walk Outside - The Coast - (Andy and Lori talking at the cafe)
* S2-042.Baby Boomer - Coburn (Josh teaching Kyle how to dance)
★S2-043.The Best In Me - Sherwood (Jessi and Lori talking in the bar)
★S2-044.For The Longest Time - Sherwood (At the alterna-dance when Lori and Hillary kiss)
S2-045.Something Going On - ide (Andy and Josh talking at the dance)
S2-046.Baby Boomer - Coburn (Josh and Kyle dancing)
★S2-047.Come Out Of The Shade - The Perishers (Kyle and Amanda dancing)
S2-048.Real Time - Stars Of Track And Field- (Kyle and Declan "making up")
S2E08: What's The Frequency Kyle?
S2-049.Wrap It Up - Whitey (Declan and Kyle talking on the basketball court)
S2-050.Ships - New Ruins(Declan visiting Lori in her room when she's picking new colors)
S2-051.Ride - Cary Brothters (Declan and Jessi discussing Lori's attack and Kyle waking up after drawing all night)
★S2-052.Dragonfly - M Craft (Declan climbing into Lori's room)
S2-053.Fly Straight - Aidan Hawken (Amanda telling Kyle about her dad)
S2E09: Ghost In The Machine
S2-054.Risque Pictures - The 1990s (The group debating about the trip to the murder scene)
S2-055.Fire Island,AK - The Long Winters (The group arriving at the murder scene)
S2-056.How To Destroy A Relationship - The Servant (Amanda,Jessi,Josh and Andy talking about Scooby Doo)
★S2-057.Nocturne No. 8 In D Flat Major - Fryderyk Chopin (Flashback of Foss playing music for Kyle at Zzyzx (arranged by Jim Long))
* S2-058.Gonna Love You - The Group (At the beginning when Josh and Andy are in the car)
★S2-059.The Funeral - Band Of Horses (Kyle opening the safe)
★S2-060.Ordinary - Grand Avenue (Everyone talking about the trip to each other)
S2-061.Nocturne No. 8 In D Flat Major - Fryderyk Chopin (Kyle thinking about Baylin's message and it being tapered with (arranged by Jim Long))
S2E10: House Of Cards
S2-062.We Will Remain - A.M. (The Tragers in the kitchen and Ballantine arrives.)
S2-063.What You Hide - A.M. (During the dinner.)
S2-064.Maybe Tonight - William Tell (Amanda & Lori and Josh & Andy talking)
S2-065.Middle Of The Night - Sherwood (Song plays on the radio while Jessi is listening)
* S2-066.into - Steve Reynolds (Jessi meeting Paige)
S2-067.Swans - Unkle Bob (Kyle and Amanda talk and kiss.)
★S2-068.The Salt Wound Routine - Thirteen Senses (When Andy tells Josh she got the test results.)
S2E11: Hands On A Hybird
S2-069.Countdown - Jupiter One (Lori and Jessi talking about the necklace)
S2-070.Love In My Pocket - VHS Or Beta (The contestants' names are drawn and Kyle and Declan talking about Jessi)
★S2-071.The Only Song - Sherwood (The contest starts and Kyle is giving Josh the lowdown on the contests)
* S2-072.Ask For Help - Ari Shine (Jessi and Kyle talking about what to do with the car)
* S2-073.Some Day - Saturn Missiles (Kyle talking to Josh and Jessi at hour six of the contest)
* S2-074.Talk About Us - Tuppert (Lori warning Amanda about Jessi's interest in Kyle)
* S2-075.It's About Nothing - Turn (Amanda giving Kyle a 'survival kit')
S2-076.Fa Fa Fa - Datarock (Hillary asking Declan & Lori to look at a video of Jessi)
* S2-077.Do Anything,Go Anywhere - Rich Cronin (Jessi asking Kyle to help her)
S2-078.I Used To Dance With My Daddy - Datarock (Lori and Declan reviewing the video of Jessi)
S2-079.The Hill - Bombay Bicycle Club (Hillary trying to apologize to Josh)
★S2-080.Along The Wall - Leigh Nash (This song plays during the scene of Kyle and Jessie on stretchers,going over into the scene of Josh & Andy's kiss)
S2E12: Lockdown
* S2-081.Million Holes - Black Daniel (Josh offering to help Lori plan revenge)
* S2-082.Hospital Drama - Help She Can't Luck Joes (Everyone arguing at the Tragers')
★S2-083.Much Too Young - The Good Luck Joes (Andy explaining her remark to Josh)
* S2-084.Steal You Away - Adam Merrin (Josh and Andy almost making out in his room)
S2-085.Canon In D - Johann Pachelbel (Amanda plays the piano as Kyle leave the picture for her)
★S2-086.Frozen - The Good Luck Joes (Josh & Andy and Declan & Lori making up and Kyle finding Jessi)
S2E13: Leap Of Faith
S2-087.Carry The Weight - The Bads (Declan,Lori and Josh discussing Kyle's absence)
* S2-088.The Last One - Cary Brothers (Kyle and Jessi finding the diner)
* S2-089.Trillion Things - Gus Black (Kyle and Jessi asking the waitress for direction to route12)
★S2-090.The Alchemy Between Us - Young Galaxy (Jessi and Kyle arriving at route 12)
★S2-091.Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones (Jessi running off after betraying Kyle)
S2E14: To C.I.R.,With Love
* S2-092.Obrigado - Chris Burton Jacome (Outside in the garden during the Tragers' stay at Madacorp's open house)
* S2-093.Bow And Scrape - Saturn Missiles (Lori helping Declan to 'move forward')
★S2-094.Time Goes By - Air Traffic (From when Emily tells Jessi to run until the extraction process is started)
★S2-095.Let There Be Morning - The Perishers (Kyle and Amanda saying goodbye)
★S2-096.Life Is Beautiful - Vega4 (Kyle & Tragers share a candlelight dinner,At the end of the episode .)
S2E15: The Future's So Bright,I Gotta Wear Shades
S2-097.Contrast - The Features (Kyle,Lori and Josh arriving at the Career Fair)
* S2-098.One More Time - AutoVaughn (Lori seeing Jessi jump in Hillary's video)
* S2-099.Too True - Headway (Kyle trying to explain to Jessi why she can't do 'tricks')
S2-100.Tried And Tested Method - The Longcut (Jessi getting noticed at school)
* S2-101.Stay Another Night - AutoVaughn (Josh and Lori chatting with Jessi)
S2-102.Water Of The Gods - The Changes (Josh & Lori talking,then Lori & Declan discussing Jessi)
* S2-103.A Moment Like This (instrumental version) - Rie Sinclair (Kyle apologizing and talking to Jessi)
S2-104.If One Of Us Should Fall - The Slip (Josh telling Andy that he has plans to become a doctor to save her)
S2E16: Great Expectations
* S2-105.All My Life - The Stereotypes (Spring cleaning)
S2-106.The Last Transmission - The Comas (Josh testing Kyle's abilities in Kyle's room)
* S2-107.Remind Me To Miss You - Headway (Kyle trying to get in touch with Amanda electronically)
S2-108.Canon In D - Johann Pachelbel (Kyle playing the guitar to get Amanda's attention)
* S2-109.Montagues & Capulets(Dance of the Knights) - Sergei Prokofiev (Amanda is lesting to this song on the mp3-player)
* S2-110.Life's A Holiday - Saturn Missiles (Kyle,Josh and Lori planning at the The News Rack)
S2-111.Song Beneath The Song - Maria Taylor (Lori expressing her concerns about Kyle and Amanda to Declan)
* S2-112.Rise On - Anna Coogan & North19 (Nicole asking Stephen if he has regrets about not teaching (Instrumental Version))
* S2-113.Cut Back - The Elliots (Kyle telling Jessi that Amanda might be staying)
★S2-114.Trouble Sleeping - The Perishers (Lori giving Kyle some dating advice)
* S2-115.In The Dark - The Changes (Kyle and Amanda having dinner and Hillary serving it to them)
S2-116.Red Meets Blue - Matt Wertz (Carol Bloom interrupting the date)
S2E17: Grounded
★S2-117.Heard It All Before - Meiko (Kyle and Amanda getting ready for "bed")
★S2-118.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Taylor finding Jessi listening to Adam and Sara's song)
S2-119.Hold It Down - Unkle Bob (Declan telling Lori that she ows him)
S2-120.She Couble Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Kyle playing Jessi's record while talking to Amanda)
S2E18: Between The Rack And A Hard Place
S2-121.Don't Let Love In - Lowgold (Kyle telling Amanda about how she broke the smoothie machine)
★S2-122.Apologize - The Honorary Title (Andy and Josh discussing concert tickets and Kyle and Lori talking about the next step)
* S2-123.I Wasn't Ready - Turn Off The Stars (Jessi helping Kyle fix the smoothie machine)
* S2-124.The Lines - The Stereotypes (Lori and Amanda talking about expressions)
* S2-125.Under Starlight - Red Letter Agent (Josh,Amanda and Kyle discussing who could have stolen the money)
* S2-126.One By One - Unkle Bob (Kyle talking to Amanda after Jessi ran out after Kyle disappointed her)
S2-127.Two Kinds - Film School (Declan giving Kyle advice on girlfriends)
* S2-128.Right Where I Belong - David Condos (Kyle apologizing to Amanda)
S2-129.Trouble Sleeping - The Perishers (Josh contemplating on what to do about the missing money,Kyle talking to Declan about telling Amanda the truth,Kyle telling Amanda that he needs her in every part of his life)
S2-130.Apologies - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals (Andy giving Josh the money from the tickets and Kyle & Amanda giving up secrets)
S2E19: First Cut Is The Deepest
* S2-131.Summer's Almost Gone - Adam Merrin (Lori and Hillary asking Amanda about music for the prom)
* S2-132.Came To Say Hello - The Stereotypes (Andy and Josh making out)
* S2-133.Hooked To You - Red Letter Agent (Lori and Declan discussing how boring his life has become)
* S2-134.Hide Your Love Away - Red Letter Agent (Lori and Hillary volunteering for the sub committee)
S2-135.Book Lung - New Ruins (Mark showing Kyle and Jessi pictures of Sara)
* S2-136.Cut Back - The Elliots (Mark telling Jessi and Kyle about Sara's pool record)
S2-137.Sunndal Song - The Apples In Stereo (Hillary,Lori and Amanda entering the bar and hiding out in the bathroom)
* S2-138.Nothing Is Logical - The Bell (Jessi playing straight pool)
S2-139.Did You Know - The Stereotypes (Lori running into Mark at the bar)
★S2-140.Energy - Apples In Stereo (Jessi and Kyle playing pool)
S2-141.Next To Argyle - Scissors For Lefty (Mark talking to Lori during the bar fight)
★S2-142.The Glass Parade - Cary Brothers (Kyle & Amanda kiss,Kyle comforts Andy)
S2E20: Primary Colors
* S2-143.Everything Has Changed - Adam Merrin (Kyle and Amanda planning to spend time together)
S2-144.I Am History - The Bell (Kyle giving Declan a personal study guide and helping Lori with her lyrics)
* S2-145.Burn The Good Ones Down - Red Letter Agent (Kyle giving Josh a personal study guide and getting distracted)
S2-146.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Kyle trying to relax and falling asleep)
★S2-147.Better Run - Army Of Me (Andy hugging everyone after announcing that her cancer is in remission)
S2-148.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Amanda playing on her piano)
S2-149.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff(Adam and Kyle listening to the song)
S2-150.Bad Sun - The Bravery (Josh and Lori talking about Kyle and Andy; Mark and Lori making a deal)
* S2-151.Sometimes - Alex Lloyd (Kyle & Josh discuss Andy's remission; The Tragers have dinner)
S2E21: Grey Matters
* S2-152.Cult Status - 1990s (Kyle and Declan playing basketball)
S2-153.Naive - The Kooks (Josh chopping bananas and talking to Kyle)
S2-154.On and On - The Bell (Declan telling Kyle that everyone thinks that he posted the exam)
* S2-155.Be This Way - Perrin Lamb (Kyle asking Amanda if she cheated)
* S2-156.Steal It Back - The Bell (Kyle telling Josh about the list of people who accessed the website)
S2-157.Dear Me - Film School (Stephen beginning to talk to Josh about turning his grades around)
★S2-158.Let It Go - Graham Colton (Lori talking to Declan in the gym,Kyle talking to Amanda and Josh talking to Andy)
S2-159.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Kyle meeting up with Sarah)
S2E22: Hello…
S2-160.Never Even Told Me Her Name - Air Traffic (Amanda & Hillary and Andy & Josh discussing the prom at the rack)
S2-161.The Stars Where We Came From - VHS Or Beta (Mark criticizing Lori's lyrics and Amanda giving Josh advice)
★S2-162.Pony - Erin McCarley (Lori and Mark arguing)
* S2-163.Feel Like I Do - Jordan Lawhead (Amanda,Hillary and Lori talking about the prom problems)
S2-164.Your Move - Ian Ball (Josh telling Andy how much money is left)
S2-165.She Could Be You - Shawn Hlookoff (Kyle talking to Jessi at the diner)
* S2-166.Full Moon Drive (Oceans) - Highwater Rising (Declan asking Lori to go prom with him and Jessi talking to Sarah)
S2E23: I've Had the Time of My Life
* S2-167.Our Time - The Stereotypes (Amanda telling Kyle to leave)
* S2-168.Help Me Mom - Michael Suby (Nicole telling Kyle to stop focussing on perfection and to enjoy the prom)
* S2-169.Kyle & Amanda's Theme - Michael Suby (Amanda discovering Kyle's decoration adjustments)
* S2-170.Bounce With Me - Ben Gidsjoy (Kyle and Josh leading a line dance and everyone dancing)
★S2-171.I Can't Understand - Air Traffic (Josh and Lori hiding from their prom dates and talking to Kyle)
S2-172.Mothership - Kid Beyond (Mark telling Lori that her song didn't win the contest)
★S2-173.Right In Front Of Me - April Matson (Mark playing Lori's new song)
* S2-174.Come On Ladies - San Deego (Kyle discovering Foss at the prom)
S2-175.With Someone - StL(Andy and Josh kissing)
* S2-176.Thin Colored Wall - Red Letter Agent (Kyla and Amanda meeting at the end of prom)
* S2-177.Far From The Discos - The Bella Fayes(Lori,Declan and Hillary leaving prom)
★S2-178.Best Days - Graham Colton(Kyle and Amanda dancing)
然而,科幻劇《天賜》(Kyle XY)現在已經不幸被砍。該劇第三季(共10集)從美國時間2009年1月12日開始播出,而3月16日將播出該劇大結局的最後一集。《天賜》的收視率下滑是被砍的主要原因。還沒有結局就被砍掉了,看來結局和第三季留下的謎團只能由我們自己想像了,希望abcfamily可以讓KYLE回歸~