Just No Other Wayby CoCo Lee
Here we are alone again
In your arms again
And it keeps on getting better
Well I don't need to read your mind
'Cause when I look in your eyes
I can almost see forever
But before you go too far
Before I fall too fast
Baby you should know I need love that's gonna last
You gotta promise to be here
Through the laughter and the tears

Let me know that you're mine Every day, every night
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Take my heart, take my soul
Baby never let me go
No, there's just no other way to love me.
That's the way it should be
If you're gonna fall in love with me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Let me show you how much I care
And baby I swear
I'll be right there when you need me
But I gonna know
That you'll always be true
That you're gonna see the through
And give your heart completely
I wanna feel it when we kiss
Believe it when we touch
Don't just say you love me
'Cause words are not enough
I wanna see it in your eyes
Believe it deep inside
I gotta know you'll be here
Every day, every night
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Take my heart, take my soul
Baby never let me go
No, there's just no other way to love me.
That's the way it should be
If you're gonna fall in love with me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
I will never ask for more then
I'll give to you (gonna give my everything)
But I gonna know that my heart is true
Every day (every day) Every night (every night)
For the rest of your life...
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Take my heart, take my soul
Baby never let me go
No, there's just no other way to love me.
That's the way it should be
If you're gonna fall in love with me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Take my heart, take my soul
Baby never let me go
No, there's just no other way to love me.
That's the way it should be
If you're gonna fall in love with me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
'Cause there's just no other way to love me
Take my heart, take my soul
Baby never let me go
No, there's just no other way to love me.
我們又見面了 在你的懷裡 甜蜜的感覺
愈來愈濃 從不需要猜你在想什麼
因為只要看見你的眼神 我就好像找到了永恆
可是在你踏出下一步之前 在我深深的墜入你的情網之前
有一件事你該知道 我要的是不變的愛 不管是苦 是甜
你都會我走過一切 讓我知道你是屬於我的
在每一天 每一夜 因為……
愛我別無他法 我的心 我的靈魂 將完全被你占據
BABY 絕不要離開我 愛我真的別無他法
如果要愛我 本就應這樣 因為要愛我 真的別無他法
讓我告訴你 我是認真的
誓言可證 在你有需之時 我一定在你身邊
可是我要知道 你會對我忠心 全心全意 我們會一起走下去
吻我的時候 觸摸的時刻 我要感受你的愛
不要光說你愛我 光說是不夠的 你的眼神要告訴我
讓我深深想信你愛我 讓我知道你會陪著我
在每一天 每一夜 因為……
可是我的心要知道 這一切都是真的
每一天(每一天) 每一夜(每一夜)

《Just No Other Way》這張專輯是一張充滿Power與Groove的作品,CoCo詮釋這些歌曲不但 具有強勁力道,而且也包含著多樣變化與豐盈的情感。“Do You Want My Love”便是讓你聞歌起舞的性感快樂舞曲(此曲特別邀請Natural Elements團中的饒舌歌手A-Butta來為其畫龍點睛);與 Kelly Price合唱的“Can't Get Over”是一首探索對已逝去的愛情戀戀不捨的中板R&B作品;“All Tied Up In You”一曲中置放了濃郁深情;“Crazy Ridiculous”在70年代的復古氣氛中狂歡,而CoCo則恣意愉悅地玩著現代都市文字遊戲;Frankie Knuckles跨刀製作的“Don't You Want My Love”則是一首令舞棍汗流浹背、大呼過癮的快節奏舞曲。更值得一提的是專輯中更是力邀 Celine Dion的御用製作人Ric Wake為CoCo量身打造一首膾炙人口的“Wherever you go”,讓這張專輯生色不少。
專輯中特別收錄收錄了CoCo在“Runaway Bride 落跑新娘”電影原聲帶中躍升西洋國際樂壇的首支試金作品“Before I Fall In Love”讓專輯更具完整性與可聽性,精彩可期,喜愛CoCo的樂迷更是不可錯過她的美妙“聲”段及全新的蛻變。