Java DMK is a toolkit that allows you to build monitoring and management solutions that answer the main challenge faced by networked environments today, namely dynamic maintenance. Such solutions are based on "smart agents" and result in faster problem resolution, reduced network traffic, less human intervention, and a means of managing complete systems or networks in an integrated way.
Java DMK 5.1 is the first commercial implementation of the latest versions of the JMX standards, JMX 1.2 and JMX Remote API 1.0, and is an all-in-one offering for building secure, interoperable monitoring and management solutions on the J2SE 1.4.2 platform.
JMX概述JMX--Java Management Extensions,即Java管理擴展,是一個為應用程式、設備、系統等植入...
JMX概述 JMX體系結構 JMX 管理構件(MBean) 通知模型 附加管理協定API -
設備層 服務層 管理協定 實現套用 架構 -
概述Java 程式語言的風格十分接近C、C++ 語言。Java是一個純的面向對象的程式設計語言,它繼承了 C++ 語言面向對象技...
概述 名字由來 歷史 Java主要特性 Java語言特點 -
背景JAVAJava是由Sun Microsystems公司推出的Java面向對象程式設計語言(以下簡稱Java語言)和Jav...
背景 組成 優勢 概述 名字由來