
International Business Law (English Version)
《國際商法(英文版)》以國際貨物買賣為主線,選取與其相關的商事活動環節和領域,漸次展開對國際商事法律制度的研究和敘述,形成了國際商法的一個法律規範體系。 該書十分注重選用權威精準的法律英語語言,特彆強調理論與實踐相結合,充分體現了國際化、複合型人才培養對國際商法知識與技能的要求,既闡述了國際商法基本理論,又特別側重實務知識與操作技能的訓練,在每個章節安排了案例分析。 該書既可以作為高等院校法學類、財經類專業國際商法雙語課程的教材,以及MBA或EMBA教學用書、各類國際商務與法律培訓的理想讀物,也可以作為對外經濟與貿易專業實務工作者的參考資料。
As a law subject and a course in law, International Business Law is also called International Commercial Law, and sometimes the Law of International Business Transactions. This book is intended for college students, lawyers, economists and business people seeking to understand the legal aspects of international business transactions, and it is mainly concerned with the rules and norms that regulate the person-to-person relationship between two parties transacting business across national borders.
International business law refers to the body of rules and norms that regulates the various activities related with international business transactions, or in other words, all kinds of international commercial relationships, especially the person-to-person relationship between two parties transacting business across national borders. Generally, we can define “international business law” as the body of legal rules and norms that regulates international commercial trade and international business organizations.