Hypertable 是由Zvents設計的BigTable clone開放原始碼專案,以 C++撰寫,可架在 HDFS 和 KFS 上。 儘管還在初期階段,但已有不錯的效能:寫入 28M 列的資料,各節點寫入速率可達7MB/s,讀取速率可達 1M cells/s。
Hypertable是根據Google的9位研究人員在2006年發表的一篇論文《Bigtable:結構化數據的分布存儲系統》開發的,Bigtable 是Google內部使用的檔案儲存系統。
Hypertable is an open source project based on published best practices and our own experience in solving large-scale data-intensive tasks. Our goal is to bring the benefits of new levels of both performance and scale to many data-driven businesses who are currently limited by previous-generation platforms. Our goal is nothing less than that Hypertable become the world’s most massively parallel high performance database platform.