Hold Your Hand[後海大鯊魚演唱歌曲]

Hold Your Hand[後海大鯊魚演唱歌曲]
Hold Your Hand[後海大鯊魚演唱歌曲]
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《Hold Your Hand》是後海大鯊魚演唱的一首歌曲,該曲目收錄在專輯《Queen Sea Big Shark》中。


這是一支成立於04年冬的女孩主唱的搖滾樂隊,創造著屬於他們自己的DANCE ROCK,洗鍊直白富於現場表現,具有跳舞音樂的明快節奏與車庫音樂的原始粗糙,同時散發著懷舊的氣質,具有如同80年代偵探片般的幽默與緊張。靈活的唱腔的和偏執犀利的口琴代替了舞曲中人聲的機械重複,他們喜歡簡單直接,也喜歡珠光寶氣;喜歡精緻,也倡導業餘;喜歡新事物,更懷念那個曾充滿生氣的年代。這是一支有相當潛質的北京新搖滾樂隊!成員有付菡、曹璞、王靜涵、小武。


後海大鯊魚 後海大鯊魚

Go go go go go go go to the jet pub

My hero is playing guitar on the shining stage

But now i know (what i want to do) in the crowed hall is to hold your hand

Long long long long long long way to go

From Sunday to Monday Manday to Sunday i am alone

But i know (what i want to do)in the long long way is to hold your hand

Hello candy join the party

And joan jett sang the star star for her i just want to sing it for me

Run run run run run run on my way

I see the star star star star in the sky

But I know (what i want to do) in the long long way is to hold your hand

Hello candy join the party

Joan jett sang the star star for her i just want to sing it for myself and joan jett sang the star star for heri want to……

Motocycle comes and goes

Mother fucker comes and goes

Now i want to hold your hand in this long long long way

And joan jett sang the star star for her i just want to sing it for myself joan jett sang the star star for her i want to……


Now i want to

What i want to (do)

Now i want to

What i want to (do)



