Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks是一支成立於1979年的芬蘭搖滾樂隊,是八十年代初期最成功的搖滾樂隊之一。1985年他們的鼓手Nicholas 'Razzle' Dingley死去之後Hanoi Rocks宣告解散。2002年,樂隊創始成員Michael Monroe(主唱)、Andy McCoy(吉他手)再次聚首,Hanoi Rocks重新開始活動,直至2009年。


1984樂隊成員照 1984樂隊成員照

Hanoi Rocks是一支成立於1979年的芬蘭搖滾樂隊,是八十年代初期最成功的搖滾樂隊之一。1985年他們的鼓手Nicholas 'Razzle' Dingley死去之後Hanoi Rocks宣告解散。2002年,樂隊創始成員Michael Monroe(主唱)、Andy McCoy(吉他手)再次聚首,Hanoi Rocks重新開始活動,直至2009年。風格:華麗搖滾,硬搖滾,搖滾,華麗朋克。



“很少有樂隊能夠聲稱自己改變了搖滾樂,也許,Beatles可以,The Rolling Stones可以,Led Zeppelin可以,Black Sabbath可以……當然,Hanoi Rocks也可以。”

幾乎是要將記憶回溯到燦爛妖冶的80年代了。Hanoi Rocks在芬蘭與瑞典贏得響亮名聲後,帶著他們的壯志凌雲向斯堪的納維亞半島以外的廣大地區進軍,最初是在英國,接著是日本,再然後是整個歐洲,最後便是美國了。在1981年至1984年內,Hanoi Rocks共發行了六張專輯,分別是《Bangkok Shocks Saigon Shakes Hanoi Rocks 》(1981),《Oriental Beat 》(1982),《Self Destruction Blues》(1983),《Back To Mystery City》(1983),《All Those Wasted Years 》(1984),《Two Steps From The Move 》(1984)。

然而幾乎開創了glam rock這一華美篇章的樂隊成員們不會忘記自身的影響力,投身於個人事業中,在這兒,就不得不提到樂隊主唱Michael Monroe的名字了。想必Guns N Roses的鐵桿冬粉對這個名字,應該不會感到陌生。Axl與Slash都曾毫不諱言地提到自己是如何被Monroe影響著的。之後的Monroe頻繁現身於美國,致力於推廣華麗金屬,而這一系列的活動也最終促成其與Guns N Roses的合作,在《Use Your Illusion》中便有Manroe的參與,而Slash也曾邀請Monroe共同創作歌曲。曾有人說過“Hanoi Rocks辛勤耕耘出的果實,被那些無論是音樂上還是視覺效果上深受其影響的樂隊摘走了,其中便以Guns N Roses為例。”或許,這回讓千千萬萬GNR的歌迷大呼不爽,但,這就是事實。

Hanoi Rocks的轉機出現在了2001年。在樂隊4-cd精選專輯發行會上,在斷開練聯繫多年後,Michael Monroe與吉他手Andy Mccoy的碰頭,隱藏了15年之久的對音樂的愛與熱情又重新回來了。2001年的夏天於二者而言,意味非凡,嘗試性地參與了一系列演出後,驚奇地發現隨著樂趣與能量的逐步回歸的同時,歌迷也陸陸續續地重新向他們靠攏。EP專輯《People Like Me》發行後,Hanoi Rocks驕傲地宣稱:傳奇重生了!

緊接著《People Like Me》,樂隊又在2003年發行了《Twelwe Shots On The Rocks 》,其中便收錄了流傳甚廣的《A Day Later,A Dollar Short》。當所有的鉛華都已洗盡,Hanoi Rocks儼然是更為成熟了,同樣是高唱著dream of youth,Monroe卻不緊不慢地告誡著年輕人:“No one saves the day, it's no one else's fault if you're a day late or a dollar short”;面對著人們對華麗金屬的苛刻指責,Monroe亦是從容應對:“If we're too far behind,and really out of time, is there another planet they plan to find? ”華麗金屬不會變成擺設,傳奇也將延續著。2005年的Hanoi Rocks不僅再接再厲發行了專輯《Another Hostile Takeover 》,更是在吉他手Conny Bloom,新貝司手Andy "A.C." Christell以及鼓手Lacu加入樂隊後,將陣容最終定型。單曲《Fashion》和《This One's For Rock'N'Roll 》將樂隊的2007年變得格外重要,一切又仿佛回到了20多年前,不間斷地在歐洲巡演,甚至再一次地去到了日本。雖然Hanoi Rocks還沒有重新踏上北美大陸,去完成在1984年猝然終止的事業,但是今夏發行的最新專輯《Street Poetry 》讓人相信,這一天不會太遙遠。

終於明白,也許今日的Hanoi Rocks早已不在乎自己的名聲究竟有多大,而是看著Sommarkrysset的那一幕的會心一笑。

“歷史就像過往的塵埃,是一部帝王的史詩,而一切被遺忘的東西,卻盤旋在過去的黑色夢境中,並預示著要回來。”這不是專為Hanoi Rocks而寫的話,用在他們身上卻也足矣。



1979年組隊的Hanoi Rocks主要成員有主唱兼薩克斯演奏Michael Monroe(Matti Fagerholm), 吉他手Nasty Suicide(Jan Stenfors)和Stefan Piesnack,貝斯手Nedo和鼓手Peki Sirola.

第二年Piesnack, Sirola 和 Nedo 離隊,隨即由Andy McCoy(Antti Hulkko)擔任吉他手,貝斯手換成Sam Yaffa (Sami Takamäki),鼓手變更為 Gyp Casino (Jesper Sporre).

1981年樂隊移往 Stockholm.1982年前往英國倫敦,在倫敦一些城市的現場表演獲得巨大的歡迎.隨後的幾年Casino離開的樂隊(被開除),由Razzle (Nicholas Dingley)代替他的位置。 雖然樂隊從未獲得過廣泛具有意義的成功,但是他們仍舊被認為是cult following,因為他們"骯髒"的yet melodic 風格備受爭論。

1984年1月,樂隊在音樂製作人Bob Ezrin的家鄉多倫多開始錄製他們的第5張專輯,當專輯正在進行發行初期的準備的同年的12月Razzle在車禍中喪生(司機正是Mötley Crüe的主唱Vince Neil.Vince被指控犯有失誤殺人。因此處罰一個月又15天的監禁並對Razzle家人的損失賠償260萬美元。之後由Terry Chimes來替代Razzle的位置。 來自Idle Flowers的 René Berg接替了離隊Sammy Yaffa 的位置。

在Monroe離開樂隊後樂隊就再沒有重組過。1985年的5月,樂隊完成了在波蘭的Rockerina Festival 表演後解散了。


2002年McCoy再次和Monroe合作並決定加入兩名成員重新組建Hanoi Rocks,至此樂隊成員為鼓手Lacu,吉他Costello Hautam?ki,Andy McCoy,貝斯Timpa,主唱Michael Monroe.同年他們發現了專輯Twelve Shots on the Rocks.

2005年前Electric Boys貝斯手Andy Christell吉他手Conny Bloom 加入樂隊,樂隊發行了專輯Another Hostile Takeover.

2008年Andy McCoy離開樂隊,Hanoi Rocks在赫爾辛基的Tavastia俱樂部舉行了為期8天的告別演唱會,原吉他手Nasty Suicide作為嘉賓參與了表演.


Bangkok Shocks,Saigon Shakes,Hanoi Rocks

Bangkok Shocks Saigon Shakes Hanoi Rocks (1981) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1981.02(February, 1981)

Recorded 公園演播室,斯德哥爾摩,瑞典

(Park Studio, Stockholm, Sweden)

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克,硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

時長(Length) 36:34

唱片公司(Label) Johanna Kustannus

製作人(Producer) " The Muddy Twins" (Andy McCoy&Michael Monroe)

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Tragedy" Andy McCoy 4:05

2. "Village Girl" Andy McCoy 3:10

3. "Stop Cryin" Andy McCoy 3:38

4. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Andy McCoy 3:55

5. "Lost in the City" Andy McCoy 3:45

6. "First Timer" Andy McCoy 5:26

7. "Cheyenne" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:21

8. "11th Street Kidzz" Andy McCoy 3:45

9. "Walking With My Angel" Gerry Goffin, Carole King 2:10

10. "Pretender" Andy McCoy 3:30


Michael Monroe – vocals, piano, saxophone, harmonica

Andy McCoy – guitars, backing vocals

Nasty Suicide – guitars, backing vocals

Sam Yaffa – bass

Gyp Casino – drums


Oriental Beat

Oriental_Beat Oriental_Beat

Oriental Beat (1982) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1982.01( January, 1982 )

Recorded 1981.12 Advision工作室,英國倫敦(November, 1981 at Advision Studio, London, England)

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

唱片公司(Label) Johanna Kustannus

製作人(Producer) Pete Wooliscroft

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Motorvatin'" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:15

2. "Don't Follow Me" Andy McCoy 3:19

3. "Visitor" Andy McCoy 3:14

4. Teenangels Outsiders" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:24

5. "Sweet Home Suburbia" Andy McCoy 4:44

6. "M.C. Baby" Andy McCoy 3:01

7. "No Law or Order" Andy McCoy 3:41

8. "Oriental Beat" Andy McCoy 3:09

9. "Devil Woman" Andy McCoy 2:55

10. "Lightnin' Bar Blues" Hoyt Axton 2:39

11. "Fallen Star" Andy McCoy 2:34


Michael Monroe – vocals, saxophone, harmonica

Andy McCoy – guitar, backing vocals

Nasty Suicide – guitars, backing vocals

Sam Yaffa – bass

Gyp Casino – drums


Self Destruction Blues

Self Destruction Blues Self Destruction Blues

Self Destruction Blues (1983) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released)1982.08(August, 1982)

Recorded 1980-1982

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

時長(Length) 40:41

唱片公司(Label) Johanna Kustannus, Lick Records

製作人(Producer)"The Muddy Twins" (Andy McCoy and Michael Monroe)

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Love's an Injection" Andy McCoy 3:26

2. "I Want You" Andy McCoy 3:14

3. "Café Avenue" Andy McCoy 3:22

4. "Nothing New" Andy McCoy 3:19

5. "KillCity Kills" Andy McCoy, Ralf Örn 4:27

6. "Self Destruction Blues" Andy McCoy 2:44

7. "Beer and a Cigarette" Andy McCoy 3:21

8. "Whispers in the Dark" Andy McCoy, Grant, Ian Vincent 3:34

9. "Taxi Driver" Andy McCoy 4:16

10. "Desperados" Andy McCoy 3:59

11. "Problem Child" Andy McCoy 2:01

12. "Dead By X-Mas" Andy McCoy 2:58


Michael Monroe – vocals

Andy McCoy – guitars

Nasty Suicide – guitars

Sam Yaffa – bass

Gyp Casino – drums


Back To Mystery City

Back To Mystery City Back To Mystery City

Back To Mystery City (1983) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1983.05(May, 1983)

Recorded 1983

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

時長(Length) 44:16

唱片公司(Label)Johanna Kustannus, Lick Records, Nippon Phonogram

製作人(Producer) Dale "Buffin" Griffin and Pete "Overend" Watts

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Strange Boys Play Weird Openings" Andy McCoy 0:42

2. "MalibuBeach Nightmare" Andy McCoy 2:46

3. "Mental Beat" Andy McCoy 5:04

4. "Tooting Bec Wreck" Andy McCoy 6:11

5. "Until I Get You" Andy McCoy 4:37

6. "Sailing Down the Tears" Andy McCoy 4:09

7. "Lick Summer Love" Andy McCoy 4:21

8. "Beating Gets Faster" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:51

9. "Ice Cream Summer" Andy McCoy 5:11

10. "Back to MysteryCity" Andy McCoy 5:02


Michael Monroe – lead vocals, saxophone, harmonica

Andy McCoy – lead guitar

Nasty Suicide – rhythm guitar

Sam Yaffa – bass

Razzle – drums


All Those Wasted Years

All Those Wasted Years (1984)

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

Live album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1984

Recorded 1983.12( December, 1983)

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

時長(Length) 70:08

唱片公司(Label) Johanna Kustannus, Lick Records, Nippon Phonogram

製作人(Producer) Pete "Overend" Watts

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Pipeline" Brian Carman, Bob Spickard 1:57

2. "Oriental Beat" Andy McCoy 3:14

3. "Back to MysteryCity" Andy McCoy 4:32

4. "Motorvatin'" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:21

5. "Until I Get You" Andy McCoy 4:33

6. "Mental Beat" Andy McCoy 6:06

7. "Don't Never Leave Me" Andy McCoy 4:38

8. "Tragedy" Andy McCoy 3:48

9. "MalibuBeach Nightmare" Andy McCoy 2:53

10. "Visitor" Andy McCoy 3:13

11. "11th Street Kids" Andy McCoy 4:25

12. "Taxi Driver" Andy McCoy 4:39

13. "Lost in the City" Andy McCoy 3:50

14. "Lightnin' Bar Blues" Hoyt Axton 3:08

15. "Beer and a Cigarette" Andy McCoy 3:20

16. "Under My Wheels" Michael Bruce, Dennis Dunaway, Bob Ezrin 3:01

17. "I Feel Alright" The Stooges 4:45

18. "Train Kept A-Rollin'" Tiny Bradshaw, Howard Kay, Lois Mann 2:55


Michael Monroe – Lead Vocals, Saxophone, Harmonica

Andy McCoy – Guitars & Vocals

Nasty Suicide – Guitars & Vocals

Sam Yaffa – Bass & Vocals

Razzle – Drums & Vocals


Two Steps From The Move

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

two steps from the move(1984) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1984.05 美國紐約(March, 1984 at Record Plant, New York, USA)

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)

時長(Length) 34:02

唱片公司(Label) CBS

製作人(Producer) Bob Ezrin

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. Up Around the Bend" John Fogerty 3:06

2. "High School" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin 3:52

3. "I Can't Get It" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Ian Hunter 4:12

4. "Underwater World" Andy McCoy 5:16

5. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Andy McCoy 4:05

6. "Million Miles Away" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Michael Monroe 4:47

7. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Ian Hunter 4:03

8. "Boiler" Hanoi Rocks 4:22

9. "Futurama" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin 3:08

10. "Cutting Corners" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin 4:20

Finnish 2004 Remastered Edition

No. Title Writer(s) Length

11. "Two Steps from the Move" Andy McCoy 2:39

12. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" (12" version)" Andy McCoy 4:02

13. "Oli & Gasoline" Andy McCoy, Gregg Brown 4:43

14. "Magic Carpet Ride" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 4:29

UK CD-Release

No. Title Writer(s) Length

11. "Oriental Beat" (Live) Andy McCoy 3:14

12. "Back to MysteryCity" (Live) Andy McCoy 4:32

13. "Motorvatin'" (Live) Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 4:43

14. "Until I Get You" (Live) Andy McCoy 4:33

15. "Mental Beat" (Live) Andy McCoy 6:06

16. "11th Street Kids" (Live) Andy McCoy 4:25

17. "Tragedy" (Live) Andy McCoy 3:48

18. "MalibuBeach" (Live) Andy McCoy 2:53


Michael Monroe – Lead Vocals & Saxophone

Andy McCoy – Lead Guitar & Vocals

Nasty Suicide – Guitars & Vocals

Sam Yaffa – Bass & Vocals

Razzle – Drums & Vocals

Additional personnel

Bob Ezrin - Keyboards, percussion & vocals

Jeni, Lisa, Juliet and Michelle - Cheerleaders (possibly backing vocals)


Rock & Roll Divorce

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

Live album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1985.09 (September, 1985 )

Recorded 1985.05.19(19 May 1985 )

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label) Lick Records

製作人(Producer) Mick Staplehurst

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Two Steps from the Move" Andy McCoy

2. "Back to MysteryCity" Andy McCoy

3. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Ian Hunter

4. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Andy McCoy

5. "Tragedy" Andy McCoy

6. "MalibuBeach" Andy McCoy

7. "Million Miles Away" Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Michael Monroe

8. "Taxi Driver" Andy McCoy

9. "Up Around the Bend" John Fogerty

10. "I Feel Alright" The Stooges

11. "Rock & Roll" René Berg

12. "Looking at You" MC5


Michael Monroe – Vocals

Andy McCoy – Guitars

Nasty Suicide – Guitars

René Berg – Bass

Terry Chimes – Drums


The Best of Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

Compilation album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 1985 (LP, EP), 1988 (CD)

Recorded 1981–1984

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label) Lick Records, AAB

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Two Steps from the Move" Andy McCoy 2:39

2. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" Andy McCoy 4:05

3. "MalibuBeach Nightmare" Andy McCoy 2:46

4. "Lost in the City" Andy McCoy 3:53

5. "Motorvatin'" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:14

6. "Underwater World" Andy McCoy, Ian Hunter 5:17

7. "11th Street Kids" (Live) Andy McCoy 4:00

8. "Oriental Beat" Andy McCoy 3:09

9. "Until I Get You" Andy McCoy 3:08

10. "Back to MysteryCity" Andy McCoy 5:02

11. "Million Miles Away" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Bob Ezrin 4:47

12. "Taxi Driver" Andy McCoy 4:15

13. "Tragedy" (Live) Andy McCoy 4:05

Finnish 12" vinyl edition

No. Title Writer(s) Length

11. "Malibu Nightmare" Andy McCoy 2:03

12. "Do The Duck" Andy McCoy 2:46

13. "Hometown Breaktown" Andy McCoy 4:07

14. "I Love You" Andy McCoy


Michael Monroe - Lead vocals, saxophone, harmonica

Andy McCoy - Lead guitar, backing vocals

Nasty Suicide - Rhythm guitar, backing vocals

Sam Yaffa - Bass

Gyp Casino - Drums (Tracks: 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, bonus tracks)

Razzle - Drums (Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11)

Morgan Fisher - Keyboards (Tracks: 3, 9, 10)

Miriam Stockley - Backing vocals (Tracks: 9)


Twelwe Shots On The Rocks

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

Twelwe Shots On The Rocks (2003) Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 2002.12.29(November 29th, 2002)

Recorded 2002

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label)Major Leidén Productions (Finland), Liquor And Poker Music (US)

製作人(Producer)The Muddy Twins (Michael Monroe & Andy McCoy), Petri Majuri & Ian Vincent

芬蘭發行專輯曲目( Track listing Finnish pressing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Intro" 0:28

2. "Obscured" Amaral, Fernandez, Gutierres, Monroe, Wilder 4:06

3. "Whatcha Want" Monroe, Wilder 4:17

4. "People Like Me” McCoy, Monroe 2:58

5. "In My Darkest Moment" McCoy, Monroe 4:23

6. "Delirious" Holton, Monroe, Thomas, Wilder, Williams 3:15

7." A Day Late, A Dollar Short" McCoy 3:08

8. "New York City" Monroe, Wilder 4:04

9. "Winged Bull" Hall 4:27

10. "Watch This" Monroe, Wilder 3:46

11. "Gypsy Boots" McCoy, Monroe 4:12

12. "Lucky" McCoy, Monroe 3:22

13. "Designs on You" Monroe, Wilder 10:30

北美發行專輯曲目( Track listing North American pressing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Intro" 0:28

2. "Obscured" Amaral, Fernandez, Gutierres, Monroe, Wilder 4:06

3. "Bad News" Martin 3:48

4. "New York City" Monroe, Wilder 4:04

5. "Delirious" Holton, Monroe, Thomas, Wilder, Williams 3:15

6. "A Day Late, A Dollar Short" McCoy 3:08

7. "In My Darkest Moment" McCoy, Monroe 4:23

8. "People Like Me" McCoy, Monroe 2:58

9. "Whatcha Want" Monroe, Wilder 4:17

10. "Moonlite Dance" Monroe, McCoy 2:55

11. "Gypsy Boots" McCoy, Monroe 4:12

12. "Lucky" McCoy, Monroe 3:22

13. "Watch This" Monroe, Wilder 3:46

14. "Designs on You" Monroe, Wilder 10:30

15. "L.A.C.U." Lacu 0:18

16. "Are You Lonesome Tonight" DeVille 3:09

17. "Winged Bull Hall 4:28


Michael Monroe – Lead Vocals, Saxophone, Harp, Guitars, Keyboards, Percussion

Andy McCoy – Guitars & Backing Vocals

Costello Hautamäki – Guitars & Backing Vocals

Timpa – Bass & Backing Vocals

Lacu – Drums and percussion


Another Hostile Takeover(2005)

Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) March 30th, 2005

Recorded 2004-2005

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label) Major Leidén Productions

製作人(Producer) The Muddy Twins (Michael Monroe & Andy McCoy)

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. "Intro" A ndy McCoy, Michael Monroe 0:05

2. "Back in Yer Face" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:34

3. "Insert I" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 0:15

4. "Hurt" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:53

5. "The Devil in You" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, DJ Alimo, DJ Contro l 3:34

6. "Love" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 2:33

7. "Talk to the Hand" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:38

8. "Eternal Optimist" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:30

9. "Insert II" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 0:05

10. "No Compromise, No Regrets" Michael Monroe, Wilder 4:00

11. "Reggae Rocker" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, DJ Alimo, DJ Contro l 4:18

12. "You Make the Earth Move" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:34

13. "Insert III" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 0:10

14. "Better High" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:20

15. "Dear Miss Lonely Hearts" Jimmy Bain, Phil Lynott 3:27

16. "Insert IV" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 0:12

17. "Center of My Universe" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 4:46

18. .Heaven Is Gonna Be Empty" (Japanese Edition bonustrack) McCoy, Michael Monroe 2:41


Michael Monroe – Lead Vocals, Sax, Harp

Andy McCoy – Guitars & Backing Vocals

Conny Bloom – Guitars & Backing Vocals

Andy Christell – Bass, Backing Vocals

Lacu – Drums & Vocals



Fashion (2007, CD single)

Fashion (2007) Fashion (2007)


Street Poetry

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

(2007)   Studio album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 2007.09.05( September 5th, 2007)

Recorded 2007,春(Spring, 2007)

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label) Backstage Alliance

製作人(Producer) Hanoi Productions

專輯曲目( Track listing

No. Title Writer(s) Length

1. Hypermobile" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Conny Bloom 4:05

2. "Street Poetry" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:57

3. "Fashion" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:16

4. "Highwired" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:28

5. "Power of Persuasion" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Conny Bloom 4:16

6. "Teenage Revolution" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:36

7. "Worth Your Weight in Gold" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:33

8. "Transcendental Groove" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:03

9. "This One's For Rock'n'Roll" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 3:44

10. "Powertrip" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Conny Bloom 2:38

11. "Walkin' Away" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Conny Bloom, DJ Alimo 3:56

12. "Tootin' Star" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe, Conny Bloom, Andy Christell 2:40

13. "Fumblefoot and Busy Bee" Andy McCoy, Conny Bloom 2:04

限量版( Limited Edition

No. Title Writer(s) Length

14. Trouble Boys" Billy Bremner 2:49

15. "Fashion" (Music video + Making of) Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 7:35

16. "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" (Live video) Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin, Ian Hunter 3:48

17. "Highschool" (Live video) Andy McCoy, Bob Ezrin 4:09

日本發行( Japanese edition

No. Title Writer(s) Length

14. "Self Destruction Blues" Andy McCoy 2:44

15. "Worldshaker" Andy McCoy, Michael Monroe 2:57


Michael Monroe – Lead vocals, Sax, Harp, Guitars, Keyb's, Percussion

Andy McCoy – Guitars & backing vocals

Conny Bloom – Guitars & backing vocals

Andy Christell - Bass & backing vocals

Lacu – Drums and percussion


This One's For Rock'N'Roll

This One's For Rock'n'Roll - The Best Of Hanoi Rocks 1980-2008

Hanoi Rocks Hanoi Rocks

Greatest hits album by Hanoi Rocks

發行日期(Released) 2008.11.26(November 26, 2008)

(日本)Japan November 26, 2008

(其他地區)Worldwide December 17, 2008

Recorded 1980–2008

風格類型(Genre) 華麗朋克硬搖滾(Glam punk Hard rock)Hard rock

唱片公司(Label) Johanna Kustannus, Backstage Alliance

專輯曲目( Track listing

CD 1 (1980–1985)

No. Title Length

1. "Lost In The City" 3:53

2. "Tragedy" 4:05

3. "11th Street Kids" 4:02

4. "Oriental Beat" 3:09

5. "No Law Or Order" 3:42

6. "Motorvatin'" 3:15

7. "Taxi Driver" 4:17

8. "Café Avenue" 3:27

9. "Love's An Injection" 3:27

10. "Back To MysteryCity" 4:57

11. "Until I Get You" 4:39

12. "MalibuBeach Nightmare" 2:48

13. "Up Around The Bend" 3:09

14. "Don't You Ever Leave Me" 4:05

15. "High School" 3:53

16. "Underwater World" 5:18

17. "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" 4:07

18. "Million Miles Away" 4:47

CD 2 (2001–2008)

No. Title Length

1. "People Like Me" 2:57

2. "A Day Late, A Dollar Short" 3:06

3. "Obscured" 4:11

4. "In My Darkest Moment" 4:22

5. "Back In Yer Face" 3:37

6. "Better High" 3:22

7. "You Make The Earth Move" 3:36

8. "Eternal Optimist" 3:33

9. "Center Of My Universe" 4:44

10. "Hypermobile" 4:07

11. "Fashion" 3:18

12. "This One's For Rock'n'Roll" 3:46

13. "Teenage Revolution" 3:37

14. "Worldshaker" 2:57

15. "Grin And Bear It" 3:04


Michael Monroe – lead vocals, saxophone, piano, keyboards, harmonica, harp (all tracks)

Andy McCoy – lead guitar, piano, backing vocals (all tracks)

Nasty Suicide - rhythm guitar, backing vocals (CD 1: 1-18)

Sam Yaffa - bass (CD 1: 1-18)

Gyp Casino – drums, percussion (CD 1: tracks 1-9)

Razzle - drums, percussion, backing vocals (CD 1: tracks 10-18)

Costello Hautamäki - rhythm guitar, backing vocals (CD 2: tracks 1-4)

Timpa - bass, backing vocals (CD 2: tracks 1-4)

Lacu - drums, percussion (CD 2: 1-15)

Conny Bloom - rhythm guitar, backing vocals (CD 2: tracks 5-15)

Andy Christell - bass, backing vocals (CD 2: tracks 5-15)


