
勇氣 -在一個長期歷史過程中的傳統公司,哈斯科一直成功地面臨新的挑戰。 In this way, HASCO developed from a trade workshop to an internationally active industrial company within its 80-year history.這樣,哈斯科已開發國家從貿易國際研討會,積極工業公司在其80年歷史。 Even today, at a time of globally orientated markets, this company virtue is a mark of our trade.即使在今天,在面向全球市場的時間,這家公司是我們商標的美德。 Courageous, confident and highly motivated, we cope with the tasks that lie before us, together with our partners.勇敢,自信和充滿活力,我們面對的任務擺在我們面前,我們與我們的合作夥伴。
性能 -性能和質量,我們公司願意無限帶來了傳統的價值觀和對未來的展望持久的成功是我們的座右銘。 Excellent products for tool and mould construction and customer-orientated, co-operative service are our trademarks.優質的產品為工具和模具的建設和用戶至上,合作的服務是我們的商標。
Competence - with total concentration and with the matter at heart.
An extensive, high-tech product range, state-of-the-art production and test equipment and a staff of qualified and motivated employees support the HASCO program.一個廣泛,高新技術產品的範圍,國家的先進生產和測試設備以及合格的,積極的員工的工作人員支持門控程式。 The high technical and social competence of the company ensures quality at the highest level.高的技術和社會能力的公司保證質量的最高水平。 Short communication routes enable immediate implementation, co-ordinated and goal-orientated in co-operation with our customers and suppliers.短通訊線路,使立即執行,協調和目標導向的合作,與我們的客戶和供應商的運作。 Standards, hot runner solutions, special designs and sound technical consulting, that's what we are responsible for.標準,熱流道解決方案,特殊設計和完善的技術諮詢,這是我們負責。
Our competence solves your problems.我們的能力解決您的問題。
