《鬼怪》(Ghosts)藝術家:Mchael Jackson(麥可·傑克遜)

改編自Michael Jackson和恐怖小說之王史蒂芬·金的原創概念。Jackson在 片中一人飾五角。導演是好萊塢特效大師Stan Winston。這在當時是最長的音樂錄影帶,(《金氏世界紀錄大全》有記載)其中的背景音樂就是上述三首歌,在MJ勁爆的舞姿襯托下,三首歌被表達得淋漓盡致,起到了相當好的宣傳效果。(這三首歌一直是我比較中意的歌)。《Too bad》本意表達的是一種惋惜的心理,放在MV中可以就說是對沒有嚇
倒鎮長的惋惜,但歌曲中又含有一點譴責,當鎮長對邁斯卓說:“我不喜歡你。”時,兩人的敵對關係就完全表現在邁斯卓的眼神當中了,譴責之意無可置疑。至於《Is it scary》這首歌,我一直懷疑是不是專門為MV所創作的,或者說MV是根據這首歌有的靈感,總之,整個MV的主題就是以“嚇人”展開的,台詞中也多次出現邁斯卓帶著有些狡黠的笑容問道:“Is it scary?”,MV的經典片段:邁斯卓變成骷髏跳舞的背景音樂就是這首歌,鬼怪們的尖叫使整個場面看起來怪誕又瘋狂。就這首歌而言,創作得還是相當出色的,一個人在黑暗和極端寂靜的場所聽這首歌的感覺可以說是身臨其境,棒極了,同樣配上MJ和演員們沒有章法的舞,十分震撼。歌曲《Ghosts》可以說是完全的狂想曲,講述的完全是另一個世界,伴奏似乎摻雜了砸碎玻璃製品的聲音,讓人不禁聯想到了殭屍們僵硬的身體,音樂與主題結合得非常完美,MJ再一次使用製作MV宣傳歌曲的方法,震撼了世界人。
說起MV的另一層意思,不禁感到一陣淒涼,MJ是最會用藝術表達自我的藝人,這部MV看似是一部喜劇,卻映射了MJ生活的悲劇。先看片中邁斯卓的生活環境:一所孤零零的別墅。說明邁斯卓是個孤獨的人。而現實中的MJ也是一個孤獨的人,他曾對媒體說:“我是這個星球上最孤獨的人,有很多女孩都試圖幫助我擺脫孤獨,但她們都沒有做到。”他的忘年交伊莉莎白·泰勒的話很好的詮釋了MJ的孤獨:“如果說他看起來與這個世界是那么的格格不入的話,只能說他已經超越了人們所能做到的極限。”鎮民的安排也別有用心,從人種上來看,有黑人、 白人、拉丁美洲人(很可惜沒有亞洲人),從年齡上來看,有幼兒、青少年、成年人、老人,鎮民的構成可以說就是MJ歌迷群體的縮影——他的歌迷是不分種族、不分年齡的。MV的第一幅畫面是一幫人手持火把走向邁斯卓的住宅,很明顯的探險人的裝備。聯想現實,在MJ沒有出現在歌壇的時候。世界人對音樂還是處於一種嘗試與探險的狀態,正像最初MV中的鎮民,對於邁斯卓的“把戲”一無所知。當鎮民們剛接觸邁斯卓的時候,還有一絲恐懼,他們從沒有聽過這樣的音樂,看過這樣的舞蹈,一切太突然了!然而很快的,他們被這音樂、舞蹈吸引,身體不禁搖擺起來,尤其是那些孩子們,眼裡閃現出發現真理的光芒,生活中的MJ不就非常受孩子們的歡迎嗎?想想看,我們剛接受MJ的音樂的時候,一定也有點不習慣,因為實在太特別了,然而逐漸得就陷了進去,無法自拔。因此MV中對鎮民們表情變化的表現正是人們接受MJ音樂的過程。
鎮長這個人不得不說,他是MV中最讓人痛恨的角色,這個角色是由MJ扮演的,化裝過程相當複雜,這個角色的原形應該是MJ的歌《D.S.》中所唱的那個可惡的檢察湯姆· 斯奈登。MV拍攝於1996年,第一起孌童醜聞是在1993年,也就是說拍攝時正好在孌童醜聞平息的時候,再加上他1995年的專輯《History: past,present and future book1》中收錄了《D.S.》,這無疑是拍攝的最佳時間。
It's night and dark out. A group of people carrying burning tourches march through 'Normal Valley' heading for a lonely house on the outskirts of the town. They come to a halt in front of a gate,beside which is a sign that reads 'Someplace Else'.
Black boy: Why don't we just leave him alone?
White young boy: He hasn't hurt anybody. Can't we just go?
White older boy:(Slaps his younger brother's head)Your fault jerk! Couldn't keep your mouth shut.
White mother:(Slaps the older brother) He did the right thing.
Mayor: He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos.
The gates open.
Black man:(scared)See,that . . .that. . .that. . .that ain't a good sign!
They walk in the gates,and the doors to the house in front of them open.
White young boy: (to his older bother) Just like last time. It's the ghost!
White older boy:(Slaps his brother again)Shut up!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother again)Don't hit your brother!
Black boy's mother: (to her son) There is no such thing as ghosts,honey.
Mayor: (to black boy) I'm gonna prove it to you kid. Let's go!
The mayor leads them in.
White woman 2: (Nervous) Did anyone call and make sure this is a good time . . . Maybe we should come back later...
另一白人婦女:(緊張)有誰給他打過電話並且確定這是個合適的時間(來造訪)? 我們也許應該改天再來……
Black woman 2: Yeah,like when it's light out . . . you know,like daytime.
They walk all the way into the house. The doors close behind them. Lightening strikes.
Black man:(really scared)Oh damn!
They walk along a corridor and the door in front of them closes. Another door opens,and they walk in. They come into a big hallroom. They all scream as a raven flies over their heads and disappear into darkness.
Villagers: What was that??
They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the raven landed. Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there. They walk a bit closer and suddenly see the person's face: a scull!
They all jump and the skelleton with the black cape walks towards them. But to their relief the 'skelleton' is only a mask which the person takes off,and they discover the Maestro's face behind it.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Woman: Uh-huh!!
Black boy: That's him mom!
Black boy's mother: I see.
White young boy: Hi!
White older boy: Sorry...
Mayor: No you didn't scare me. Maybe you scared them,but you didn't scare me.
Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is? I guess I have to try harder next time.
Mayor: There won't be a next time.
Maestro: Oh really?
Mayor: Oh really.
Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that?
Mayor: We want you out of town. We have a nice normal town. Normal people. Normal kids. We don't need freaks like you telling them ghoststories.
Maestro: So you don't believe in ghosts?
Black boy: I do!
Black woman 2: Me too!
Black boy's mother: Hush up! You see what you've done? Aren't you ashamed? Young people are impressionable!
White young boy: Show them the neat stuff you did for us!
White older brother:(Slaps his brother)Shut up,that's supposed to be a secret!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother)Don't hit your brother!
'Something' slaps the mothers head. They all look scared.
Mayor: You're weird. You're strange. And I don't like you. You're scaring these kids,living up here all alone..
Maestro: I'm not alone. And you're right,I do like scaring people,yes. But it's just for fun! Don't you kids. . . uh. . . enjoy when. . . I do my little. . . you know. . .
The kids smile and nod.
Mayor: But the fun's over. Back to the circus you freak! And do yourself a favour,ok,don't force us to get rough with you,'cause we will if we have to.
The rest of the villagers begin to protest a little.
Maestro: You're trying to scare me,aren't you? I'll tell you what,we'll play a game.(rises his voice)Anybody here like playing games? Hello?!(claps)GAMETIME!
The kids smile.
White older brother: Yes!
Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that?
White woman 2: I'll go please!
Mayor: I don't play games with freaks.
Maestro: There's no need to be rude.
White woman 2: Yes,I agree,there's no need to be rude. You have a very lovely home,but I'm afraid we overstayed our welcome,so we're gonna go,ok,can we go...?
The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking.
Mayor: Are you gonna leave,or am I gonna have to hurt you?
Maestro: You are trying to scare me,I guess I have no choice. I guess I have to scare you. Watch this!(laughs)Tell me,do you think this is scary?
He pulls a face and the kids start to laugh.
Black woman: Is that it?
Mayor: That's ridiculous! That's not funny.
Maestro: Ok fine,what about this one?
He pulls another face and the kids laugh again.
White mother: Is that it?
Maestro: Did that scare you?
Mayor: Did you hear what I said? Freaky boy,it's time for you to go.
Maestro:(angry voice)Is THIS scary?
The Maestro grabs his skin by the eyes and mouth and pulls it out. The Villagers gasp and scream. He takes his chin and pulls down his jaw,the Villagers scream louder and back up.
Black kid: Wow!!
The Maestro grabs his skin again and tears his whole face off,only the scull is left. He then knocks on both sides if his head,the scull breaks and his own face shows up again. The Villagers run towards the the door,but he closes it before they get a chance to escape. The black man starts to sob.
Maestro: Are we going somewhere? Hello?! It's too late,you're my guests!(smiles)And by the way,did I tell you I wasn't alone? Meet the family!
Lots of ghosts appear. Maestro leads them in a humouros dance routine without music,which the kids enjoy,and then they start to dance to the song 2 Bad.
『一群鬼跑了出來,邁斯卓領著他們跳著一支有趣的舞蹈,雖然沒有音樂伴奏,可孩子們還是很喜歡,接著他們開始邊跳邊唱起了《Too bad》』
Told me that you’re doin’ wrong 承認自己錯了吧
Word out shockin’ all alone 四處危言駭聽聞
Cryin’ wolf ain’t like a man 鬼哭狼嚎無人樣
Throwin’ rocks to hide your hands 攻擊後卻不承認
You ain’t done enough for me 對我的所作所為已經夠了
You are disgustin’ me,yeah yeah 你面目可憎 yeah yeah
You’re aiming just for me 你把我成當靶子
You are disgustin’ me 你另我很是厭惡
Just want your cut from me 你只想中傷於我
But too bad,too bad 但可惜啊,可惜
Look who just walked in the place 看是誰在丟人現眼
Dead and stuffy in the face 沉悶死板的一張臉
Look who’s standing if you please 看看是誰堅挺不拔
Though you tried to bring me to my knees 儘管試圖另我屈膝
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,為你遺憾
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Hell all up in Hollywood 好萊塢是個地獄
Sayin’ that you got it good 卻說它很適合你
Creepin’ from a dusty hole 渾濁不堪中求生
Tales of what somebody told 流言蜚語滿天飛
What do you want from me? 你到底想幹嘛?
What do you want from me? 你到底想幹嘛?
Tired of you haunting me 厭倦了與你糾纏
yeah yeah
You’re aiming just for me 你把我當成靶子
You are disgustin’ me 你另我很是厭惡
You got blood lust for me 你對我有殺戮欲
But too bad,too bad 但可惜啊,可惜
Look who got slapped in the face 看看誰在給自己掌嘴
It’s dead and stuffy in the place 這有多么沉悶兼乏味
I’m right back where I wanna be 我能馬上回到狀態中
I’m standin’ though you’re kickin’ me 你踢不倒一個不倒翁
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜
Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂
Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我為你遺憾
Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天搶地
Halfway through the song the ghosts start to climb the walls and walk upsidedown on the roof. All the villagers except the Mayor seem to enjoy the show and have a good time.
The music stops,the Maestro rips his clothes off,turns into a skelleton and dances to the song Ghosts. The Mayor looks scared to death.
『音樂停下後,邁斯卓撕裂了自己的衣服,變成一個骨架,開始跳《Is it scary》。鎮長看上去快被嚇死了。』
Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh boy
Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh boy
So tell me
Is it scary for you baby
Tell me
So tell me
Is that realism for you big baby
Am I scary for you
You know the stranger is you
Am I scary for you
Masquerade the heart
Is the height of hurting souls
Just not what you see of me
Can hardly reveal the proof
Like a mirror reveals the truth
See the evil one is you
Is that scary for you big baby
Am I scary for you oh boy
Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh boy
Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you baby
Is it scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh boy
Wanna talk about
I wanna talk about
I don't wanna talk about
Wanna talk about
Am I scary for you baby
Is it scary for you baby
I'm tired of being abused
You know you're scaring me too
I see the evil is you
Is it scary for you baby boy
The skelleton pulls the Mayor towards him and then jumps up on a shelf on the wall. He turns all the ghosts into some really scary looking - rotten - ghosts who start to mob the Mayor. Everybody gets scared.
They start to dance to 2 Bad again and the villagers seem to have fun again.
『這時他們再次跳起了“Too bad”,於是鎮民緊繃的神經又鬆懈了些。』
The Mayor tries to escape as the ghosts surround him. Maestro-skelleton snaps and they stop. He jumps down from the wall,spins around in the air and turns into a huge scary rotten looking version of the Maestro -SUPERGHOUL.
Superghoul: Are you scared yet? *hehehe*
The SUPERGHOUL opens the Mayor's mouth and flies into him. He posesses him. He's inside of him and he makes the Mayor dance. The Mayor tries to stop,but can't,he just keeps dancing.
There's a ghost down in the hall大廳里有幽靈
There's a ghoul under the bed床下面有盜墓者
There's something in the walls四周的牆壁上似乎有什麼
There's blood up on the stairs沿著樓梯的台階有血
And it's floating through the room並且流如了房間
And there's nothing I can see我什麼也看不見
And I know that that's the truth我知道這是真實的
Because now it's onto me因為它正發生在我的身上
I don't understand it難以置信
I don't understand it!真的難以置信
There's a tappin' in the floor地板上有輕敲的聲音
There's a creak behind the door門後吱吱作響
There's a rocking in the chair椅子在搖擺
But there's no-one sitting there但裡面卻沒有坐人
There's a ghostly smell around周圍的氣息恐怖
But nobody to be found但卻沒有發現任何人
And a coughin' and a yawnin'咳嗽聲打哈泣聲
Where a restless soul is going不安寧的靈魂在遊走
And who gave you the right to shake my baby是誰給你的權利來踐踏我的寶貝,
She needs me她需要我
You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺如了我的後背
Shot an arrow in me!把一支箭射入了我!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告訴我你嫉妒的靈魂
The ghost of jealousy嫉妒的靈魂
Don't understand it!難以置信
Yeah Yeah!耶耶!
Don't understand it!難以置信
And who gave you the right to scare my family?是誰給你的權利來恐嚇我的家人?
And who gave you the right to scare my baby是誰給你的權利來威嚇我的寶貝
She needs me她需要我
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?是誰給你的權利來踐踏我的家園?
You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺入我的背部
Shot an arrow in me!把一支箭射向我
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告訴我你的嫉妒之魂嗎?
A suckin' ghost of jealousy一個乳臭未乾的嫉妒之魂
And who gave you the right to shake my family?是誰給你的權利來恫嚇我的家人?
And who gave you the right to shake my baby是誰給你的權利來恫嚇我的寶貝,
She needs me她需要我
And who gave you the right to take是誰給你的權利搶走我的物品,
to see me?質問我?
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?.是誰給你的權利來傷害我的家人?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby是誰給你的權利來傷害我的寶貝,
She needs me她需要我
You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺入了我的後背
Shot an arrow in me!用一把箭射向我
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告訴我你是嫉妒之魂
The Mayor's stomach makes a lot of funny noices,and then suddenly an arm (the Superghoul's) holding a mirror pops out of it. The Mayor looks at himself in the mirror,and turns into a very ugly version of himself - GHOUL MAYOR.
Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now?
He drops the mirror to the floor and the Superghoul flies out of his mouth again. The Mayor looks exhausted. He puts on his glasses and looks up at the Maestro (who's back to his normal self again). The Maestro smiles. He walks around the Mayor and then makes a bow.
Maestro: So,do you still want me to go?
Mayor: Yes! yes!
Maestro: Fine,I'll go.
The Maestro bangs his hands and head into the floor and crumbles into dust. The wind sweeps the rest of him away. The Villagers look sad and the kids cry.
Mayor: Good riddance. Let's go! Let's go!
The Villagers hesitate. The kids look at the place the Maestro disappeard.
Mayor: Let's go!! I showed that freak.
The Mayor opens the door,and the Superghoul's face peakes out of the entire door!
The Mayor gets terrified,turns in his tracks and legs towards a closed window. He runs right through it and only leaves a pattern of his body in the window. The Maestro walks to the Villagers.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Everybody starts to talk in each others mouths. They laugh and tell him their experiences. "For a minute there I thought I was gonna lose it!" blah . . blah . . blah. . .
Maestro: But did we have a good time here?(big grin)Hello?!
Everybody: Yeah!
As the Villagers continue to talk,a shadow sneaks up behing the Maestro's back. He can't see anything,but he notices the scared looks in the Villager's eyes.
The Maestro: What?
One of the woman points at the shadow behind the Maestro. He slowly turns around,sees a scull face and jumps back. The mask comes off and they see that it's only a couple of the kids having fun with them.
White young boy: Did I scare ya?
The Maestro: No. Well,maybe.. How about that? Maybe!(smiles)
The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders.
Older white brother: Excuse me? Excuse me,yeah,um.. Is THIS scary?
The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off.
(Shot from outside the house)Everyone screams.
~ The End ~