FokI是一種存在於細菌的type IIS限制酶,含有位於N端的DNA結合區塊(N-terminal DNA-binding domain),以及一個位於C端的非專一性DNA切割區塊。當此酵素與DNA辨識並結合於5'-GGATG-3': 5'-CATCC-3'限制位置(recognition site)時,將會把位於結合位置下游的9到13個核苷酸切除(不需特定序列)。的分子量為65.4 kDA,含有587個胺基酸。
The enzyme FokI, naturally found in , is a bacterial type IIS restriction endonucleaseconsisting of an N-terminalDNA-binding domain and a non-specific DNA cleavage domain at the C-terminal. Once the protein is bound to duplex DNA via its DNA-binding domain at the 5'-GGATG-3':3'-CATCC5' recognition site, the DNA cleavage domain is activated and cleaves, without further sequence specificity, the first strand 9 nucleotidesdownstream and the second strand 13 nucleotides upstream of the nearest nucleotide of the recognition site.
Its molecular mass is 65.4 kDa, being composed of 587 amino acids.