Café Pause was founded in 2005 and was one of the first cafes in 798 when the area was still inhabited by many artists. Café Pause idea was to create a public
living room for the community, a place to communicate, create ideas

and relax with friends. Designed by Charley Kan and Johannes Neubacher it soon became the gathering spot for media people, artists and gallery owners of the art district. It’s unique design and clientele made it also famous beyond Beijing and it was covered in many international magazines, like Wallpaper, Madame Figaro, Elle Deco etc. Based on the concept of the extended living room, Café Pause food was created by its food loving guests. It has invited friends to share with the chef their favorite European home cooking dishes and have added them to the menu, from the famous Wiener Schnitzel to Gulasch and a selection of breakfast sets throughout the day.
Address: B01, intersection of 797 road and 707 street, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd. Tel: 64316214

閒著也是閒著於2005開業,是798藝術區里最早的咖啡館之一。當時的798還是眾多藝術家聚居工作的地方。閒著也是閒著的宗旨就是成為社區開放的公共客廳,一個和朋友們交流,創意和放鬆的地方。由闞昕和張大川設計的這個小咖啡館開業不久就成為藝術區里媒體,藝術家和畫廊老闆們聚會的熱點。它獨特的設計和時尚新銳的顧客群很快就在北京出了名,如洪晃,周迅等都是這裡的常客,還被許多國際時尚雜誌如Wallpaper, Madame Figaro, Elle Deco家居廊,Vogue等爭相報導。也是無數時裝大片,明星寫真的場景。既然是延伸的公共客廳,這裡的食物便是由閒著也是閒著熱愛美食的顧客們創造的。這家店邀請朋友和廚師分享他們最喜歡的歐洲家常菜放上選單,並以他們的名字命名,從著名的維也納豬排到匈牙利燉牛肉,以及精選的全天早餐。
地址:酒仙橋路2號798藝術區B01, 797路707街路口,電話:64316214