capdase 是一家以提供優質保護產品和周邊配件的品牌為主要業務的中國香港高科技企業,通過創新、變革出新穎的保護方案和功能給予時下的電子消費品如手提電話、PDA、PSP、數位相機和隨身聽等。產品揉合質量,舒適和耐用這些元素。
CAPDASE 研發產品無論在設計或功能上均滲入創意, 目的為人們提供更舒適, 安全和實用的產品。同時我們亦不斷學習、提升和改善,以便並發出更具創意的產品.我們誠意邀請你使用我們的產品。
CAPDASE is extensively recognized as the leading brand of quality protective products and accessories. We have been revolutionizing the industry with innovative, protective solutions and functional ideas for the electronic world that combine quality, comfort and durability.CAPDASE developed each product is conceived with idea in design and function to provide you with instruments that are easier and safety to use. We keep learning and improving in order to create more innovative product. We invite you to enter our world of practical and original products that will quickly become absolutely indispensable in your electronic gadgets.