《Bright Star》歌詞選自於John Keats的一首十四行詩。採用了bright star,the moving waters,snow,love's ripening breast等意象,把關於愛情、死亡和永恆的思想融會在一起,表現了生活、死亡、愛情和理想等永恆的主題。
2015年12月,湯夢迪在音樂會《都市保留曲》中首次公開演唱了《Bright Star》,跨越兩個八度的音域體現了湯夢迪不俗的唱功。

2016年1月,《Bright Star》進入了billboard排行榜前列。
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art---
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And Watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors