【鏡音リン】Blessings for your birthday
【MEIKO】Blessings for your everyday
【巡音ルカ】Oh... It's time to get up
【巡音ルカ】Oh... It's time to get up
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Hip hip HOORAYこれから先も
Hip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ
【MEIKO】Oh... Stand up take action
【MEIKO】Oh... Stand up take action
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Hip hip HOORAY これから先も
Hip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ
【初音ミク】Like this x 2 Yeah
【巡音ルカ】Like this x 2 Yeah
【鏡音レン】Like this x 2 Yeah
【鏡音リン】Da da da da da
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊】If you're alive
【齊】If you're alive
【齊】If you're alive
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【齊唱】Hip hip HOORAY これから先も
Hip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ
Hip hip HOORAY これから先も
Hip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ
hagashite mo naze daka fueteku tagu to
ranku tsukesareteku rifujin na kachi
sonna mono de hito wo oshihakara nai de to
tobikau kotoba wo te de ooikaku shita
Oh... It's time to get up 在燈火熄滅之前
Oh... It's time to get up tomoshibi wo kesu mae ni
Oh... It's time to get up照亮眼前吧
Oh... It's time to get up ashimoto wo terase!
hora koko wo jitto mitsumete mite
saikou no mikata ga utsutteru desho?
sore wa inochi no akashi
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de mo
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
saigo no ichibyou made mae wo muke
Hip hip HOORAY 即使是從今以後
Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY 願你能得到幸福
Hip hip HOORAY kimi ni sachiare
zero kara ichi wo umu no wa tayasuku nai koto
kanjin na mono wa mie nai saware nai koto
fukou to wa shiawase dato kizuke nai koto
mainichi ga tanjoubi de meinichi na koto
Oh...Stand up take sction 撥開泥沼吧
Oh... Stand up take action doronuma wo kakiwakete
Oh...Stand up take sction 讓蓮花綻放吧
Oh... Stand up take action hasu no hana wa saku!
hora koko ni te wo kasanete mite
nukumori ga tsutawattekuru desho?
sore wa inochi no akashi
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa nai
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
kono yo ni umarete kurete arigatou
Hip hip HOORAY 即使是從今以後
Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY 願你能得到幸福
Hip hip HOORAY kimi ni sachiare
saasa yotte rasshai mite rasshai
rokku de ittara konna fuu
Like this x 2 Yeah
akapera de ittara konna fuu
Like this x 2 Yeah
ge-mu de ittara konna fuu
Like this x 2 Yeah
dansu de ittara konna fuu
Da da da da da
yoku tabete
yoku nemutte
yoku asonde
yoku manande
yoku shabette
yoku kenkashite
goku futsuu na mainichi wo
nake nakute mo
warae nakute mo
utae nakute mo
nani mo nakute mo
aise nakute mo
aisare nakute mo
soredemo ikite hoshii
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de mo
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
saigo no ichibyou made mae wo muke
If you're alive 或許ta會回心轉意呢
If you're alive ano ko ga furimukuka mo
If you're alive 或許會中得到大獎呢
If you're alive takarakuji ataru ka mo
If you're alive 或許能從頭開始呢
If you're alive futatabi hajimaru ka mo
ikinuku tame nara
白白放棄 潑冷水
hou ni fure mizu wo sase
連蒙帶騙 偷懶
kemu ni make abura wo ure
utsutsu wo nukase
然後下周 或是下個月 或是明天 甚至來世
soshite raishuu mo raigetsu mo rainen mo raise mo
issho ni iwaou
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa nai
Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday
koko ni tsudoeta kiseki ni arigatou
Hip hip HOORAY 即使是從今以後
Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY 願你能得到幸福
Hip hip HOORAY kimi ni sachiare
Hip hip HOORAY 即使是從今以後
Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki mo
Hip hip HOORAY 願你能得到幸福
Hip hip HOORAY kimi ni sachiare
Hip hip HOORAY

【French】Blessings for your birthday
【Chinese】Blessings for your everyday
【Japanese】最後の一秒まで前を向け(face forward until the very last second)
【BR-Portuguese】Muitos rótulos vai receber e mesmo se tentar mudar.
O vãlor que vao dar a você ocupará esse lugar(With tags that muliply even if torn off, and the unreasonable worth from the rank attached to you )
【Italian】Nascondi tutto ciò che sai in te, anche quello che non pensi
Mai. Quelle parole un tempo feci mie, e cercai di non lasciarle
più(you shouldn’t make assumptions about people with such values. I masked those fluttering words with my hands)
【English】Oh... It's time to get up
【Korean】둥불을 꺼버리기 전에 너 (before you turn the light)
【English】Oh... It's time to get up
【Korean】발밑을 한번 비춰봐(brighten your step)
【Tagalong】Kung susubukan mo lang na pagmasdang mabuti(hey,try and take a good look over here)
【Japanese】最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?(your greatest ally is reflected back at you, right?)
【Swedish】Det är det som visar att livet finns där(That’s the proof of life)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【Spanish】Aunque el mundo se pueda acabar , disfrúalo(Even if the word is in ruins tomorrow)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【Chinese】直到最後的一秒我也會抬頭向前看(Face forward until the very last second)
Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future
Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you
【Polish】Kiedy ręce puste masz, nielatwo jest, żeby zrobić z tego coś
Nie zobaczysz i nie dotkniesz rzeczy, co na jważnie jsze są(It’s not easy to make something from nothing. The important things are the ones you can’t see or touch)
【German】Wir sind unglücklich und merken nicht dass wir unser Glück
nicht seh’n. Drum lebe jeden Tag als wäre er dein Geburtstag
und dein Tod(Unhappiness is when you can’t grasp that you’re happy. Live everyday as if it’s your birthday and your last day)
【Chinese】噢...快行動起來(Oh...Stand up take action)
【Russian】череэ тернии путь к эвеэдам отыщи(Push your way through the mud)
【Chinese】噢...快行動起來(Oh...Stand up take action)
【Russian】Птица счастья ждет тебя!(and the lotus flowers will bloom!)
【Italian】Adesso prova a metter la tua mano sopra la mia (hey, try to place your hand on top of mine)
【Korean】따뜻한 온기가 전헤저오고 있죠?(you can feel the warmth,right?)
【BR-Portuguese】E é a prova que não está só(that’s the proof of life)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【Swedish】Även om det är svårt så spelar det ingen roll(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【French】Laisse moi te remercier pour être né dans ce monde(Thank you for being born into this world)
Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future
Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you
【English】come now, hurry hurry step right this way
【BR-Portuguese】Como rock nós cantaremos(if you say it in a rock style it’s like this)
【Spanish】Así, así, yeah!(Like This Like This Yeah)
【Polish】W acapella stylu zaśpiewasz tak(if you say it in an acapella style it’s like this)
【French】Comme ca, comme ca, yeah(Like This Like This Yeah)
【Swedish】Eller sa här, precis som en rappare(if you say it in a rap style it’s like this)
【Korean】Like This Like This Yeah
【Italian】Se lo dirai ballando, diventera(if you say it in a dance style it’s like this)
【Polish】Tak jak trzeba jedz(Eat well)
【BR-Portuguese】E durma bem(sleep well)
【Swedish】Ha en massa kui(play well)
【Korean】찰배우고(learn well)
【English】speak proper and well
【Spanish】Resiste bien(fight well)
【P-S】Living quite a normal every
【French】Même quand tu ne peux pleurer(Even if you can’t cry)
【Italian】Non riesci a ridere(Even if you can’t laugh)
【Chinese】即便無法歌唱(Even if you can’t sing)
【Russian】Хоть твоя жиэнъ пуста(Even if you’ve got noting)
【Tagalog】Kahit ’di magmahal(Even if you can’t love)
【Japanese】愛されなくても (Even if you aren’t loved)
【German】Nein, ich gebe niemals auf!(Even then, I want you to live)
Blessing for your birthday
Blessing for your everyday
【Russian】Даже если эавтрашний для мира день не наступит(Even if the world is in ruins tomorrow)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【German】Ich geb nie auf und bleib stark, bis zum letzten Moment!(Face forward until the very last second)
【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)
【Russian】Вернегея важный человек(That person might turn around)
【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)
【Tagalog】Sa lotto malay mo ika’y manalo(you might win the lottery)
【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)
【Swedish】Sa att du kan fa börja om igen(it might begin again)
【Spanish】Si tu quieres puedes cambiar(if it’s for the sake of living on , go ahead and)
【Korean】봉에 및고(waste)
【BR-Portuguese】E Atrapalhe(interrupt)
【English】Confuse and mystify
【Tagalog】Sige, maglimayon(Disturb)
【Italian】Vai, ed innamorati(Obsess)
【Russian】И череэ пару дней(and next week)
【French】Et le mois prochain(next month)
【Chinese】來年也(next year)
【Italian】Życiu też(next lift)
【German】Komm wir feiern jeden Tag(let’s celebrate together)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【Tagalog】Kung pagsubok lamang ’to ay ’di na mahalaga(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter)
Blessings for your birthday
Blessings for your everyday
【Japanese】ここに集えた奇蹟にありがとう(Thank you for the miracle you managed to gather here)
【6】Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future
【6】Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you
Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future
Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you
Hip hip HOORAY