Another Day of Sun

Another Day of Sun

《Another Day of Sun》 是電影《愛樂之城》的原聲歌曲,由 La La Land Cast 團隊演唱,通過環球唱片公司發行。


Another Day of Sun

•I think about that day 我想起了那天

•I left him at a greyhound station 我將他留在了

•West of Santa Fé 聖達菲西部的車站

•We were seventeen but he was sweet and it was true 我們那時只有十七歲 他確實充滿了甜美的氣息

•Still I did what I had to do 我依然我行我素 做我該做的事

•Cause I just knew 因為我知道

•Summer-sunday nights 夏日的每個周日晚上

•We'd sink into our seats 我們都會相約驅車遊玩

•Right as they dimmed out all the lights 而那時 街上的燈火逐漸變得暗淡

•A Technicolor world made out of music and machine 這是個由音樂和機器所構成的五彩繽紛的世界

•It called me to be on that screen 大螢幕似乎在召喚我

•And live inside each scene 讓我有種活在熒幕中的錯覺

•Without a nickel to my name 身無分文 一文不名

•Hopped a bus here I came 跳上了一輛巴士 來到了這裡

•Could be brave or just insane 到底是勇氣可嘉 還是缺乏理智

•We'll have to see 我們都會弄明白的

•'Cause maybe in that sleepy town 因為或許在那個沉睡的小鎮

•He'll sit one day the lights are down 有一天他會驅車前來 而街上的燈火逐漸暗淡

•He'll see my face and think of how he 當他看見我時 他會想起

•Used to know me 曾經熟悉的我

•Climb these hills 攀登峻岭

•I'm reaching for the heights 我正在朝著巔峰前進

•And chasing all the lights that shine 並追逐著所有閃閃發光的光芒

•And when they let you down 當他們讓你失望時

•You'll get up off the ground 你會重新振作

•'Cause morning rolls around 因為太陽照常升起

•And it's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•I hear them every day 每天 我都能聽到

•The rhythms in the canyons that'll never fade away 峽谷里傳來的旋律永遠不會消失

•The ballads in the barrooms left by those who came before 就像前人留在酒吧里的歌謠

•They say you gotta want it more 它們在述說著 你得要有更多的追求才行

•So I bang on every door 於是我敲打著每扇門

•And even when the answer's no 即使屢次受到拒絕

•Or when my money's running low 即使所有的錢財散盡 我也無所謂

•The dusty mic and neon glow 塵土飛揚的麥克風和耀眼的霓虹燈

•Are all I need 是我所需要的

•And someday as I sing my song 某一天 當我唱起屬於自己的歌時

•A small-town kid'll come along 小鎮男孩就會前來聆聽

•That'll be the thing to push him on and go go 這會成為激勵他不斷前進的動力

•Climb these hills 攀登峻岭

•I'm reaching for the heights 我正在朝著巔峰邁進

•And chasing all the lights that shine 並追逐著所有閃閃發光的光芒

•And when they let you down 當他們讓你失望時

•You'll get up off the ground 你會重新振作

•'Cause morning rolls around 因為太陽照常升起

•And it's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•And when they let you down 當他們讓你失望時

•The morning rolls around 太陽還會照常升起

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•Just another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•Another day has just begun 新的一天才剛剛開始

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子

•It's another day of sun 又是一個陽光明媚的日子


這首歌是影片開頭在交通阻塞的高速公路上的那一場熱鬧的歌舞,講述的是一個小鎮女孩到大城市追夢的故事,可是這樣極其現實的歌詞,在甜美的歌聲中似乎不再苦澀,這樣那樣的挫折和困境,在年輕的笑容下似乎都不值一提,在車頂上舞蹈的人們高唱著“Another day of sun”,生活還在繼續,唯有不斷奮鬥。


