Against All Odds[菲爾·柯林斯歌曲]

《Against All Odds》是一首英文歌曲,中文名為《勇往直前》,由Phil Collins填詞,菲爾·柯林斯演唱。


Against All Odds[菲爾·柯林斯歌曲] Against All Odds[菲爾·柯林斯歌曲]

Against All Odds(如此艱難)這是作者菲爾·柯林斯(Phil Collins)自寫、自唱、自己打鼓的歌曲,是同名電影"再看我一眼"的插曲,在美國連續三周占據排行榜冠軍。這首歌曲之所以成為情歌中的經曲,精彩的並不是它的歌詞,而是它抑揚頓挫、感天動地的旋律和演唱。鋼琴和吉他勾勒了演唱主線的粗線條,而鍵琴則鋪墊了厚重而深沉的氛圍,尤其在歌曲結束處,菲爾·柯林斯纏綿執著的演唱,伴隨著有力的鼓點,實在讓人動容。






專輯:The Color Of The Night 夜色


歌手:Mariah Carey




歌手: Mariah Carey & Westlife


專輯:Coast to Coast



時間: 2006年

簡介:這首單曲是現代汽車“TUCSON”廣告插曲<途勝>,把“Phil Collins”的“Against all odds”用朴正炫華麗的聲音重新演繹。該廣告一播出很多人都認為“歌曲太短”;“完整曲在哪裡能聽到?”的提問使得廣告製作方始料未及,雖然預想朴正炫的歌受到喜歡,但是沒有想到得到這么熱烈的反應。



版本: 單曲

發行時間: 2006年04月17日

介紹:輝星是來自YG Family公司的著名R&B/Soul歌手,是非常多人心目中的R&B 的冠軍,在韓國各大頒獎禮里獲得無數獎項。《Against All Odds》是2006年韓國現代汽車廣告,R&B風格的歌曲,這首是翻唱的單曲,不過由輝星重新演繹另有一種特別的味道。





Against All Odds[菲爾·柯林斯歌曲] Against All Odds[菲爾·柯林斯歌曲]

專輯英文名: Against All Odds 歌手:N-Dubz

音樂風格: 嘻哈/說唱

發行時間: 2009年11月16日



專輯風格:R&B / Hip Hop


N-Dubz是一支來自倫敦的嘻哈一族。他們首張專輯08年發行一舉爬到“UK Albums Chart”第十一名位置,並且有已擁有3首進入“UK Singles Chart”Top 40單曲,實力不容小視。09年11月16日組合整裝待發推出出道以來第2張嘻哈大碟,風格華麗震撼,三位成員配合默契,女主唱更是獨樹一幟,超凡嗓音值得稱讚。發布這張專輯有一半原因是因為我一個網友是他們的鐵桿歌迷,正是被N-Dubz第一張專輯所深深吸引,他們的歌和另外一隻新生力量“Group 1 Crew”相似,我是後者的追隨者,當然兩隻組合實力不相上下!聽他們的歌感覺十分火熱,整個身體的細胞都被激活.感受下勁爆音樂的魅力吧!感謝您的關注與下載!


01. Against All Odds (Intro)

02. I Need You

03. Playing With Fire (featuring Mr Hudson)

04. Say Its Over

05. Na Na" (featuring Wiley)

06. Shoulda Put Something On

07. Duku Man Skit (featuring Fearless)

08. I Don't Wanna Go To Sleep

09. Suck Yourself (featuring Chipmunk)

10. No One Knows

11. Number One (N-Dubz Version)

12. Comfortable (Tulisa solo song)

13. Let Me Be (featuring Nivo)

14. Against All Odds" (Outro)








01 Against all odds 劉歡/權振東/吉克雋逸/徐海

02 Treat Her Like A Lady 徐海星

03 滾滾紅塵 袁婭維

04 親愛的小孩 權振東

05 Halo 吉克雋逸

06 Crazy 袁婭維

07 帶我到山頂 吉克雋逸

08 拯救 權振東

09 If I ain't got you 吉克雋逸


美劇《GLEE》(《歡樂合唱團》)中Blaine Anderson(達倫·克里斯飾)在第四季17集中翻唱了這首歌,為Acoustic Version。當時Blaine和Kurt已分手很久,而Blaine道歉無望便覺得很孤獨。於是在劇中Guilty Pleasures主題周時唱了這首歌表達自己的罪惡快感,雖然這首歌在劇中被看作唱給Sam的,但實際上Blaine也只有唱給Kurt。

此歌已被收錄到GLEE CAST的《Guilty Pleasures》專輯中。


由來自愛爾蘭的歐洲男孩團體之王Westlife與美譽花蝴蝶的美國歌手Mariah Carey共同演唱,作為電視劇《絕對計畫》2004的插曲。Westlife和Mariah Carey高超的演唱技術將這首歌演繹得淋漓盡致。

此歌已被收錄到Westlife的《Coast To Coast》專輯中。



How could I just let you walk away ?

Just let you leave without a trace.

When I stand here taking every breath with you,ooh!

you're the only one

Who really knew me at all.

How could you just walk away from me ?

When all I can do is watch you leave.

'Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain.

And even shared the tears.

you're the only one who really knew me at all.

So take a look at me now !

'Cos there's just an empty space.

And there's nothing left here to remind me.

Just the memory of your face.

Take a look at me now.

'Cos there's just an empty space.

And you coming back to meis against the odds

and that's what I've got to face.

I wish I could just make you turn around.

Turn around and see me cry.

There's so much I need to say to you.

So many reasons why.

you're the only one who really knew me at all.

So take a look at me now !

'Cos there's just an empty space.

And there's nothing left here to remind me.

Just the memory of your face.

So take a look at me now !

'Cos there's just an empty space.

But to wait for U,that's all I can do and that's what I've got to face.

Take a look at me now.

'Cos I'll still be standing here.

And you coming back to me is against all odds.

That's the chance I've got to take,hey !

take a look at me now.


How can I just let you walk away ? 我怎能讓你離開?

Just let you leave without a trace. 讓你消失得無影無蹤

When I stand here taking every breath with you,ooh! 當我站在這兒和你一起呼吸的時候。

you're the only one.你是唯一一個。

Who really knew me at all. 真正了解我的人!

How can you just walk away from me ? 你怎能就這樣離開我?

When all I can do is watch you leave. 我只能無奈的看著你走。

'Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain. 因為我們曾一起同甘共苦。

And even shared the tears. 甚至那淚水也一起分享。

you're the only one who really knew me at all. 你是唯一真正懂我的人 !

So take a look at me now ! 所以現在再看我一眼吧 !

'Cos there's just an empty space. 這兒只剩下空洞的一片

And there's nothing left here to remind me. 現在再也沒什麼值得我回憶。

Just the memory of your face. 除了你的面容!

Take a look at me now. 現在看我一眼吧 !

'Cos there's just an empty space. 這兒只剩下空洞的一片

And you coming back to meis against the odds想你回到我身邊已無希望

and that's what I've got to face.而這是我所必須要面對的。

I wish I could just make you turn around. 我希望我能使你轉過身來

Turn around and see me cry. 轉過身來看到我在哭泣。

There's so much I need to say to you. 我有太多的話要對你說。

So many reasons why. 太多的理由。

you're the only one who really knew me at all. 你是唯一真正懂我的人 !

So take a look at me now ! 所以現在再看我一眼吧 !

'Cos there's just an empty space. 這兒只剩下空洞的一片

And there's nothing left here to remind me. 現在再也沒什麼值得我回憶。

Just the memory of your face. 除了你的面容!

So take a look at me now ! 所以現在再看我一眼吧 !

'Cos there's just an empty space. 這兒只剩下空洞的一片

But to wait for U. 我在等你回來。

Well that's all I can do and that's what I've got to face. 這我所能做的和必須面對的。

Take a look at me now. 現在看我一眼吧 !

'Cos I'll still be standing here. 因為我還站在這裡等你。

And you coming back to me is against all odds想你回到我身邊已完全無望

and that's what I've got to face, hey!而這是我所必須要面對的。

take a look at me now. 喔,就再看我一眼吧 !


