
AMIGAOS本身是運行在amiga機器上的作業系統,它於1985年面世,是第一個提供真彩色的作業系統。成為了快速,高解析度圖形的代名詞。它特別適合於玩遊戲。 AmigaOS處理32位指令,使用搶先式多任務方法,它幾乎可以被稱為一種實時作業系統了。目前使用這種機型人越來越少,在x86平台上有很多amiga模擬器。
因為Amiga的專用性,amigaos使 用C和彙編開發,而且十分緊湊,它的所有版本都可以在512K記憶體的情況下運行。Amiga支持即插即用,可以模擬Windows和Mac OS。Amiga在鎖定外信息源的情況下可以當做視頻監視器使用。Amiga使用LINUX作為基本核心。在1999年9月,Amiga的CEO兼總裁 Thomas J. Schmidt表示它的機器不久會在不同的平台和作業系統下運行。
1993年當amiga初顯頹勢時,它的一些愛好者建立的aors項目,意圖修正amigaos中的瑕疵,提高人們對它的認可度;1995年, aaron digulla正式開始了aros的編寫。發展到今天,兼容amigaos 3.1的aros已能在包括x86平台在內的很多機型上運行。aros幾乎每天都有新的試用版放出,最近的穩定版為aros [nov-25-2003]
The "Classic Amiga Operating System" known as AmigaOS originally targeted the desktop computing market. It was built around tightly integrated hardware and software. The hardware was originally based on proprietary chips running the Motorola 68000 series of processors. The software was the AmigaOS - multimedia, multi-threaded and multi-tasking. This combination of hardware and software produced a very fast, powerful and easy to use computing platform. Over 5 million Amiga computers were sold.
The Amiga platform was readily adopted by the television, motion picture and video game development communities. This system was the enabler for the birth of Newtek's Video toaster - the first real-time video editing system. AmigaOS was also the first commercially available operating system to implement pre-emptive multitasking.
Over the years the computing industry moved from proprietary hardware to pluggable components. Stability and security became critical concerns for all operating systems. Support for 3D and easy access to and through the Internet drove development. Amiga responded to these market changes by developing and/or licensing development for OS 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9.
In 2001, Amiga, Inc. licensed the development of AmigaOS 4.0 to AmigaOne Partners, collectively Hyperion vof and EyeTech Group Ltd. Now scheduled for commercial release in early 2005, AmigaOS 4.0 moves the Amiga Operating System to the modern Power PC chips enabling the easy use of off-the-shelf components from third party vendors. True to its heritage, AmigaOS 4.0 remains small, fast and robust.
Over 40,000 applications have been written for devices running AmigaOS. Many, perhaps the majority, are available for AmigaOS 4.0 users.
AmigaOne Partners have the right to distribute AmigaOS 4.0 into the AmigaOne desktop computer market and into Cyberstorm PPC enabled devices. Distribution into any other market or device requires a licensing and distribution agreement with Amiga, Inc.
Amiga, Inc. does not distribute or support AmigaOS 4.0. For information on product availability, support, local dealers or resellers, please contact AmigaOne Partners through either Hyperion VOF or Eyetech Ltd.
For information on licensing, adaptation or modification of any existing Amiga Operating System, please contact, technologylicensing@amiga.com
Please note, the development of future versions of the Amiga Operating System is not available for third party development or distribution.