最喜歡的明星:Mariah Carey
出演MV:《The Bravery - Hatef--k》、《The Man That Never Was》、《The Bravery - Fearless》 等..
The Bravery(勇者無畏樂隊/大無畏樂團)

主唱、吉他手:山姆·恩迪卡特(Sam Endicott)
鍵盤:約翰·康威(John Conway)
鼓手:安東尼·布魯斯其(Anthony Burulcich)
主吉他手:麥可·撒克遜(Michael Zakarin)
貝斯手:麥克·辛德特(Mike Hindert)
The Danvilles
主唱、吉他手:麥克·辛德特 Mike Hindert

鼓手:布賴恩·德克斯特 Brian Dexter (aka Dex)貝斯手:加里·沙夫 Gary Schaff
Inspired by 1960s pop and surf guitars the Virginia based trio, The Danvilles, have taken their love for music of yesterday, combined it with rock n roll, and developed a sound all their own.Drummer/backing vocalist, Brian Dexter (aka Dex), and lead singer/guitarist Michael Hindert have known each other since the first grade and have played together in many different lineups, but it wasn't until they joined forces with their high school friend, Gary Schaff (bass/backing vocals), that The Danvilles took its current form. From its original conception about two years ago, The Danvilles began collaborating whenever they could, a feat that proved difficult with Dex and Gary on opposite coasts of the country and Michael, the eternal nomad, seldom near either coast.But thanks to the miracle of modern technology the trio was able to share ideas via email.
The Bravery專輯

《The Bravery》
《An Honest Mistake》
《The Sun And The Moon》
《Stir The Blood》
《Live At The Wiltern》
The Danvilles專輯
《The Danvilles LP》
《number one》
《The Danvilles B-Sides》