商品品牌: kose 高絲產地:中國
計量單位: 盒
商品重量: 0.050 kg
規格: 60枚
市場價格: ¥40.00
Kose Seikisho Clear Cotton 60pcs
these are fablulous, high quality cotton pads like no other. there are 2 different textures- one side is a heavy Herringbone texture to lift away dead skin cells and/or any residual pore clogging debris - flip it over, and The Other Side is smooth and lightly textured for the more delicate skin around the eyes, etc. they are oversized and wonderfully thick, and the 2 different textures on the outside wrap around layers of fluffy cotton on the inside- what this means is that the textured cotton on the outside (that touches your face) is virtually lint-free, which is another a big plus. 60 oversized rectangular pads come in each box, and are well worth the higher price tag versus cheaper brands (how many of us have ever gotten those tiny little lint fibers in our eyes??- this will never happen again!)
kose 高絲清肌晶潔膚棉 60枚
商品特長 :能提高<清肌晶角質清淨調理露>等擦拭型保養品清潔效果的化粧棉。 採用能充分吸附液體的高品質銅氨嫘縈材質,對肌膚溫和不刺激,能順暢地滑過肌膚,帶去污垢和彩粧。 紋理面和平滑面兩種表面的加工設計,能依照污垢的類別和肌膚的部位和狀態來使用不同的表面。 紋理面適用於在意的老化角質、 皮脂污垢和鼻頭周圍、 額頭、下巴等部位。 平滑面適用於兩頰或眼睛周圍等皮膚較薄的部位。
※ 卸除指甲油時,連難卸除的亮片指甲油都能輕鬆卸乾淨。
※ 銅氨嫘縈材質也被廣泛使用於醫療用途。
※ 不會起靜電作用,使用的是親膚性極佳的衣服櫬裏的高級材質。