高小蘭(Ko Siu Lan)
香港大學社會學研究生畢業後多年在中國從是非政府組織,農村發展工作:2007年-2009年參加法國巴黎國立美院的塞納河研究生計畫。作品探索文字和解讀,勞動和身體的關係。 多用日常生活的行為和物品,關注社會和政治議題。
2002年起參加世界各地不同藝術節,作品包括行為, 裝置, 物件, 錄象等觀念藝術作品 。

10/09 Women Perform, La Bellone, Brussels
08/09 Open Art Festival, Open Art Center, Beijing
06/09 ENSBA, Paris
05/09 Live Action Gutenberg, World Culture Museum, Gotenburg, Sweden
05/09 infraction Festival, Swedish Cultural Centre, Paris
05/09 From 54 to June Fourth, Jockey Club Creative Centre, Hong kong
02/09 De Le La, La Salle College of Arts, Singapore
12/08 Encounter Festival, Lab +, Murica, Spain
11/08 Solo Performance, FIAC, tarn, France
10/08 Solo Performance, La Bellone, Brussels
10/08 The Third Biennale of Architecture, Beijing, China
10/08 Open Festival, Beijing, China
09/08 Infraction 08, Sete, France
09/08 Performance Art Platform, Israel
09/08 Giswil 08, Luzern, Switzeland
09/08 Navinki Festival, Stockholm
08/08 Artists Olmypic, Beijing
06/08 June Art Action, Hong Kong
04/08 Troubled Festival, Les Halles de Scheaback, Brussels
04/08 undisclosed Territory, Solo, Indonesia
11/07 Perfhatz, Paris
10/07 Dadao Live Art Festival, Osage Hong Kong
09/07 EPAF, Centre for Contemporary Art 'Ujazdowski Castle', Warsaw, Poland
05/07 Made in China, Louisiana Museum, Denmark
05/07 Interjack, 9th International Performance Art Festival, Poland
04/07 Tupada Media and Action Art Festival, the Philippines
12/06 Cattle Depot Book Fair, Hong Kong
11/06 New Wave, Hong Kong, Guangzhou
10/06 14th Performance Art Conference, Vietnam
06/06 June Action, Hong Kong
05/06 Transborder Language, Dashanzi International Art Festival, Beijing
04/06 Hermes Ear ‘Hermovo Ucho’, Nitrianska Gallery, Slovakia
10/05 The Body Project, Hong Kong
09/05 Macau International Performance Art Festival
09/05 Pochean Asian Art Festival, Korea
08/05 Buchoen International Performance Art Festival, Korea
07/05 NIPAF, Nippon International Performance Art Festival, Tokyo
06/05 June Action, Hong Kong
05/05 Transborder Language, Dashazi International Arts Festival, Beijing
04/05 Hong Kong On the Move Performance Art Project
03/05 Onandon Theatre Sister’s Show, Hong Kong
02/05 Natya Chetna Community Theatre Festival, Orissa, India
12/04 Taiwan International Performance Art Festival, Tainan
10/04 Double Happiness Art Festival, Beijing, China
09/04 5th Open Art Festival, Beijing, China
08/04 DaDao LiveArt Festival, Beijing, China
07/04 KIPAF International Performance Art Festival, Korea
06/04 Dizzidenza Spontaneous Art Happening, Hong Kong
11/03 SARS International Art Festival, Hong Kong
09/03 4th Open Art Festival, Changchun, China
07/03 KIPAF International Performance Art Festival, Korea
02/03 Sharpness Art Festival, Guangzhou, China
10/02 Asiatopia Art Festival, Bangkok & Chiangmai, Thailand
09/02 A Space Art Festival, Nagano, Japan
07/02 KIPAF International Performance Art Festival, Korea
Academic Qualifications
10/07-06/09 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des beaux-Arts, Paris,Program La Seine
10/01-07/03 University of Hong Kong,Master of Philosophy in sociology (M. PHIL.)
09/96- 05/99 University of Hong Kong,Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology (Hons),residency
02/09 Lasalle College Of Arts, Singapore
10/07-09/08 Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris
03/08 National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India
Panel/ Forum Speaker Appearance
01/10 University of Rennes
10/06 Asia Art Archive
10/06 14th Performance Art Conference at Blu Space Gallery, Vietnam
04/06 Future Of Imagination Performance Art Festival at Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
11/05 Asiatopia Southeast Asia Performance Art Symposium at the Queens Gallery, Bangkok
Curatorial Project
04/05 to now Hong Kong on the Move Performance Art Project
06/05 to now China Art Performance Platform (CAPP)