



性 別 女

最高學歷 博士研究生

職 稱 副研究員

專家類別 碩士生導師

部 門 瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室 非平衡金屬材料研究部

通訊地址 遼寧省瀋陽市瀋河區文化路72號,中國科學院金屬研究所,非平衡金屬材料研究部


1986年9月-1990年7月: 瀋陽工業大學,材料加工工程,攻讀學士學位

1991年9月-1994年7月: 瀋陽工業大學,材料加工工程,攻讀碩士學位

1994年9月-1997年7月: 中國科學院金屬研究所,材料加工工程,攻讀博士學位

1997年9月-1999年8月: 中國科學院金屬腐蝕與防護研究所 金屬腐蝕與防護國家重點實驗室, 博士後

1999年9月-2000年8月: 中國科學院金屬腐蝕與防護研究所金屬腐蝕與防護國家重點實驗室, 副研究員

2000年9月-至今: 中國科學院金屬研究所瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室,非平衡金屬材料研究部, 副研究員







自2004年12月起,陸續擔任 Nature Communications,Scripta Materialia, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Surface & Coatings Technology, Tribology International, Journal of Nanomaterials, Tribology Letters, Applied Surface Science, Surface and Interface Analysis, Wear等國際刊物審稿人。




(1) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties and subsurface structure of nanostructured copper at liquid nitrogen temperature, Wear

(2) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Correlation between wear resistance and subsurface recrystallization structure in copper, Wear

(3) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Impurity effect on wear resistance of ultrafine-grained copper, Journal Material Science &Technology

(4) Y.S. Zhang, W.L. Li, G. Wang, L.C. Zhang, B. Yao, Z. Han. Formation of thick nanocrystalline surface layer on copper during oscillating sliding, Materials Letters

(5) B. Wang, B. Yao, Z. Han, Annealing effect on wear resistance of nanostructured 316L stainless steel subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Journal Material Science &Technology

(6) B. Yao, Z. Han, Y.S. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties of nanostructured copper subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Wear

(7) Z. Han, K. Lu. Friction and wear behaviors of nanostructured metals, Journal of Materials Science & Technology

(8) Y.S. Zhang, K. Wang, Z. Han, K. Lu. Transfer behavior in low-amplitude oscillating wear of nanocrystalline copper under oil lubrication, Journal of Materials Research

(9) Y.S. Zhang, Z. Han, K. Lu. Fretting wear behavior of nanocrystalline surface layer of copper under dry condition, Wear,


(1) B, Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties of nanostructured copper subjected to dynamic plastic deformation,18th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 2011,Philadelphia,USA.

(2) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu, Tribological properties and subsurface structure of nanostructured copper subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, 1st Summer School and Symposium on Nanometals for Energy, 2011, Beidaihe, China.

(3) B, Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties and subsurface structure of nanostructured copper at liquid nitrogen temperature, 19th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 2013,Portland,USA.

(4) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Correlation between wear resistance and subsurface recrystallization structure in copper, 2nd Summer School and Symposium on Nanometals, 2013, Weihai, China.

(5) B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Subsurface recrystallization structure controlling wear resistance of metals, 5th World Tribology Congress, 2013, Turin, Italy.


