
Sangeeth Sivan是寶萊塢最敏銳的電影製作人之一,《靈異鬼照片》是他的最新驚悚片。
From one of India's smartest film-makers, Sangeeth Sivan, comes Click, 2010's most bone-chilling film. They say that pictures always tell a story. The true story, Click is the story of a youngphotographerand his girlfriend.He takes beautiful pictures and yet when they're printed they hide a secret. A secret that is so dark, terrifying and menacing that he hides it from his girlfriend. A secret from his past that if revealed, threatens to ruin not only his life but that of his family, friends and loved ones. A secret that comes from a world that's different fromours. Pritish Nandy communications and Play Entertainment bring you the scariest, darkest, most blood-curling film of the year, Click. What happens when the spirit world looks you straight in the eye and tells you to run of die?
印度攝影師AVI(Shreyas Talpade飾)與女友Sonia(Sadha飾)與友人喝酒後,二人駕車歸家途中,不慎把一名女子撞倒,車子失控繼而撞上路旁的告示牌。不省人事的女子躺在路中心,二人沒有下車探視傷者,反而選擇趕緊駕車逃離現場。
可是意外發生後,離奇怪事就接踵而來,Avi發現他拍攝的照片中出現一些靈異的光芒及影像,開始時他以為只是相機故障,後來Sonia仔細查證後,意識到照片中的神秘影像與被他們撞倒的女子容貌相似,與此同時,Avi不但發惡夢,頸部也出現莫名其妙的痛楚。 翌日Avi與女友決定再到意外現場,但二人並沒有發現被撞女子的屍體,現場的一名警察也告知他們意外中並無任何人受傷,可是鬼魂似乎一直陰魂不散,不斷纏擾著二人,而且他們的朋友更奇怪地一個一個相繼自殺身亡。另一方面,Sonia覺得事有蹊蹺,決定深入調查,最終竟發現這一切怪事都是由其男友而起……