1975 年,美國科普作家約翰·布魯勒爾 (John Brunner) 寫了一本名為《震盪波騎士》(Shock Wave Rider) 的書,該書第一次描寫了在信息社會中,計算機作為正義和邪惡雙方鬥爭的工具的故事,成為當年最佳暢銷書之一。
1977 年夏天,托馬斯·捷·瑞安 (Thomas.J.Ryan) 的科幻小說《P-1的春天》(The Adolescence of P-1) 成為美國的暢銷書,作者在這本書中描寫了一種可以在計算機中互相傳染的病毒,病毒最後控制了 7,000 台計算機,造成了一場災難。
1983 年 11 月 3 日,弗雷德·科恩 (Fred Cohen) 博士研製出一種在運行過程中可以複製自身的破壞性程式,倫·艾德勒曼 (Len Adleman) 將它命名為計算機病毒(computer viruses),並在每周一次的計算機安全討論會上正式提出,8 小時後專家們在 VAX11/750 計算機系統上運行,第一個病毒實驗成功,一周后又獲準進行 5 個實驗的演示,從而在實驗上驗證了計算機病毒的存在。
1986 年初,在巴基斯坦的拉合爾 (Lahore),巴錫特 (Basit) 和阿姆傑德(Amjad) 兩兄弟經營著一家 IBM-PC 機及其兼容機的小商店。他們編寫了Pakistan 病毒,即Brain。在一年內流傳到了世界各地。
1988 年 3 月 2 日,一種蘋果機的病毒發作,這天受感染的蘋果機停止工作,只顯示“向所有蘋果電腦的使用者宣布和平的信息”。以慶祝蘋果機生日。
1988 年 11 月 2 日,美國六千多台計算機被病毒感染,造成 Internet不能正常運行。這是一次非常典型的計算機病毒入侵計算機網路的事件,迫使美國政府立即作出反應,國防部成立了計算機應急行動小組。這次事件中遭受攻擊的包括 5 個計算機中心和 12 個地區結點,連線著政府、大學、研究所和擁有政府契約的 250,000 台計算機。這次病毒事件,計算機系統直接經濟損失達 9600 萬美元。這個病毒程式設計者是羅伯特·莫里斯 (Robert T.Morris),當年 23 歲,是在康乃爾 (Cornell) 大學攻讀學位的研究生。
羅伯特·莫里斯設計的病毒程式利用了系統存在的弱點。由於羅伯特·莫里斯成了入侵 ARPANET 網的最大的電子入侵者,而獲準參加康乃爾大學的畢業設計,並獲得哈佛大學 Aiken 中心超級用戶的特權。他也因此被判 3 年緩刑,罰款 1 萬美元,他還被命令進行 400 小時的新區服務。
l 重溫電腦病毒史
電腦病毒的概念其實源起相當早,在第a href="/wiki/%E9%A6%AE%C2%B7%E8%AB%BE%E4%BC%8A%E6%9B%BC">馮·諾伊曼(John Von Neumann)在他的一篇論文《複雜自動裝置的理論及組識的進行》里,已經勾勒出病毒程式的藍圖。不過在當時,絕大部分的電腦專家都無法想像會有這種能自我繁殖的程式。
1975年,美國科普作家約翰·布魯勒爾(John Brunner)寫了一本名為《震盪波騎士》(Shock Wave Rider)的書,該書第一次描寫了在信息社會中,計算機作為正義和邪惡雙方鬥爭的工具的故事,成為當年最佳暢銷書之一。
1977年夏天,托馬斯·捷·瑞安(Thomas.J.Ryan)的科幻小說《P-1的春天》(The Adolescence of P-1)成為美國的暢銷書,作者在這本書中描寫了一種可以在計算機中互相傳染的病毒,病毒最後控制了 7,000 台計算機,造成了一場災難。 虛擬科幻小說世界中的東西,在幾年後終於逐漸開始成為電腦使用者的噩夢。
而差不多在同一時間,美國著名的AT&T貝爾實驗室中,三個年輕人在工作之餘,很無聊的玩起一種遊戲:彼此撰寫出能夠吃掉別人程式的程式來互相作戰。這個叫做"磁芯大戰"(core war)的遊戲,進一步將電腦病毒"感染性"的概念體現出來。
1983年11月3日,一位南加州大學的學生弗雷德·科恩(Fred Cohen)在UNIX系統下,寫了一個會引起系統當機的程式,但是這個程式並未引起一些教授的注意與認同。科恩為了證明其理論而將這些程式以論文發表,在當時引起了不小的震撼。科恩的程式,讓電腦病毒具備破壞性的概念具體成形。
所謂"DOS時代的病毒",意思是說這是從DOS時代就有的老古董,諸位讀者可別以為您現在已經進入Windows 95/98的年代,就不會感染DOS時期的病毒。其實由於Windows 95/98充其量不過是一套架構在DOS上的作業系統,因此即使是處在Windows 95/98之下,一不小心還是會惹火上身的!
Monkey據說是第一個"引導型"的病毒,只要你使用被Monkey感染過的系統軟碟開機,病毒就會入侵到你的電腦中,然後伺機移走硬碟的分區表,讓你一開機就會出現"Invalid drive specification"的信息。比起"檔案型"病毒只有執行過受感染檔案才會中毒的途徑而言,Monkey的確是更為難纏了。
音樂蟲病毒(Music Bug)
DOS時期的病毒,種類相當繁雜,而且不斷有人改寫現有的病毒。到了後期甚至有人寫出所謂的"雙體引擎",可以把一種病毒創造出更多元化的面貌,讓人防不勝防!而病毒發作的症狀更是各式各樣,有的會唱歌、有的會刪除檔案、有的會Format硬碟、有的還會在螢幕上顯出各式各樣的圖形與音效。不過幸運的 是,這些DOS時期的古董級病毒,由於大部分的防毒軟體都可以輕易地掃除,所以殺傷力已經大不如前了。
隨著Windows 3.1在全球的風行,正式宣告了個人電腦操作環境進入Windows時代。緊接著,Windows 95/98的大為暢銷,使得現在幾乎所有個人電腦的操作環境都是在Windows狀態下。而在Windows環境下最為知名的,大概就屬"宏病毒"與"32位病毒"了。
隨著各種Windows下套裝軟體的發展,許多軟體開始提供所謂"宏"的功能,讓使用者可以用"創造宏"的方式,將一些繁瑣的過程記錄成一個簡單的指令來方便自己操作。然而這種方便的功能,在經過有心人士的設計之後,終於又使得"檔案型"病毒進入一個新的里程碑:傳統的檔案型病毒只會感染後綴為exe和com的執行檔案,而宏病毒則會感染Word、Excel、AmiPro、Access等軟體儲存的資料檔案。更誇張的是,這種宏病毒是跨操作平台的。以Word的宏病毒為例,它可以感染DOS、Windows 3.1/95/98/NT、OS/2、麥金塔等等系統上的Word檔案以及通用模板。
在這些宏病毒之中,最為有名的除了後面要講的Melissa就是令人聞之色變的Taiwan NO.1B 。這個病毒的發作情形是:到了每月的十三號,只要您隨便開啟一份Word檔案,螢幕上會出現一對話視窗,詢問你一道龐雜的算數題。答錯的話(這種複雜的算數大概只有超人可以很快算出來吧)就會連續開啟二十個視窗,然後又出現另一道問題,如此重複下去,直到耗盡系統資源而當機為止。
所謂"32位病毒",則是在Windows 95之後所產生的一種新型態檔案型病毒,它雖然同樣是感染exe執行檔案,但是這種病毒專挑Windows的32位程式下手,其中最著名的就是去年大為流行的CIH病毒了。
原來,為了方便網頁設計者在網頁上能製造出更精彩的動畫,讓網頁能更有空間感,幾家大公司聯手制訂出Active X及Java的技術。而透過這些技術,甚至能夠分辨你使用的軟體版本,建議你應該下載哪些軟體來更新版本,對於大部分的一般使用者來說,是頗為方便的工具。但若想要讓這些網頁的動畫能夠正常執行,瀏覽器會自動將這些Active X及Java applets的程式下載到硬碟中。在這個過程中,惡性程式的開發者也就利用同樣的渠道,經由網路滲透到個人電腦之中了。這就是近來??絡病毒"。
Theories for self-replicating programs are first developed.
Apple Viruses 1, 2, and 3 are some of the first viruses “in the wild,” or in the public domain. Found on the Apple II operating system, the viruses spread through Texas A&M via pirated computer games.
Fred Cohen, while working on his dissertation, formally defines a computer virus as “a computer program that can affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibly evolved) copy of itself.”
Two programmers named Basit and Amjad replace the executable code in the boot sector of a floppy disk with their own code designed to infect each 360kb floppy accessed on any drive. Infected Floppies had “© Brain” for a volume label.
The Lehigh virus, one of the first file viruses, infects command.com files.
One of the most common viruses, Jerusalem, is unleashed. Activated every Friday the 13th, the virus affects both .exe and .com files and deletes any programs run on that day.
MacMag and the Scores virus cause the first major Macintosh outbreaks.
Symantec launches Norton AntiVirus, one of the first antivirus programs developed by a large company.
Tequila is the first widespread polymorphic virus found in the wild. Polymorphic viruses make detection difficult for virus scanners by changing their appearance with each new infection.
1300 viruses are in existence, an increase of 420% from December of 1990.
The Dark Avenger Mutation Engine (DAME) is created. It is a toolkit that turns ordinary viruses into polymorphic viruses. The Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) is also made available. It is the first actual virus creation kit.
Good Times email hoax tears through the computer community. The hoax warns of a malicious virus that will erase an entire hard drive just by opening an email with the subject line “Good Times.” Though disproved, the hoax resurfaces every six to twelve months.
Word Concept becomes one of the most prevalent viruses in the mid-1990s. It is spread through Microsoft Word documents.
Baza, Laroux (a macro virus), and Staog viruses are the first to infect Windows95 files, Excel, and Linux respectively.
Currently harmless and yet to be found in the wild, StrangeBrew is the first virus to infect Java files. The virus modifies CLASS files to contain a copy of itself within the middle of the file’s code and to begin execution from the virus section.
The Chernobyl virus spreads quickly via .exe files. As the notoriety attached to its name would suggest, the virus is quite destructive, attacking not only files but also a certain chip within infected computers.
Two California teenagers infiltrate and take control of more than 500 military, government, and private sector computer systems.
The Melissa virus, W97M/Melissa, executes a macro in a document attached to an email, which forwards the document to 50 people in the user’s Outlook address book. The virus also infects other Word documents and subsequently mails them out as attachments. Melissa spread faster than any previous virus, infecting an estimated 1 million PCs.
Bubble Boy is the first worm that does not depend on the recipient opening an attachment in order for infection to occur. As soon as the user opens the email, Bubble Boy sets to work.
Tristate is the first multi-program macro virus; it infects Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.
The Love Bug, also known as the ILOVEYOU virus, sends itself out via Outlook, much like Melissa. The virus comes as a VBS attachment and deletes files, including MP3, MP2, and .JPG. It also sends usernames and passwords to the virus’s author.
W97M.Resume.A, a new variation of the Melissa virus, is determined to be in the wild. The “resume” virus acts much like Melissa, using a Word macro to infect Outlook and spread itself.
The “Stages” virus, disguised as a joke email about the stages of life, spreads across the Internet. Unlike most previous viruses, Stages is hidden in an attachment with a false “.txt” extension, making it easier to lure recipients into opening it. Until now, it has generally been safe to assume that text files are safe.
“Distributed denial-of-service” attacks by hackers knock Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, and other high profile web sites offline for several hours.
Shortly after the September 11th attacks, the Nimda virus infects hundreds of thousands of computers in the world. The virus is one of the most sophisticated to date with as many as five different methods of replicating and infecting systems. The “Anna Kournikova” virus, which mails itself to persons listed in the victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book, worries analysts who believe the relatively harmless virus was written with a “tool kit” that would allow even the most inexperienced programmers to create viruses. Worms increase in prevalence with Sircam, CodeRed, and BadTrans creating the most problems. Sircam spreads personal documents over the Internet through email. CodeRed attacks vulnerable webpages, and was expected to eventually reroute its attack to the White House homepage. It infected approximately 359,000 hosts in the first twelve hours. BadTrans is designed to capture passwords and credit card information.
Author of the Melissa virus, David L. Smith, is sentenced to 20 months in federal prison. The LFM-926 virus appears in early January, displaying the message “Loading.Flash.Movie” as it infects Shockwave Flash (.swf) files. Celebrity named viruses continue with the “Shakira,” “Britney Spears,” and “Jennifer Lopez” viruses emerging. The Klez worm, an example of the increasing trend of worms that spread through email, overwrites files (its payload fills files with zeroes), creates hidden copies of the originals, and attempts to disable common anti-virus products. The bugbear worm also makes it first appearance in September. It is a complex worm with many methods of infecting systems.
In January the relatively benign “Slammer” (Sapphire) worm becomes the fastest spreading worm to date, infecting 75,000 computers in approximately ten minutes, doubling its numbers every 8.5 seconds in its first minute of infection. The Sobig worm becomes the one of the first to join the spam community. Infected computer systems have the potential to become spam relay points and spamming techniques are used to mass-mail copies of the worm to potential victims.
In January a computer worm, called MyDoom or Novarg, spreads through emails and file-sharing software faster than any previous virus or worm. MyDoom entices email recipients to open an attachment that allows hackers to access the hard drive of the infected computer. The intended goal is a “denial of service attack” on the SCO Group, a company that is suing various groups for using an open-source version of its Unix programming language. SCO offers a $250,000 reward to anyone giving information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the people who wrote the worm.