
2003.09-2006.06 華南農業大學食品學院,食品安全,博士
1997.09-2000.06 華南農業大學食品科學系,食品化學,碩士
1993.09-1997.06 西北農林科技大學食品科學系,食品科學,學士
2011.10-2012.11 新疆生產建設兵團農三師工業局,副局長(掛職)
2009.03-2010.03Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s University Belfast, U.K.,博士後
2000.07-2012.11 華南農業大學食品學院,助教,講師,副教授
1. 2013年指導的大學生“挑戰杯”課外科技發明競賽,獲廣東省特等獎
2. 劉鄰渭, 雷紅濤(主編). 食品理化分析實驗. 2016. 北京:科學出版社
3. 參編《食品免疫學》、《食品安全風險評估》、《食品營養學》、《食品化學與分析綜合實驗》、《食品安全檢測技術》等五部教材
4. 孫遠明,羅雲波, 雷紅濤,王弘,柳春紅,吳青等. 契合社會發展需要的食品質量與安全專業人才培養體系構建與實踐。2014年國家教學成果二等獎
1.Jiahong Chen, Ning Lu, Xing Shen, Qiushi Tang, Chijian Zhang, Jun Xu, Yuanming Sun,Xin-an Huang,* Zhenlin Xu,* Hongtao Lei*. Investigation of an immunoassay with broad specificity toquinolone drugs by genetic algorithm with linearassignment ofhypermolecular alignment of data sets and advancedquantitativestructure−Activity relationship analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016. 64(13):2772–2779(一區,IF2.912)
2.Haopeng Zeng, Jiahong Chen, Chijian Zhang, Xinan Huang, Yuanming Sun, Zhenlin Xu, Hongtao Lei. Broad-Specificitychemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay for (Fluoro)quinolones: hapten design and molecular modeling study of antibody recognition. 2016. Analytical Chemistry. 88(7): 3909–3916(Top, 二區, IF5.636)
3.Jiahong Chen, Ilya A. Shanin, Shuwei Lv, Qiang Wang, Chuanbin Mao, Zhenlin Xu, Yuanming Sun, Qing Wu, Sergei A. Eremin, Hongtao Lei. Heterologous strategy enhancing the sensitivity of the fluorescence polarization immunoassay of clinafloxacin in goat milk. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 201 6,96(4):1341-1346(三區,IF1.879)
4.Yao Liu,Xuan Zhang,Chunhong Liu, Ruili Yang, Zhenlin Xu, Lijun Zhou, Yuanming Sun, Hongtao Lei.Enantioselective and synergetic toxicity of axial chiral herbicidepropisochlor to SP2/0 myeloma cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 201 5 ,63(36): 7914-7920(一區,IF2.912)
5.Zuyu He, Shuai Zang, Yingju Liu, Yuan He, Hongtao Lei.A multi-walled carbon nanotubes-poly(l-lysine) modified enantioselective immunosensor for ofloxacin by using multi-enzyme-labeled gold nanoflower as signal Enhancer. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015,73(11): 85-92 (一區,IF6.409)
6.Chijian Zhang, Hongtao Lei, Xiaolong Huang, Kai Cai, Zhenlin Xu, Yuanming Sun. Preparative resolution of gatifloxacin enantiomers with pre-column esterification strategy and comparing their enantioselectivity to bacteria and antibody. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2015,28(2):157-160.(四區,IF1.26)
7.Hongtao Mu, Baoling Wang, Zhen-Lin Xu, Yuan-Ming Sun, Xin-an Huang, Yudong Shen, Sergei Eremin, Anatoly Zherdev, Boris Dzantiev, Hongtao Lei. Stereospecific recognition and quantitative structure-activity relationship between antibodies and enantiomers: ofloxacin as model hapten. Analyst, 2015, 140(2):1037-1045(二區,IF4.23)
8.Chen, Jiahong, Lv, Shuwei, Wang, Qiang, Xu, Zhenlin, Yang, Jinyi, Shen, Yudong, Wang, Hong, Sun, Yuanming, Hongtao Lei. A Specific and High-Throughput Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay for Surveillance Screening of Clinafloxacin in Milk. Food Analytical Methods, 201 5, 2015, 8(6), 1468-1476.(二區,IF1.97)
9.Jin-Yi Yang, Yan Zhang, Hong Wang, Zhen-Lin Xu, Sergei A. Ereminb, Yu-Dong Shen, Qing Wu, Hong-Tao Lei*,Yuan-Ming Sun*. Development of fluorescence polarisation immunoassay for carbofuran in food and environmental water samples. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2015, 26(3):340–355 (四區,IF0.73)
10.Zuyu He, Shuai Zang, Yingju Liu, Yuan He, Hongtao Lei. A multi-walled carbon nanotubes-poly(l-lysine) modified enantioselective immunosensor for ofloxacin by using multi-enzyme-labeled gold nanoflower as signal enhancer. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 73(15): 85–92(一區,IF6.409)
11.Hongtao Mu, Hongtao LeiBaoling Wang, Zhenlin Xu, Chijian Zhang,Li Ling, Yuanxin Tian, Jinsheng Hu,Yuanming Sun. Molecular Modelling Application on Hapten Epitope Prediction: An Enantioselective Immunoassay for Ofloxacin Optical Isomers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014,62(31): 7804-7812. (一區,IF3.107)
12.Xuan Zhang, Qiang Wang, Zhong Yu, Sergei A. Eremin, Chunfai Yu, Jin Liu, Yuanming Sun, Hongtao Lei*. Antibody Production for a Rapid Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay of Estrone. B iomed ical and E nviron ment S ci ence, 2014, 27(1): 52-55(四區,IF1.65)
13.Shuai Zang, Yingju Liu*, Mouhong Lin, Jianli Kang, Yuanming Sun, Hong-Tao Lei *. A dual amplified electrochemical immunosensor for ofloxacin: Polypyrrole film-Au nanocluster as the matrix and multi-enzyme-antibody functionalized gold nanorod as the label. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 90 (2) 246-253. (一區,IF3.832)
14. Hongtao Lei, Gang Xue, Chunfai Yu, Simon A. Haughey, Sergei A. Eremin, Yuanming Sun, Zhanhui Wang, Zhenlin Xu, Hong Wang, Yudong Shen, Qing Wu. Fluorescence polarization as a tool for the detection of a widely used herbicide, butachlor, in polluted waters. Analytical Methods, 2011,3(10), 2334-2340. (三區,IF1.547)
15.Qiang Wang, Simon A. Haughey, Yuan-Ming Sun, Sergei A. Eremin, Zhen-Feng Li, Hui Liu, Zhen-Lin Xu, Yu-Dong Shen, Hong-Tao Lei *. Development of a fluorescence polarization immunoassay for the detection of melamine in milk and milk powder. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011,399(6): 2275-2284. (三區,IF3.778)
16. Hongtao Lei, Rui Su, Simon A Haughey, Qiang Wang, Zhenlin Xu, Jinyi Yang, Yudong Shen, Hong Wang, Yueming Jiang, Yuanming Sun. Development of a Specifically Enhanced Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Detection of Melamine in Milk. Molecules, 2011,16(7): 5591-5603. (三區,IF2.386)
17. Hongtao Lei, Jin Liu, Lijun Song, Yudong Shen, Simon. A. Haughey, Haoxian Guo, Jinyi Yang, Zhenlin Xu, Yueming Jiang, Yuanming Sun*. Development of a highly sensitive and specific immunoassay for determining chrysoidine, a banned dye, in soybean milk film. Molecules, 2011,16(8): 7043-7057.(三區,IF2.386)
18. Hongtao Lei,Yudong Shen,Lijun Song,Jinyi Yang, Olivier P. Chevallier, Simon A. Haughey, Hong Wang, Yuanming Sun*, Christopher T. Elliott*. Hapten synthesis and antibody production for the development of a melamine immunoassay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010,665(1): 84-90. (二區,IF4.555)
19.Cuifen Gan, Li Ling, Zuyu He, Hongtao Lei, Yingju Liu*. In-situ assembly of biocompatible core–shell hierarchical nanostructures sensitized immunosensor for microcystin-LR detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 201 6,78(4): 381-389(一區,IF6.409)
20.Zihong Sun, Weihua Wang, Haibin Wen, Cuifen Gan, Hongtao Lei, Yingju Liu*.Sensitive electrochemical immunoassay for chlorpyrifos by using flake-like Fe3O4 modified carbon nanotubes as the enhanced multienzyme label. Analytica Chimica Acta, 201 5,899(10): 91-99,(一區,IF4.513)
21.Jing Wu, Yu-Dong Shen, Hong-Tao Lei, Yuan-Ming Sun*, Jin-Yi Yang, Zhi-Li Xiao, Hong Wang, and Zhen-Lin Xu*. Hapten Synthesis and Development of a Competitive Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Acrylamide in Food Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62(29): 7078–7084(一區,IF3.107)
22.Zihong Sun, Zhigang Luo, Cuifen Gan, Shidong Fei, Yingju Liu*, Hongtao Lei. Electrochemical immunosensor based on hydrophilic polydopamine-coated prussian blue-mesoporous carbon for the rapid screening of 3-bromobiphenyl. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014,59(9):99–105(一區,IF6.409)
23.Lin Luo, Zhen-Lin Xu, Jin-Yi Yang, Zhi-Li Xiao, Yong-Jun Li, Ross C. Beier, Yuan-Ming Sun*, Hong-Tao Lei, Hong Wang, and Yu-Dong Shen*. Synthesis of Novel Haptens and Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Quantification of Histamine in Foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014,62(51), 12299–12308(一區,IF2.906)
24.Nadezhda. Byzova, Nataliya I. Smirnova, Anatoly V. Zherdev, Sergei A. Eremin, Ilya A. Shanin, Hong-Tao Lei, Yuanming Sun*, Boris B. Dzantieva*. Rapid immunochromatographic assay for ofloxacin in animal original foodstuffs using native antisera labeled by colloidal gold. Talanta, 2 014, 119(15): 125–132(二區,IF3.545)
25.Zhen-Lin Xu, Jie-Xian Dong, Hong Wang, Zhen-Feng Li, Ross C. Beier, Yue-Ming Jiang, Hong-Tao Lei, Yu-Dong Shen, Jin-Yi Yang, Yuan-Ming Sun*.Production and characterization of a single-chain variable fragment linked alkaline phosphatase fusion protein for detection of O,O-diethyl organophosphorus pesticides in a one-step enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 201 2, 60 (20),5076–5083(一區,IF2.906)
26.Zhen-Lin Xu, Hao Deng, Hong-Tao Lei, Yue-Ming Jiang, Katrina Campbell, Yu-Dong Shen*, Jin-Yi Yang, Hong Wang, Yuan-Ming Sun*. Development of a Broad-Specificity Monoclonal Antibody-Based Immunoaffinity Chromatography Cleanup for Organophosphorus Pesticide Determination in Environmental Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 201 2, 60 (23):5847–5852(一區,IF2.906)
27.Yu-Dong Shen*, Zhen-Lin Xu, Shi-Wei Zhang, Hong Wang, Jin-Yi Yang, Hong-Tao Lei, Zhi-Li Xiao, and Yuan-Ming Sun*. Development of a Monoclonal Antibody-Based Competitive Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Furaltadone Metabolite AMOZ in Fish and Shrimp Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 201 2, 60 (44), 10991–10997(一區,IF2.906)
28.Chunping Wang, Mouhong Lin, Yingju Liu, Hongtao Lei. A dendritic nanosilica-functionalized electrochemical immunosensor with sensitive 2enhancement for the rapid screening of benzo[a]pyrene. Electrochimica Acta 2011,56(5): 1988-1994. (一區,IF3.832)
1. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,唐秋實,王弘,沈玉棟,楊金易,徐振林. 一種羅丹明B ELISA檢測方法,發明專利,ZL201310077177.7,申請日:2013.03.12;授權日:2015.02.02
2. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,劉信嘉,王弘,沈玉棟,徐振林,發明專利,卡那黴素A酶聯適配體檢測方法及套用,發明專利,ZL201310206129.3,申請日:2013.05.29;授權日:2014.12.17
3. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,宋利軍,劉瑾,王強. 鹼性橙半抗原、人工抗原和抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL201010256944.7。申請日:2010.08.17,授權日:2013.12.25
4. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,王強,黃啟欣. 一種三聚氰胺抗原及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL201010613333.3。申請日:2010.12.30,授權日:2012.12.26
5. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,石敏,沈玉棟,楊金易,王弘,徐曉艷. 去氫表雄酮半抗原、人工抗原和抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL 200910039021.3。申請日:2009.04.27;授權日:2012.07.18
6. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,薛剛,吳青,沈玉棟,張挺,楊金易,王弘.丁草胺極化螢光免疫檢測方法,發明專利,ZL 200810029088.4。申請日:2008.06.27;授權日:2012.05.20
7. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,石敏,沈玉棟,張挺,楊金易,王弘,徐曉艷.一種保健品中去氫表雄酮的前處理方法,發明專利,中國,ZL200910039019.6。申請日:2009.04.27;授權日:2011.11.16
8. 雷紅濤,黃曉鈺. 快速檢測有機磷農藥殘留的魚酯酶試劑,發明專利號ZL 02115152.0。申請日:2002.04.27;授權日:2005.03.23。
9. 雷紅濤,孫遠明,吳青,王弘,肖治理,沈玉棟,楊金易,黃曉鈺. 一種地西泮膠體金免疫檢測試紙,實用新型專利,ZL200620062036.3。申請日:2006.07.25;授權日:2007.8.29。
10.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,黃曉鈺,王弘,吳青,諶國蓮,潘科,肖治理. 鏈黴素免疫層析半定量試紙檢測方法,發明專利,ZL200510035249.7。申請日:2005.06.20;授權日:2009.01.07。
11.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,沈玉棟,石 敏,楊金易,王弘,徐曉艷.羅格列酮半抗原、人工抗原和抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL200910039020.9。申請日:2009.04.27;授權日:2011.06.22。
12.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,宋利軍,沈玉棟,楊金易,王弘,徐曉艷,張 挺. 三聚氰胺快速檢測試紙,實用新型專利,ZL200920052831.8。申請日:2009.03.17;授權日:2010.01.27。
13.夏成鋒, 雷紅濤. 金免疫層析試條定量測量儀器,實用新型專利,ZL201020660296.7。申請日:2010.12.15;授權日:2011.11.05
14.孫遠明,張挺, 雷紅濤,沈玉棟,楊金易,王弘. 環丙沙星半抗原、人工抗原和抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL201010256939.6。申請日:2010.12.15;授權日:2011.11.05
15.孫遠明,張挺, 雷紅濤,沈玉棟,楊金易,王弘.恩諾沙星半抗原、人工抗原和抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL201010256954.0。申請日:2010.08.17;授權日:2011.11.05
16.孫遠明,肖治理, 雷紅濤,吳青,趙肅清. 一種甲胺磷半抗原、人工抗原及其製備方法,發明專利,ZL200510126412.0。申請日:2005.12.08;授權日:2008.02.20
17.孫遠明,楊金易, 雷紅濤,吳青,王弘,肖治理,沈玉棟. 檢測毒死蜱的酶聯免疫吸附試劑盒及其使用方法,發明專利,ZL200810025907.8。申請日:2008.01.18;授權日:2012.12.26
18.孫遠明,楊金易, 雷紅濤,沈玉棟,肖治理,王弘,張挺. 檢測萊克多巴胺殘留的酶聯免疫試劑盒及使用方法. 發明專利,ZL200810025906.3。申請日:2008.01.18;授權日:2012.05.30。
19.沈玉棟,張世偉,孫遠明,王 弘, 雷紅濤,肖治理,楊金易. 5-甲基嗎啉-3-氨基-2-噁唑烷酮衍生物半抗原、抗原和抗體及套用,發明專利,ZL200810219298.X。申請日:2008.11.21;授權日:2012.05.09
20.孫遠明,徐振林,沈玉棟,謝桂勉, 雷紅濤,王弘,楊金易. 檢測二乙氧基硫代磷酸酯類有機磷農藥的酶聯免疫試劑盒,ZL200910036614.4。申請日:2009.01.13;授權日:2013.05.01
21.沈玉棟,謝桂勉,孫遠明,王弘,楊金易, 雷紅濤,徐振林. 二乙氧基硫代磷酸酯類有機磷農藥抗體及其製備方法和套用,發明專利,ZL200910036527.9。申請日:2009.01.09;授權日:2012.06.27
1.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,盧新,黃曉鈺,王林,曾振靈,石松,劉雅紅,徐振林,楊金易. 農業食品中有機磷農藥等殘留快速檢測技術與套用,2010年國家科技進步二等獎
2.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,王弘,沈玉棟,黃曉鈺,石松,楊金易,盧新,宋小冬,吳青,曾振靈,諶國蓮,潘科,肖治理,徐振林. 農產品中有機磷農藥及克倫特羅等殘留快速檢測技術與套用,2009年廣東省科學技術一等獎
3.孫遠明, 雷紅濤,王弘,沈玉棟,黃曉鈺,石松,楊金易,盧新,宋小冬,吳青,徐振林,曾振靈,諶國蓮,潘科,肖治理. 有機磷農藥及“瘦肉精”等殘留快速檢測技術與套用,2009年農業部中華農業科技獎二等獎
2. 微生物學(代碼:071005)
研究興趣集中在食品污染物的分子識別及其套用,旨在利用食品科學、免疫學、結構生物學、分析化學等多種手段,研究食品污染物的生物分析方法、分子識別機制、手性毒理、檢測試劑盒研製等,為保障食品安全提供科技支撐。主持國家自然科學基金重點項目、行業公益(農業)項目、廣東省自然科學基金團隊項目、國家“十一五”科技支撐計畫子項目、廣東省科技計畫項目等多項,主要參加973項目、國家科技支撐計畫、國家“863” 等項目二十多項。主編國家規劃教材1部,參編教材5部。公開發表學術論文八十多篇,其中第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI/EI收錄論文二十多篇;授權專利二十多項。2009年獲廣東省科學技術一等獎(第2)、中華農業科技二等獎(第2)、2010年獲國家科技進步二等獎(第2)、2014年獲國家教學成果二等獎(第3)各1項。