1989.9 – 1993.7,廈門大學化學系,學士學位 物理化學專業;
1993.9 – 1995.7,廈門大學化學系,碩士學位,物理化學專業;
1995.9 – 1998.10,廈門大學化學系,博士學位,物理化學專業;
1998.11 – 1999.2,廈大化學系,科研助手,物理化學專業;
1999.3 – 2000.12,德國杜塞道夫大學表面和凝固態材料研究所(A. Otto教授),洪堡獎學金,博士後,利用衰減全內反射拉曼光譜研究單晶銅表面物種的吸附,了解表面增強拉曼效應和金屬表面粗糙度的關係;
2001.1 – 2001.12,慕尼黑工業大學物理系界面和能量轉換研究所(U. Stimming教授),博士後,開發、表征最佳化氫氧燃料電池、直接甲醇燃料電池的膜電極列陣(Membrane Electrode Assemblies),以降低催化劑用量同時提高電池的效率,延長電池的壽命;
2002.1 – 2002.3,日本北海道大學催化研究中心界面和光譜電化學實驗室(M. Osawa教授),日本北海道大學文部省中核機構COE研究員,主要任務:利用表面增強紅外光譜研究甲醇在鉑電極上的陽極氧化;
2002.4 – 2006.12,德國烏爾姆大學表面化學和催化研究所 (R. J. Behm教授) 博士後,電化學原位紅外光譜和電化學線上質譜研究燃料電池相關的電催化反應;
2007.1 – 至今,中國科技大學化學物理系,合肥微尺度物質科學國家實室,教授,博士生導師,譜學電化學在電催化中的套用。
1.面向車用燃料電池的納米-介觀-巨觀多級結構的電催化體系的研究, 973 重大科學研究計畫子課題: 結構明確的高活性電催化劑納米結構基元的合成(編號2015CB932300,2014-2019)
2.Pt系單晶電極上氧還原反應超電勢的起源研究, 國家自然基金面上項目 (編號:21473175, 2015-2018)
3. 等離子基元增強拉曼光譜儀器的研發與套用子課題,PERS在電化學基礎研究中的套用,國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項(編號:2011YQ03012416 2012-2016)
4. 電化學微分質譜與紅外光譜聯用技術及其在燃料電池電催化中的套用, 國家自然基金面上項目 (編號:21273215, 2013-2016)
1. 基於分子和分子體系的量子調控子課題,電極過程的量子調控, 973 重大科學研究計畫 (編號2010CB923302,2009-2014)
3. 在可控的溫度及傳質下甲醇氧化的電化學原位紅外光譜研究, 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(項目批准號:20773116, 2008-2010)
4. 低鉑擔載甲醇氧化電催化劑結構-性能關係研究, 德國洪堡基金會回國後續支持項目(2007-2009)
5. 用於甲醇陽極氧化的低維納米複合電催化劑的製備及性能表征, 廈門大學固體表面物理國家重點實驗室開放課題 (2008-2009)
6. 中國科院百人計畫(2009-2011)
7. 石墨烯上金屬鈉米粒子的構築及其電催化活性研究, 廈門大學固體表面物理國家重點實驗室開放課題(2010-2011)
8. 譜學電化學在電催化中的套用, 教育部留學回國人員啟動基金(2010-2012)
9. 鉑基氧還原催化劑性能改善機理研究, 國家自然科學基金委面上項目(項目批准號:21073176,2011-2013).
1. 電化學青年獎, 中國電化學會,2011.10
2. 青年研究獎學金,德國洪堡基金會, 1999. 7- 2000.12, 2002.7-2002.9
3. 日本文部省COE獎學金
4. 中科院”百人計畫”擇優支持
5. 日本北海道大學訪問教授
Papers published in 2014
1. The Effect of Alcohol Concentration on the Mass Signal of CO2 Detected by Differential Mass Spectrometry
Wei Chen; Qian Tao; Jun Cai; Yan Xia Chen
Electrochemistry Communications, 2014,48,10.
2. On the Origin of the Errors of ik as Estimated from K-L Equation in Rotating Disk Electrode System
Wei Chen; Lingwen Liao; Zhengda He; Yanxia Chen
Journal of Electrochemistry
3. The Preparation of Surfactant-free Pt and PtRu Nanoparticles with high Activity for Methanol Oxidation
Yao Yao, Jun Cai, Yong Li Zheng, Yan-Xia Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2014
4. Methanol Oxidation at Pt and PtRu Electrodes, a Study by Combined in-situ Infrared Spectroscopy and Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry (Acceped)
Qian Tao, Wei Chen, Yao Yao, Ammar Bin Yousaf ,Yan-Xia Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2014
5. A Kinetics Study on O2 Adsorption and OHad Desorption at Pt(111), Its Implication to Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetics (Acceped)
Fan Yang,Ling Wen Liao,Ming Fang Li,Dong Mei,Yan-Xia Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2014
6. Mechanistic and Kinetic Implications on ORR at Au(100) Electrode, pH, Temperature and H-D kinetic Isotope effects
D. Mei, Z. D. He, Y. L. Zheng, D. C. Jiang, Y.-X. Chen
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, DOI:10.1039/C4CP00257A
7. Redox Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide at Au(100) Electrode, Its Implication to Oxygen Reduction Kinetics
Zheng, Y; Mei, D; Chen, Y; Ye, S.
Electrochem. Commun,2014, 39,19.
8. Interaction of C1 Molecules with a Pt Electrode at Open Circuit Potential: A Combined Infrared and Mass Spectroscopic Study
Q. Tao, Y.-L. Zheng, D.-C. Jiang, Y.-X. Chen,Z. Jusys and R. J. Behm
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118, 6799
9. Electrodeposition of silver on stepped platinum electrode surfaces with (100)-oriented terraces: Generation of confined reaction sites
J. Xu, A.-E.-Aziz, A. A.-E.l-Latif, Y.-X. Chen, H. Baltruschat
J. Electroanal. Chem.,2014, 716, 93
10. Modeling of the Potential Oscillation during Galvanostatic Electrooxidation of Formic Acid at Platinum Electrode
Dong Mei, Zheng-Da He, Dao Chuan Jiang, Jun Cai and Yan-Xia Chen
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014,118,6335.
11. 甲醇及甲酸在模型單晶鉑電極上電催化氧化機理及動力學的研究
徐傑, 江道傳,梅東, 何政達,陳艷霞
Papers published in 2013
1. Kinetic Implication from Temperature effect on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Ag Electrode
Jing Kang, Chu-Hong Lin, Yao Yao and Yan-Xia Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2013.27.63
2. 鉑基催化劑上的氧還原
李明芳, 廖鈴文, 楊帆, 姚瑤, 陳艷霞
電催化, 化工出版社, 第7章, 2013
3. Potential Dependence of Cyanide Adsorption at Pt Electrode in Acidic Solution: An Electrochemical in-situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study
Shao Xiong Liu, Yong Li Zheng, Jie Xu, Jun Cai, Wen Hua Zhang, Jin Long Yang, Yan Xia Chen*
J. Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 15562.
4. pH Effect on Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Pt(111) Electrode
Ming Fang Li, Ling Wen Liao,Dao Fu Yuan, Dong Mei, Yan-Xia Chen*
Electrochim. Acta, 2013,110,780.
5. On the Mechanism of the Direct Pathway for Formic Acid Oxidation at Pt(111) Electrode
J. Xu, D.F. Yuan, F.Yang, D. Mei, Z. B. Zhang and Y. X. Chen
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15 (12), 4367.
6. Density functional theory study on the adsorption and decomposition of the formic acid catalyzed by highly active mushroom-like Au@Pd@Pt tri-metallic nanoparticles
S. Duan,Y.-F. Ji,P.-P. Fang,Y. X. Chen,X. Xu,Y. Luoand Z.-Q. Tian
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15 (13), 4625.
7. Electrode Reaction Induced pH change at the Pt Electrode/Electrolyte Interface and its Impact on Electrode Processes
L. W. Liao, M. F. Li, J. Kang, D. Chen, Y. X. Chen and S. Ye
J. Electroanal. Chem. 2013, 688, 207.
8. The Effect of Catalyst Loading on the Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters of Gas Electrode Reactions using Thin Film Rotating Disk Electrode Method
L. W. Liao, D. Chen, M. F. Li, Y. L. Zheng, J. Kang, Y. X. Chen,
SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica, 2013,43,178.
9. A Revisit to the Role of Bridge-adsorbed Formate in the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid at Pt Electrodes
J. Xu; D. Mei; D. F. Yuan; Z. B. Zhang; S. X. Liu; Y. X. Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2013, 26(3), 321.
10. The Role of Bridge-bonded Formate in Formic acid Dehydration to CO at Pt Electrode: An Electrochemial in situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study
Z. B. Zhang, J.Xu, J. Kang and Y. X. Chen,
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2013, 26(4),471.
11. Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Glycin Modified Pt(111) Electrode
M. F. Li, J. Kang, L. W. Liao, Y. X. Chen and S. Ye
Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013, 19, 1.
12. Determination of the Isotherm for Acetate and Formate Adsorption at Pt(111) Electrode by Fast Scan Voltammetry
J. Xu, C.H. Lin, D. Mei, Z. B. Zhang, D. F. Yuan and Y. X. Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2013,26(2),191.
Papers published in 2012
1. Temperature Effect on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Au Electrode
Z. Q. Tang; L. W. Liao; Y. L. Zheng; J. Kang; Y. X. Chen
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics, 2012, 25,469.
2. Control over the branched structures of platinum nanocrystals for electrocatalytic applications
L. Ma,C. M. Wang,M. Gong, L. W. Liao, R. Long, J. G. Wang, D. Wu, W. Zhong, M. J. Kim, Y. X. Chen,Y. Xie, and Y. J. Xiong,
ACS Nano, 2012, 69797.
3. Polyoxometalates Immobilized in Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Nitride as Highly Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysts
J. Wu, L. W. Liao, W. S. Yan, Y. Xue, Y. F. Sun, X. Yan, Y. X. Chen, and Y. Xie,
ChemSusChem,2012, 5,1207.
Papers published in 2011
1. The Kinetics of CO Pathway in Methanol Oxidation at Pt Electrodes, a Quantitative Study by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
L.W. Liao, S. X. Liu, Q. Tiao, B. Geng,P. Zhang, C. M. Wang, Y.-X. Chen and S. Ye,
Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 9725.
2. A method for kinetic study of methanol oxidation at Pt electrodes by electrochemical in situ infrared spectroscopy
L.W. Liao, S. X. Liu, Q. Tiao, B. Geng,P. Zhang, C. M. Wang, Y.-X. Chen and S. Ye,
J. Electroanal. Chem., 2011, 650, 233.
3. Determining the Active Surface Area of Various Pt Electrodes with Different Roughness and Dispersion
Dong Chen, Qian Tao, Ling Wen Liao, Shao Xiong Liu, Yan-Xia Chen and Shen Ye,
Electrocatalysis, 2011.2.207
4. 室溫下Pt電極上CO的脫附機理研究
劉少雄, 康婧, 耿斌, 陶騫, 陳艷霞
中國科學,化學,2011, 41, 1582.
5. 不同pH值下多晶Au電極上的氧還原反應
中國科學,化學, 2011,41, 1777.
6. Pd/Pt二元合金電極的製備及其氧還原性能研究
方蘭蘭,廖玲文, 劉少雄, 蔡俊, 李明芳, 陳艷霞
高等學校化學學報, 2011,32, 1144.
7. Electrochemistry of ABTS at Glassy Carbon Electrodes
Han Zeng, Zhi-qiang Tang, Ling-wen Liao, Jing Kang, Yan-xia Chen
Chinese J. Chemical Physics, 2011, 24, 653.
Papers published before 2011
1. Temperature effects on CO Adsorption/Desorption at Pt Film Electrodes: An Electrochemical in-situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study
B. Geng, J. Cai, S. Liang, S. X. Liu, M.F. Li and Y.-X. Chen,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 10888 - 10895
2. Potential-Dependent Chemisorption of Carbon Monoxide at a Gold Core―Platinum Shell Nanoparticle Electrode: A Combined Study by Electrochemical in situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory
Pu Zhang, Jun Cai, Yan-Xia Chen, Zhi-Qiang Tang, Dong Chen, JinLong Yang,De-Yin Wu, Bin Ren and Zhong-Qun Tian,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 403–411
3. Oxidation of Carbon Supports at Fuel Cell Cathodes: Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometric Study
M.F. Li, Q. Tao, L. W. Liao, J. Xu, J. Cai and Y. X. Chen,
Chinese J. Chemical Physics, 2010, 4, 442-446
4. Determination of the Real Surface Area of Palladium Electrode
L.-L. Fang, Q. Tao, M.-F. Li, L.-W. Liao, D. Chen and Y.-X. Chen,
Chinese J. Chemical Physics, 2010, 5, 543.
5. 聚芳醯胺-多壁碳納米管混合物固定漆酶電極的電化學行為
物理化學學報,2010, 26, 3217。
6. Pt電極上CO的同位素取代吸附機理研究
7. Temperature Programmed Desorption – An Application to Kinetic Studies of CO Desorption at Electrochemical Interfaces
Bin Geng, Jun Cai, Shao-Xiong Liu, Pu Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Tang, Dong Chen, Qian Tao,Yan-Xia Chen and Shou-Zhong Zou,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 20152–20155.
8. An Electrochemical in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Study of Carbon Monoxide Chemisorption at a Gold Core-Platinum Shell Nanoparticle Electrode with a Flow Cell
Pu Zhang, Yan-Xia Chen, Jun Cai, Sang-Zi Liang, Jian-Feng Li, An Wang, Bin Ren and Zhong-Qun Tian
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009,113(40): 17518-17526.
9. The Mechanism and Kinetics of Cyanide-Assisted CO Desorption from Pt Electrodes: an Infrared Spectroscopic Study
Bin Geng, Shaoxiong Liu, Jun Cai, Sangzi Liang, and Yan-Xia Chen,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 10326.
10. A Thermostatic Cell with Gas Diffusion Electrode for Oxygen Reduction Reaction under Fuel Cell Relevant Conditions
Yan-Xia Chen, Ming-Fang Li, Ling-Wen Liao, Jie Xu, Shen Ye,
Electrochem. Commun., 2009,11,1434
11. Potential-Induced COad Island Formation on a Platinum Thin-Film Electrode in the H-upd Potential Region
Yan-Xia Chen, Martin Heinen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 435.
12. Kinetic Isotope Effects in Complex Reaction Networks: Formic Acid Electro-Oxidation
Yan-Xia Chen, Martin Heinen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8, 380 – 385.
13. Room Temperature COad Desorption/Exchange Kinetics on Pt Electrodes—A Combined In Situ IR and Mass Spectrometry Study
Martin Heinen, Yan-Xia Chen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8, 2484 – 2489.
14. CO adsorption kinetics and adlayer build-up studied by combined ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and on-line DEMS under continuous flow conditions
Martin Heinen, Yan-Xia Chen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
Electrochmica Acta, 2007, 53,1279.
15. In situ ATR-FTIRS coupled with on-line DEMS under controlled mass transport conditions—A novel tool for electrocatalytic reaction studies
Martin Heinen, Yan-Xia Chen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
Electrochmica Acta, 2007, 52,5634
16. Kinetics and Mechanism of Formic Acid Electrooxidation – Spectro-Electrochemical Studies in a Novel Flow Cell Configuration,
Yan-Xia Chen, Martin Heinen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
Angewandte Chemie, Int. Edition, 2006, 45, 981.
17. Bridge-Bonded Formate: Activeintermediate or Spectator Species in Formic Acid Oxidation on a Pt Film Electrode
Yan-Xia Chen, Martin Heinen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
Langmuir, 2006, 22, 10399.
18. Application of in-situ Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the Understanding of Complex Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics: Formic Acid Oxidation on a Pt Film Electrode at Elevated Temperatures,
Yan-Xia Chen, Martin Heinen, Zenonas Jusys, and Rolf Juergen Behm,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006 110(19): 9534-9544.
19. Electronic effects in SERS by liquid water
Yan-Xia Chen and Andreas Otto,
J. Raman Spectrosc., 2005, 36, 736.
20. CO2 reduction on Pt electrocatalysts and its impact on H2 oxidation in CO2 containing fuel cell feed gas - A combined in-situ infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and fuel cell performance study
Smolinka T., Heinen M., Chen Y.X., Jusys Z., Lehnert W., and Behm R.J.,
Electrochimica Acta, 2005, 50, 5189.
21. Formate, an Active Intermediate for Direct Oxidation of Methanol on Pt Electrode.
Chen Y. X., Miki A., Ye S.,Sakai H. and Osawa M.:
Journal of American Chemical Society, 125 (2003), 3680.
22. On the "chloride activation" in SERS and single molecule SERS.
Otto A., Bruckbauer A., Chen Y. X.,
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2003, 662, 501.
23. The charge transfer effect of SERS induced by the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction.
F. M. Liu; Q. Han; Y. X. Chen; Q. L. Zhong; B. Ren; Z. Q. Tian,
Electrochemistry, 2001, 7(1), 74-77.
24. SERS studies of Electrode/electrolyte interfacial water II. Librations of water and electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction
Chen Y. X., Zou S. Z., Huang K. Q. and Tian Z. Q.,
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 1998,249,749.
25. In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Study of the Oxidation and Reduction of Ag Electrode in Na2SO4 solution.
Chen Y. X., Huang K. Q. and Tian Z. Q.:
Electrochemistry,1998,4(2) 135.
26. SERS studies on electrode/electrolyte interfacial water---I. Ion effects in the negative potential region
Zou S. Z., Chen Y. X., Mao B.W., Ren B. and Tian Z. Q.:
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,1997,24, 19-25.
27. Extending ECSTM Studies to Polycrystalline Electrode Surfaces with Atomic Resolution.
Shi C. H., Cai X. W., Chen Y. X., Tian Z. Q. and Mao B. W.:
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 1997,13(12) 1061-1064
28. SERS Studies of Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces I. Cu/1.0 M Na2SO4 and NaCl solution.
Chen Y. X., Huang K. Q. and Tian Z. Q.:
Chinese Journal of Light Scattering,1997,9(2-3), 289-291.
29. SERS Studies of Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces II. Ag/MgSO4 System? A Possible Method Measuring Interfacial pH.
Chen Y. X., Huang K. Q. and Tian Z. Q.:
Chinese Journal of Light Scattering,1997,9(2-3), 292-294
30. Dependence of Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of water on the hydrogen evolution reaction,
Chen Y. X. and Tian Z. Q.:
Chemical Physical Letters, 1997,281,379.
31. Raman spectroscopic studies of water in different electrolyte solutions.
Zou S. Z., Chen Y. X., Zhang Y. H., , Tian Z. Q. :
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 1996,12 (2) 130-135.
32. Probing electrode/electrolyte interfacial structure in the potential region of hydrogen evolution by Raman spectroscopy.
Tian Z. Q., Ren B., Chen Y. X., Zou S. Z. and Mao B. W.:
Journal of Chemistry Society, Faraday Transactions ,1996,92(20) 3829-3838.
33. SERS studies of the structure and orientation of water over Ag electrode---the effects of electrode potentials and electrolyte concentration.
Zou S. Z., Zhang Y. H., Chen Y. X., Tian Z. Q.:
Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 1995,16 (2), 245-251.
34. SERS effect induced from conducting Polymer/Solution Interfaces.
Gao J. S., Chen Y. X., Tian Z. Q., Li C. Z., Liu Z. F. and Cai S. M.:
Electrochemistry 1995, 1(2), 237-247.
35. Extending surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic studies on water at gold electrodes.
Tian Z. Q., Chen Y. X., Mao B. W., Li C. Z., Wang J. and Liu Z. F.
Chemical Physical Letters, 1995, 240, 224-229.