2009-2014 華北電力大學,博士(碩博連讀)
國家自然科學基金,41701621,多重不確定擾動下能源-環境系統建模及最佳化路徑研究—以京津冀為例,2018/01 -2020/12,25萬元,在研,主持。
國家自然科學基金,71704010,環境規制對高耗能產業綠色轉型影響機理研究:以鋼鐵產業為例, 2018/01 -2020/12,18萬元,在研,參與.
國家自然科學基金,71704009,氣候變化對我國社會經濟影響與風險評估研, 2018/01 -2020/12,18萬元,在研,參與.
(1) Cong Chen, Hualou Long*, Xueting Zeng, Planning a sustainable urban electric power system with considering effects of new energy resources and clean production levels under uncertainty: A case study of Tianjin, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017: 1-15. (SCI檢索).
(2) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Interval-fuzzy municipal-scale energy model (IF-MEM) for identification of optimal strategies for energy management – A case study of Tianjin, Renewable Energy, 2016( 86): 1161-1177. (SCI檢索).
(3) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, An inexact robust optimization method for supporting carbon dioxide emissions management in regional electric-power systems, Economic Energy, 2013 (40): 441-456. (SSCI檢索).
(4) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Ying Z, An inexact robust nonlinear optimization method for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Renewable Energy, 2012 (47): 55-66. (SCI檢索).
(5) Cong Chen, Yongpi Li*, Guohe Huang, Yanfeng Li, Electric power systems planning in association with air pollution control and uncertainty analysis, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy, 2012 (61): 563-575. (SCI檢索).
(6) Cong Chen, Yongping Li, Guohe Huang*, Ying Zhu, A robust risk analysis method for water resources allocation under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2013 (27): 713-723. (SCI檢索).
(7) 陳聰(#)(*),黃國和,李永平,李萌文,基於隨機魯棒區間方法的生物質電廠選址風險分析模型,農業工程學院,2013 (20): 206~213. (EI檢索).
(8) 陳聰,李薇*,李延峰,祝穎,生物質發電廠最佳化選址建模及決策研究,農業工程學報, 2011 (1) : 255~260. (EI檢索).
(9) 陳聰, 龍花樓*, 萬軍, 賈傑林, 李新, 儲成君, 經濟-能源-產業-環境最佳化模型用於識別京津冀地區最佳化戰略,2016 International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System (NEFES 2016), Beijing, China, 2016.08.19-08.22.(EI會議).
(1) Xueting Zeng*, Ying Zhu, Cong Chen, etc, A production-emission nexus based stochastic-fuzzy model for identification of urban industry-environment policy under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 154: 61-82. (SCI 檢索).
(2) Ying Zhu, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Cong Chen, Electric power systems planning in association with air pollution control and uncertainty analysis, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy, 2014, 61: 563-575. (SCI 檢索).