

陳浩然, 浙江吳興人, 1940年9月出生於上海市, 現任大連理工大學工程力學系教授, 博士生導師 。1992年起享受國務院頒發的高教突出貢獻政府津貼。



陳浩然, 浙江吳興人, 1940年9月出生於上海市, 現任大連理工大學工程力學系教授, 博士生導師 。1992年起享受國務院頒發的高教突出貢獻政府津貼。

1962.9-1965.7 大連工學院工程力學系研究生。

畢業論文:具有多孔的圓柱殼體的強度和穩定性分析 導師:中國科學院學部委員錢令希教授。


1965,7 - 1978,9 大連工學院工程力學系 助教。

1978,9 - 1983,12 大連工學院工程力學系 講師。

1981,5 - 1983,5 赴美南方大學,維吉尼亞理工學院和州立大學訪問學者。

1983,12 - 1987,11 大連工學院工程力學所 副教授。

1987,12 – 今 大連理工大學工程力學所 教授。

1993,1– 今 博士生導師。

1993,3 - 1993,12 威爾斯大學卡的夫學院訪問教授。

1997,3 – 1997,11 英國威爾斯大學和法國貢比涅大學訪問教授。

2004,6 – 2004,10 澳大利亞悉尼大學訪問教授。

2007,3 - 2007, 6 澳大利亞西澳大利亞大學訪問教授。


中國複合材料學會常務理事, 中國力學學會複合材料學組成員, 中國複合材料學會複合材料力學委員會主任委員, 複合材料科技開發和套用委員會副主任委員,中國航空學會複合材料委員會委員, 複合材料學報,大連理工大學學報,寧夏大學學報, 玻璃鋼/複合材料學報等學術刊物編委。








(1)1985-1988 近代複合材料結構分析研究,國家自然科學基金項目。

(2)1989-1991 複合材料和結構的非線性效應研究,國家自然科學基金項目。

(3)1993-1996 複合材料在熱成型過程中的工藝力學問題,國家自然科學基金項目。

(4)1993-1995 金屬基複合材料微結構,界面和損傷對其巨觀非線性性狀的影響,國家自然科學基金項目。

(5)1993-1997 典型材料與微結構的強韌化力學原理,八五國家自然科學基金重大項目第五大子課題。

(6)1993-1995 艦船複合材料夾層與硬殼板結構的靜力和動力分析,國防科技套用和基礎研究基金課題。

(7)1997-1999 低能量衝擊後複合材料飛機結構的剩餘強度,國家自然科學基金項目。

(8)1997-1999 複合材料結構的損傷容限理論和試驗研究,國家教育部博士點專項基金。

(9)1999-2002 含損複合材料結構的損傷擴展,破壞和承載能力,國家自然科學基金項目。

(10)2003-2005 含衝擊損傷複合材料加筋板殼非線性動態特性和破壞行為,國家自然科學基金項目。

(11)2003-2006 大尺寸複合材料高壓氣瓶研究,八六三課題項目。

(12)2003-2005 複合材料格線結構承載能力和最佳化設計,十五攻關項目。

(13)2004.-2006 先進複合材料格柵結構(AGS)的損傷容限,國家自然科學基金項目。

(14)2006.-2008 超輕多孔材料和結構創新構型的多功能化基礎研究,國家重大基礎研究項目。

(15)2006-2008 複合材料組合殼體結構分析與最佳化設計,國防科工委項目。

(16)2007-2009 夾心複合材料界面裂紋動態起裂和嚳擴展機理的跨尺度研究,國家自然科學基金項目。

(17)2008-2010 先進複合材料格線結構軟模設計與共固化工藝參數最佳化分析,國家自然科學基金項目。

(18)2009-2012 重大研究計畫“近空間飛行器的關鍵科學問題”下的重點項目“面向近空間飛行器的多功能超輕質結構設計最佳化理論”,國家自然科學基金項目。


(1) H.R.Chen, X.F.Su, Relations of the Mesoscopic Damage Mechanisms with the Macroscopic Properties of Metal Matrix Composites. Proc. of ICCM - 11, Gold Coast, Australia (1997, 8).
(2) H.R. Chen, Z.L.Yang, A.K. Jemah, F.W.Williams, Process-Induced Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates Using Semi- Analytical Hamiltonian Method. J of Composite Structure.Vol.41, No.1(1998), .p.49-55.
(3) H.R. Chen, L.M.Wang, B.L.Karihallo, F.W.Williams, Fracture Analysis for Multi-material System with an Interface Crack.. Computational Materials. Science.No.12 (1998), p.1-8 .
(4) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J.Bi, F.G.Wang, H.R.Chen, High Temperature Creep Behaviour of Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy and SiC Whisker Reinforced Al-Fe-V-Si Composite. J. of Material Science, Vol.33 (1998), p.5643-5652
(5) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, F.G.Wang, H.R.Chen, High Temperature Creep Deformation of an Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy, Material Science and Engineering, Vol.A259, No.1 (1998), p.25-33.
(6) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J.Bi, H.R.Chen, F.G.Wang, High Temperature Creep Behaviour of Si3N4 Whiskers Reinforced Al-Fe-V-Si Composite. J. of Materials Science and Technology. Vol.13, No.6 (1998), p.527-532.
(7) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J. Bi, H.R. Chen and, F.G.Wang, Creep Behavior in an Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy and SiC whisker-reinforced Al-Fe-V-Si Composite. J. of Materials Science, Vol.33, No.23, (1998) P.5643-3652
(8) X.F.Su, H.R. Chen, D.Kennedy, F.W.Williams, Effect of Interphase Strength on the Damage Modes and Mechanical Behaviour of Metal Matrix Composites. Composites. Part A; Applied science and manufacturing, Vol.30, No.4 (1999), p.257-266.
(9) H.R.Chen, X.N.Sun, Residual Compressive Strength of Laminated Plates with Delamination.. Proc. of The 10th International Conference for Composite Structures (ICCS10), p. 102-110, Melbourne, Australia (1999,11).
(10) H.R.Chen, X.N.Sun, Residual Compressive Strength of Laminated Plates with Delamination. Composite Structure, Vol.47, No.1-4 (1999), p.711-717

(11) Chen Haoran, Wang Limin, Xu Shiliang, Wang Jiadong Analysis of Fracture Mechanics of Skew Crack near Interface of Bimaterials, Proc. of The 12th International Conference for Composite Materials(ICCM12),.pap353.pdf extended abstract, p.289-290 Paris, France (1999,7)
(12) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J. Bi , H.R. Chen and, F.G.Wang .The Effect of Si3N4 Wiskers on the High Temperature Creep Behavior of an Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy Matrix Composite. Composites Science and Technology. Vol.59, No.5 (1999), p769-733.
(13) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J. Bi, H.R. Chen and, F.G.Wang, High Temperature Creep Deformation of an Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy , Material Science and Engineering , Vol.A259, No.1 (1999), p.25-32.
(14) Hong Ming, Chen Haoran, Natural Frequencies, Modes and Damping Behavior of Delaminated Composite Plates, J of Shipbuilding Structural Mechanics, Vol.3, No.6 (1999), p.36-47
(15) H.R.Chen, X.F.Su, Mesomechanical Study of the Characteristics of Elastoplastic Tensile Deformation of Metal Matrix Composites. J. of Dalian University of Technology. Vol.39, No.2 (1999),p.144-149.
(16) L.M.Peng, S.J.Zhu, Z.Y.Ma, J. Bi , H.R. Chen and, F.G.Wang , High Temperature Creep Deformation of Al18B40O33 Whisker-Reinforced 8009 Al, Composite Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol.265, No.1-2 (1999), p.63-70
(17) Hong Ming, Chen Haoran, Dynamic Behavior of Laminated Composite Plates with Delamaination. J of Shipbuilding Structural Mechanics, Vol.4, No.6 (2000), p.28-38
(18) Bai RX, Chen HR. Nonlinear buckling behavior of damaged composite sandwich plates considering effect of temperature dependent thermal and mechanical properties. Acta Mechanica Solida SINICA (English version). Vol.22, No.3 (2001), p.18~24.
(19) Chen Haoran, Bai Ruixiang,. Postbuckling behavior of composite sandwich plate containing interfacial debonding. Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM13), Beijing, China, Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House, ID1054, paper-1054.pdf, p.388~-392. (2001,7).
(20) L.M.Wang, H.R.Chen, On fracture behavior of crack body with a fine short fiber, Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM13), Beijing, China, Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House, ID1201, paper-1201.pdf, p.269- 272, (2001,7)
(21) Haoran Chen, Bai Ruixiang, The postbuckling behavior of face\core debonded composite sandwich plate considering matrix cracks and contact effect. Proceeding of the 11th International conference for Composite Structures (ICCS11), Melbourne, Australia, ID 69, p.122-126, (2001,11),
(22) Wang Limin, Chen Haoran, Xu Shilang, Conservative Law and Application of J integral in Multi-materials, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English version) Vol.22, No.10 (2001), p.1216-1224.
(23) Haoran Chen, Ruixiang Bai, Numerical simulation of delamination growth fo stiffened composite plates, Keynote Report in Proceeding of the 5th China-Japan-us Joint Conference on Composite Structures (CJAJCC-5), Kunming, China, p.21-35, (2002,8)
(24) Sun Xiannian, Chen Haoran, Tong liyoung, Progressive Failure Analysis of Laminated Plates with Delamination, J of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 20(16): p.1370~1389(2001).
(25) Haoran Chen, Bai Ruixiang, The postbuckling behavior of face\core debonded composite sandwich plate considering matrix cracks and contact effect. Composite structures. Vol.57, No.1-4, p.305-313(2002)
(26) Wang Liming, Chen Haoran,,Stress Analysis on the Crack End of Fine and Short Fibrous. Acta Mechanica SINICA. Vol.34(2):p.200-207(2002)
(27) Haoran Chen, Ruixiang Bai, Numerical simulation of delamination growth fo stiffened composite plates, Proceeding of the 5th China-Japan-us Joint Conference on Composite Structures (CJAJCC-5), Kunming, China, Aug.2002, p. 21~35 ( Keynote Report)
(28) M. Hong , H. R. Chen, Frequency Response Functions Analysis of Composite Laminated Plate with Delamination. J of Ship Mechanics., Vol.6(3), p.83-93(2002)。

(29) Haoran Chen, Ruixiang Bai, 2075 -- Study on Postbuckling Behavior of Delaminated Stiffened Composite Plates, Proceeding of 14th International Conference on Composite Materials, 7,2003, Santiago, USA。
(30) Chen Haoran, Bai Ruixiang, Wang Man, Study on Failure Process of Delaminated Stiffened Composite Plates under Compression, Acta Mechanica Sinica (English Version), Vol.19, No.4, p.289-299(2003)。
(31) Haoran Chen, Hongming, Liu yuandong, Dynamic Behavior of Delaminated Plates Considering Progressive Failure Process,, The 12th Int. Conference on Composite Structures, Melbourne, Australia, 19/11-21/11 2003。
(32) BAI Ruixiang,Chen Haoran, , WANG Man, Dynamic Response Behavior of Stiffened Delaminated Plates Considering Failure, Proceeding of the 4th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, p.337-342, Sydney, Australia, 2004, 7.6- 9.
(33) Haoran Chen, Ruixiang Bai, Numerical Anslysis of Delamination Growth for Stiffened Composite Laminated Plates, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Version), Vol.25(4), p.405-417(2004)
(34) Ruixiang Bai, Haoran Chen, Man Wang, “Dynamic Loading Capacity of Stiffened Delaminated Plates” Proceeding of International Conference of Computational Mechanics-2004, Sept.(2004) Beijing, China.
(35) Run Minfa, Chen Haoran, Study on Technical Mechanics of Curing Process for Filament Wound Pressure Vessel with Metal Liner, Proceding of CJAJCC-6, p.26-30,6,2004
(36) Haoran Chen, Hongming, Liu yuandong, Dynamic Behavior of Delaminated Plates Considering Progressive Failure Process, Composite Structure,Vol.66, P.459-466 (2004).
(37) Haoran Chen,Man Wang,Ruixiang Bai, Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior and Load Capacity for Stiffened Composite Laminates after Low Energy Impact, The First Korea-China Joint Workshop on Composite Materials, (Invitation speech),Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, , Dec.5- 8 (2004).
(38) Chen Hao-ran, Wang Man, Bai Rui-xiang, Effect of Nonlinear Contact upon Natural Frequency of Delaminated Stiffened Composite Plate, Proceeding of ICCM15, Durban, South Africa (2005,6.27-7.3), Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials or Composite Structures.
(39) CAI Yan-hong, Chen Hao-ran, Interface Crack-tip Field between Elastic and VIisco-elastic Materials in an Infinite Length Strip under Impact Load. Proceeding of ICCM15,, Durban, South Africa (2005,6.27-7.3) ,Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials or Composite Structures.
(40) Chen Haoran, Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Stiffened Composite Plates with Delamination. China-Japan Seminar on Composites.( Key Speech ), Dalian,(2005,924-26)

(41) Bai Rui-xiang , Wang Man, Li Zecheng,Zhao Wei,Chen Hao-ran, Numerical investigation of postbuckling behavior and delamination growth for advanced grid stiffened plate considering progressive failure. Melbourne, Australia, 2005,11,
(42) CAI Yan-hong, Chen Hao-ran,Wei Zhao,Wang Can, Chen Bo, The dynamic Fracture Analysis of the sandwich strip under Impact Load. ICCS14, Melbourne, Australia, 2005,11,
(43) Cai Yanhong, Chen Haoran, The Dynamic Fracture Analysis of the Adhesively Bonded Materials Under Shear Loading. (ID No:207-C).ACCM5, Hong Gong,11,2006.
(44) Ren Minfa, Chen Haoran., Curing Process-Induced Stress Analysis of Composite Wound Shell Structure with Metal Liner Using Semi-Analytical Hamiltonian Method (ID No: 129-C). ACCM5, Hong Gong,11,2006
(45) Qin Likun, Chen Haoran, Wang Yujie, Zhao Dong-fu and YaoJia-wei. Mechanics Characteristics and Failure Criteria of Concrete Confined by Lateral Stress After Suffereing Cycles of Freezing and Thawing in Seawater. (ID No: 308-C). ACCM5, Hong Gong,11,2006
(46) Ruixiang Bai,Bo Chen,Cheng Yan,Lin Ye, Zecheng Li, Haoran Chen, Numerical investigation of Post buckling Strength and Failure Modes in advanced grid stiffened structure under Thermal-mechanical Loads (ID No: 455-C) ACCM5, Hong Gong,11,20
(47) Zheng Changliang, Ren Minfa, Zhao Wei, Chen Haoran, Delamination Prediction of Composite Filament Wound Vessel with metal liner under Low velocity of Impact. Composite Structure, Vol.75 (1-4):p.387-392(2006)
(48) Chen Hao-ran, Wang Man, Bai Rui-xiang, Effect of Nonlinear Contact upon Natural Frequency of Delaminated Stiffened Composite Plate, Composite Structure, Vol.76:p.28-33(2006)
(49) Cai Yanhong, Chen Haoran, The Dynamic Fracture Analysis of the Adhesively Bonded Materials Under Shear Loading. Key Engineering Materials Vols 334-335,,p.141-144(2007)
(50) Ren Minfa, Chen Haoran., Curing Process-Induced Stress Analysis of Composite Wound Shell Structure with Metal Liner Using Semi-Analytical Hamiltonian Method, Key Engineering Materials Vols 334-335,p.49-52(2007)
(51) Qin Likun, Chen Haoran, Wang Yujie , Zhao Dong-fu and YaoJia-wei. Mechanics Characteristics and Failure Criteria of Concrete Confined by Lateral Stress After Suffereing Cycles of Freezing and Thawing in Seawater,, Key Engineering Materials Vols 334-335,p.245-248(2007)
(52) Ruixiang Bai,Bo Chen,Cheng Yan,Lin Ye, Zecheng Li, Haoran Chen,Numerical investigation of Post buckling Strength and Failure Modes in advanced grid stiffened structure under Thermal-mechanical Loads, Key Engineering Materials Vols 334-335,p.613-616(2007)
(53) Feng Shining, Chen Haoran, Ye Lin, Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Stability for Piezoelectric Composite Plate Including Delaminations Deformation Theory, ICCM16, Japan, Kyoto, 7.8-13 (2007)
(54) Cai Yanhong., Chen Haoran., Sun Shiyong, Hu Xiaozhi, The Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor Analysis of Adhesive Bonded Material Interface with Damage under Normal Impact Loading, ICCM16, Japan, Kyoto, 7.8-13 (2007)
(55) Wang Can, Wang Yuxin, Chen Haoran, Three Dimensional Simulation for Dynamic Failure ofCompound Structure with Aluminum Foam under Ballistic Impact, ICNMV, Shanghai,2007
(56) Sun Shiyong, Chen Haoran,Application of a Continuum Constitutive Model for Fracture Analysis of Metallic Foam with Element-Free Galerkin Method. ICNMV, Shanghai,2007









近10餘年來, 先後訪問在美, 日, 英, 加, 法,韓, 新加坡, 南非, 比利時, 澳大利亞和澳門、香港地區訪問和工作, 與國外建立了聯繫,並多次參加國際學術會議,擔任大會和分會主持人。在國內外著名雜誌發表論文近280餘篇, 具有一定的知名度。1980年以來曾先後主持國家自然科學基金面上項目12項,國防科工委項目和八六三項目6項, 部級重點科研項目近16餘項及參加重大基金課題子課題項目2項。1979年獲遼寧省重大科技成果一等獎,1986年作為"我國飛彈滑行快艇強度計算規則"主要參加者獲國家科技進步獎二等獎,1992年作為"複合材料網狀加筋殼體試製"任務主要參加者獲航天部重大科技成果二等獎。1992年起享受國務院頒發的高教突出貢獻政府津貼。


碩士生7名, 博士生7名。


84年以來培養碩士47名, 博士13名, 博士後6名。


