【成語】: 開宗明義
【拼音】: kāi zōng míng yì
【解釋】: 開宗:闡發宗旨;明義:說明意思。指說話、寫文章一開始就講明主要意思。
【拼音代碼】: kzmy
【用法】: 作謂語、定語、狀語;用於說話與寫文章
【英文】: make clear the purpose from the very beginning
make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning;come straight to the point;goal [theme] from the beginning;make clear at the outset;
That is why the first chapter is called "revealing the principle and explaining the meaning"; it brings out the principle that weneed to emphasize and explains the reason why we need to understand it.
Harvard strives to create knowledge, to open the minds of students to that knowledge, and to enable students to take bestadvantage of their educational opportunities.
In the village without preamble, greenery forest depend on each other, natural oxygen need not say more oneself, thevillage is in especially backer open up a thousands of landscape of smooth rice platform, this does not belong to the limitsusing the land of the village, but use for village owner only.
The white paper begins by saying that the chinese government attaches great importance to protecting the safe flow ofinternet information, and actively guides people to manage web sites in accordance with the law and to use the internet ina 'wholesome and correct way'.
That declaration begins by stating that, "recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of allmembers of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world."