郵編: 100084
1981.8 - 1985.7 國防科技大學 航空航天工程系固體力學專業 學士
1985.8 - 1987.7 航天工業總公司運載火箭研究院總體部 碩士
1987.10 - 1990.10 英國牛津大學 工程科學系固體力學專業 博士
1990.10 - 1993.10 英國牛津大學Rolls-Royce 固體力學中心 博士後
1994.4 - 1996.7 清華大學土木工程系 講師
1996.7 - 2004.12 清華大學土木工程系 副教授
2004.12 - 今 清華大學土木工程系 教授
1.Hongzhi zhong, Ming Gao, Quadrature element analysis of planar frameworks, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2010, 80 (12) :1391-1405.
2.Zhong H, Wang Y. Weak form quadrature element analysis of Bickford Beams, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2010, 29 (5) : 851-858.
3.Hongzhi Zhong, Tian Yu. A weak form quadrature element method for plane elasticity problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(10): 3801-3814, 2009
4.Yihua Mo, Li Ou, Hongzhi Zhong. Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beams on a Nonlinear Elastic Foundation. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2009, 14(3): 322-326.
5.Minmao Liao, Hongzhi Zhong, Nonlinear vibration analysis of tapered Timoshenko beams, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 36 (5):1267-1272,2008.
6.Hongzhi Zhong, Minmao Liao, Higherorder nonlinear vibration analysis of Timoshenko beams by the splinebased differential quadrature method. Shock and Vibration, 14(6):407-416, 2007.
7.Hongzhi Zhong, Chao Gu, Buckling of symmetric cross-ply laminates under a linearly varying load,Composite Structures 80(1):42-48, 2007
8.Hongzhi Zhong, Tian Yu. Flexural vibration analysis of an eccentric annular Mindlin plate,Archive of Applied Mechanics,77(4):185-195,2007
9.Hongzhi Zhong,Mengyu Lan,Solution of nonlinear initialvalue Duffing equations by splinebased differential quadrature method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 296(4/5):908-918, 2006.
10.Hongzhi Zhong, Chao Gu,Buckling analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates under linearly varying load, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 132(5):578-581, May, 2006.