





Chapter 1 Reservation預定
背景知識:OPERA Reservation System ORS預訂系統
工作場景:1.Acquiring Reservation Information獲取預訂信息
2.Confirming a Reservation確認預定
3.Taking Down Details記錄交易細節
4.Keeping Updates保持更新
培訓視頻:How to Judge a Hotel by Its Website通過網站評價酒店
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:A Double Room雙人房間
Chapter 2 Registration入住登記
背景知識:Front Desk前台
工作場景:1.Greeting Guests問候客人
2.Asking Methods of Payment詢問支付方式
3.Filling in Registration Card填寫入住登記卡
4.Bell Service行李搬運服務
培訓視頻:How to Book the Best Hotel Room with Your Money?如何花錢預訂最好的房間?
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Don't Treat Us like We're a Couple of Fools不要把我們當成一對大傻瓜
Chapter 3 Concierge禮賓服務
工作場景:1.Greeting Guests and Unloading Luggage問候客人和卸載行李
2.Showing a Guest to the Room帶客人去房間
3.Introducing Room Facilities to a Guest向客人介紹房間設施
4.Providing Tourists Information on Guest Request為客人提供旅遊信息
培訓視頻:Hotel Concierge Service酒店禮賓服務
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Smoking Rate Gets Smoker Irate惹惱客人的吸菸費
Chapter 4 Private Branch Exchange總機
背景知識:About Private Branch Exchange總機簡介
工作場景:1.Answering and Transferring an External Call接聽並轉接外部來電
2.Answering and Transferring an Internal Call接聽並轉接內部來電
3.Answering General Inquiries回答一般性問題
4.Wake—up Calls叫醒電話
培訓視頻:Forbidden Phrase No.1 at PBX—“I Don't Know”總機第一禁語——“我不知道”
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Why My Call Can't Get Through?為什麼我的電話打不通?
Chapter 5 Checkout退房
背景知識:Instructions to Checkout退房須知
工作場景:1.Checking Out FIT為住店散客退房
2.Checking Out VIP為貴賓退房
3.Checking Out Group Guests為住店團隊客人退房
4.Handling Disputed Items處理有爭議的賬目
培訓視頻:Self Check—in and Checkout自助登記人住和退房
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:No Exit沒有出口
Chapter 6 Housekeeping客房部
背景知識:Housekeeping Department客房部
工作場景:1.Preparations for Housekeeping客房服務準備工作
2.A.M.Room Attendant's Daily Routine早班客房清潔工的日常工作
3.P.M.Room Attendant's Daily Routine晚班清潔工的日常工作
4.Public Area Cleaning公共區域的保潔
培訓視頻:Floor Supervisor Checks Around樓層主管檢查房間
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Dogs Are Welcome歡迎狗光臨
Chapter 7 Food and Beverage Service餐飲服務
背景知識:Food and Beverage Department餐飲部
工作場景:1.Restaurant Service餐廳服務
2.Bar Service酒吧服務
3.Buffet Service自助餐服務
4.Coffee Shop Service咖啡廳服務
培訓視頻:Suggestive Selling Techniques for Restaurants餐廳推銷技巧
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Great Steaks大牛排
Chapter 8 Western Foods西式餐點
背景知識:Western Table Manners西方餐桌禮儀
工作場景:1.Taking Reservations訂座
2.Seating Guests領座
3.Taking Orders點菜
4.Serving Dishes上菜
培訓視頻:The Expenence of Working at a Restaurant餐館服務員的經歷
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:We've Just Run Out of Dinosaur恐龍肉剛賣完
Chapter 9 Western Beverage西餐酒水
工作場景:In the Restaurant在餐廳
1.Taking Orders請客人點酒
2.Recommending Drinks推薦酒水
At the Bar在酒吧
1.Taking Orders請客人點酒
2.Chatting with Guests與客人寒暄
3.Explaining the Making of Drinks介紹調酒的方法
4.Paying the Bill付賬
培訓視頻:How to Select Wine?怎樣挑選葡萄酒?
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Give Me a Coke給我來杯可樂
Chapter 10 Chinese Foods中式餐點
背景知識:Chinese Table Manners中餐禮儀
工作場景:1.Taking Orders點菜
2.Recommending Chinese Dishes推薦中國菜
3.Explaining Chinese Dishes介紹中國菜
4.Paying the Bill結賬
培訓視頻:Chinese Dining Etiquette: Seating Arrangement中餐禮儀:座次安排
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:Who Kicked Me?誰踢了我?
Chapter 11 Chinese Tea and Alcohol中國茶和酒
背景知識:Chinese Tea and Alcohol中國茶酒
工作場景:In the Restaurant在餐廳
1.Taking Orders of Wine為客人點酒
2.Recommending Chinese Alcohol推薦中國酒
At the Tea House在茶館
1.Taking Orders of Tea為客人點茶
2.Recommending Chinese Tea推薦中國茶
3.Chatting over a Tea Ceremony閒聊茶藝表演
培訓視頻:How to Brew Green Tea?怎樣沏綠茶?
員工職責:Job Description of the Department本部員工職責描述
增補練習:On Their Way Home from the Bar從酒吧回家的路上
Chapter 12 Room Service送餐服務
Chapter 13 Banquet Service宴會服務
Chapter 14 Recreational Activities娛樂 活動
Chapter 15 Shopping Arcade購物中心
Chapter 16 Complaints Settlement投訴處理
Reference Keys
Appendices 附錄


