代表論著Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Numerical study on the effects of large blood vessels on three-dimensional tissue temperature profiles during cryosurgery, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol.49, pp. 47-67, 2006.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Numerical simulation of selective freezing of target biological tissues following injection of solutions with specific thermal properties, Cryobiology, vol.50, pp.183-192, 2005.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Modeling of multidimensional freezing problem during cryosurgery by the dual reciprocity boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol.28, pp.97-108, 2004.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Numerical simulation on 3-D freezing and heating problems for the combined cryosurgery and hyperthermia therapy, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol.46, pp.587-611, 2004.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Mathematical modeling on temperature mapping over skin surface and its implementation in disease diagnostics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol.34, pp.495-521, 2004.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Monte Carlo simulation of the effects of large blood vessels during hyperthermia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol.3314, pp.437-442, 2004.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Non-Fourier heat conduction effect on temperature transients and thermal stress in skin cryopreservation, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol.26, pp.779-798, 2003.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Monte Carlo method to solve multi-dimensional bioheat transfer problem, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol.42, pp.543-567, 2002.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Analytical study on bioheat transfer problems with spatial or transient heating on skin surface or inside biological bodies, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol.124, pp. 638-649, 2002.
Z.-S. Deng and J. Liu, Blood perfusion based model for characterizing the temperature fluctuation in living tissues, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, vol.300, pp. 521-530, 2001.
獲獎及榮譽全國優秀博士論文提名,2007第22屆國際製冷大會最佳牆報論文獎,2007 中國科學院優秀博士論文獎,2006 入選北京市科技新星計畫(A類),2006 中國科學院院長獎優秀獎,2003 北京市青年優秀科技論文二等獎,2003
招收專業製冷及低溫工程 工程熱物理 生物醫學工程