鄒漢法1961年出生於浙江省寧波市,“海定則波寧”,他的生活軌跡也一直與海結緣。1983年,他來到了遼東半島最南端的海濱城市大連,開始追尋他的科研夢,色譜夢。在中科院大連化物所國家色譜中心盧佩章院士和張玉奎院士的指導下,於1989年獲得了分析化學博士學位並留所工作。為了彌補文革造成的人才斷層對科研工作的影響,大連化物所在90年代初期積極培養了一批青年科學家成為各項科研工作的中堅力量。由於出色的科研工作能力,鄒漢法在1995年晉升為研究員並擔任國家色譜中心主任,2002年擔任生物技術部副主任,2009年擔任中科院分離分析化學重點實驗室主任。他1997年獲國家自然科學基金委“傑出青年”基金資助, 2010年獲國家自然科學基金委“創新群體”項目資助。
鄒漢法結合學科前沿問題和國家重大需求,帶領研究團隊開展複雜生物樣品的高效分離與表征的研究工作,取得了一系列可喜成果。在Nat. Methods、Nat. Commun.、Nat. Protoc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.等刊物發表SCI論文417篇,SCI他引8032次,H-index 50。申請國家發明專利93件,授權發明專利42件,實施發明專利12件。相關研究成果獲國家自然科學二等獎1項(排名第一)、遼寧省自然科學一等獎3項(2項排名第一)和教育部自然科學一等獎1項(排名第二)。先後擔任J. Chromatogr. A、Anal. Chem., J. Proteome Res.等20餘種國內外學術刊物的主編、副主編和編委等職務。
鄒漢法的研究團隊發展了超長反相色譜毛細管矽膠整體柱、雜化整體柱和分子印跡整體柱的製備新技術,實現了小分子化合物、生物大分子及手性化合物的高效、高選擇性分離分析。他們利用溶膠凝膠法研製成功60厘米長反相色譜毛細管矽膠整體柱,一次梯度洗脫可分離鑑定到酵母蛋白質酶解液中的5501個多肽,對應於1323個蛋白質,該結果被國際同行認為是“國際上矽膠整體柱所達到的最好分離效果”。發展了“一鍋法”雜化整體柱製備技術,基於多種色譜分離機理實現了小分子化合物和生物大分子的高效分離分析。相關成果在Anal. Chem.上連續發表論文5篇,被認為是製備雜化整體柱“極其省時、高效的方法”,“被廣泛套用於各種雜化整體柱的製備”。發展了有機聚合物分子印跡整體柱的製備方法,實現了手性化合物和生物鹼內消旋體的快速高效分離分析。整體柱高效分離分析相關研究成果獲得了廣泛關注和高度認可,2002年和2008年分別受邀為色譜領域權威期刊J. Chromatgr. A撰寫整體柱材料綜述性論文,名列該刊2001-2006年度和2007-2009年度最高引用綜述論文榜單。
他的研究團隊發現了磷酸酯鋯/鈦與磷酸肽之間的特異性相互作用,設計並製備了以磷酸基團為鋯離子螯合配體的新一代固定化金屬離子親和色譜固定相,顯著提高了複雜生物樣品中磷酸肽的富集能力,與傳統方法相比其富集特異性提高2倍以上。2013年在Nat. Protoc.發表了磷酸酯鈦親和色譜固定相及其在蛋白質磷酸化分析中套用的論文,充分證明了其在蛋白質磷酸化規模化分析方面的優越性。以其為核心技術實現了人肝組織蛋白質樣品近萬個磷酸化位點的規模化分析,其結果被國際同行認為是“迄今為止最大的人類肝臟蛋白質組磷酸化數據集,將人肝組織磷酸化調控的闡釋上升到系統化水平”。2011年受邀為Anal. Chem.撰寫Perspective論文, 就磷酸化蛋白質組學分析進行評述與展望,這是中國分析化學家首次在該刊物上發表該類論文。
內源性多肽的基體高度複雜、含量動態變化,其富集和分離鑑定被認為“面臨巨大挑戰”。鄒漢法研究團隊利用有序介孔材料孔徑體積排阻和內表面吸附協同作用,建立了血漿多肽富集新方法,顯著提高了內源性多肽分離鑑定的靈敏度和通量。進一步以碳介孔材料富集血清多肽, 從20微升血清中鑑定到3402個內源性多肽。與文獻報導的最高水平相比,在樣品用量降低65倍的情況下將內源性多肽的鑑定數目提高了70%。該項研究被Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.選為VIP論文發表,並作為亮點論文進行點評,認為是“內源性多肽高效率、高選擇性的富集方法”,“創造了血清內源性多肽鑑定的記錄”。
曾獲中國科協“優秀青年科技獎”,中科院“青年科學家獎”二等獎,香港求是科技基金會“傑出青年學者獎”。1997年獲國家傑出青年基金項目資助,2011年主持國家自然科學基金會“複雜體系高效分離與表征”創新群體項目。擔任國外刊物Trends in Aanl. Chem.責任主編和BMC Genomics, J. Separation Science, Curr. Anal. Chem.副主編;國內刊物Chin. J. Chem.,《化學學報》和《色譜》副主編; 國內外刊J. Proteome Res., Electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr.A, Anal. Chim. Acta, Anal. Method (RSC) 和《科學通報》、《化學進展》、《分析化學》、《分析測試學報》、《環境化學》等18種雜誌編委。2009年第24屆國際微尺度生物分離分析(Micro-scale Bioseparation)學術會議共同主席和該學術會議科學委員會常務委員。長期從事複雜樣品高效分離分析新技術和新方法的研究,在國內外學術刊物發表SCI論文320篇, 其中在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,ACS Nano, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, Chem. Commun., J. Proteome Res., Anal. Chem.等高影響因子(IF≥5)刊物發表論文60餘篇,SCI他人引用近5500多次。出版著作3部,申請國家發明專利30項,實施發明專利10項。曾獲遼寧省自然科學一等獎三次(二次排名第一,一次排名第三),教育部高等院校自然科學一等獎一次(排名第二)。
1989年06月 中科院大連化學物理研究所獲博士學位1990年10月 美國國家環境保護署訪問學者
1994年03月 美國東北大學化學系高級訪問學者
1997年 獲國家傑出青年基金資助
1998年 獲香港“求是基金會”傑出青年學者獎
1998年04月 德國慕尼黑GSF生態化學研究所高級訪問學者
任Journal of Separation Science 、BMC genomics、化學學報、Chinese Journal of Chemistry、色譜等雜誌副主編;Trends in Analytical Chemistry 雜誌責任編輯;Journal of Proteome Research、Electrophoresis 、Journal of Chromatography A 、Analytica Chimica Acta、科學通報、高等學校化學學報、分析化學、分析科學學報、環境化學、分析測試學報等雜誌編委, 18th International Symposium on Chirality 2006 國際學術委員會委員, The 24th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations (MSB)大會主席;MSB學術委員會永久委員;中國分析測試協會理事,中國化學會色譜專業組副組長;;科學出版社分析化學新技術和新方法叢書副主編。
鄒漢法研究員自1983年開展色譜專家系統基礎理論和離子對色譜保留機理的研究。1994年以來, 針對生命科學發展對生物分離分析提出的新挑戰和新要求,開展了毛細管電色譜、生物分子相互作用、生物分離新材料製備技術和生物質譜新基體的研究。現主要從事微分離分析新技術新方法、生物分離新材料製備技術和套用、蛋白質組學新技術新方法和納米材料在生物分析中的套用等方面的研究。鄒漢法研究員已完成了國家自然科學基金會“傑出青年基金”和儀器專項基金,科技部863,973課題和中科院知識創新項目等多項科研任務。在國內外學術刊物發表論文350餘篇,其中SCI論文280餘篇,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,J. Proteome Res.,Anal.Chem.等IF>5的刊物發表論文30多篇。鄒漢法研究員應邀分別在Curr. Opin. Biotechnol.,Trends Anal. Chem.,Electrophoresis 和J. Chromatogr.A等國際刊物撰寫綜述論文近20篇,出版專著4部,30餘次在國際會議上作特邀報告;SCI他人引用近4000次。申請國家發明專利20多項,授權近10項。
Dr. Hanfa ZouProfessor with the Division of Biotechnology at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences passed away in the morning of April 25, 2016.
Hanfa had been fighting cancer for several years. His death is a very big loss for his beloved family, his friends, the institute in Dalian and his research group. His funeral took place on April 27. His family, and over 700 friends and colleagues mourned the loss of a man they remember as brilliant.
Dr. Hanfa Zou was one of the most exceptional scientists in the field of analytical sciences in the world. He developed a multitude of new methods and technologies for the separation and analyses of complex samples from which we all benefit. These include separation and analyses of proteomic samples and as well as for analyses of traditional Chinese medicines. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers. His scientific achievements have had a huge impact on thousands of scientists, across the world.
Prof. Hanfa Zoudsjj.h1
Professor Hanfa Zou (1961-2016) received his BS degree in Chemistry from Zhejiang University of Technology in 1982 and his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in 1986. He was the Editor of J. Chromatogr. A, Contributing Editor of Trends in Anal. Chem., Associate Editor of BMC Genomics and the Editorial Board Member for the international journals including the Anal. Chem., J. Proteome Res., Electrophoresis, Anal. Chim. Acta, J. Sep. Sci., Anal. Methods. He also serviced as the Editorial Board Member for the national journals including the Chin. J. Anal. Chem., Chemical J. Chin. Universities, Chin. Sci. Bull., Chin. J. Environ. Chem., Chin. J. Natural Products etc. He was also the chief scientists of China Basic Science Research Project (Technology and method for large analysis of post-translational modifications of proteins) and Creative Research Group Project of NSFC (Development of methods and technology for analysis and characterization of complex samples).
Professor Hanfa Zou had published over 400 papers and reviews in the field of bioanalysis, in particular on separation science and proteome analysis. More than 350 papers were published in the renowned international journals such as the Nat. Methods, Nat. Protocols, Nat.Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Mol. Cell. Proteomics, J. Proteome Res. and Anal. Chem. etc., and all published papers have been cited more than 10,000 times.
Professor Hanfa Zou had nearly thirty years of research experiences. Many achievements have been obtained in the research fields of chromatography expert system, bio-chromatography, separation and detection of biomacromolecules and technology for proteome analysis. Techniques for immobilization of biomolecules on various supporters such as composite cellulose materials, monolithic columns, silica particles and so on, were developed for affinity chromatographic separation and chiral separation. Capillary columns with monolithic stationary phases were developed in capillary electrochromatography (CEC). Biological fingerprinting analysis of traditional was proposed to screening and analysis of bioactive compounds in TCMs. In MALDI analysis of low mass compounds, inorganic matrices such as carbon nanotubes, porous silica gel etc. were used to circumvent the interference of background signals in low mass range by conventional organic matrix, and a novel organic matrix with high salt tolerance was discovered for MALDI analysis of protein and DNA segment samples.
Several new technologies for proteome analysis were developed. Ultra-long monolithic C18 capillary column was prepared for highly efficient separation of peptides, immobilized trypsin micro-reactor was prepared to highly efficient digestion of complex protein mixture, a new generation of IMAC adsorbents with Zr(IV) and Ti(IV) as chelating ions were prepared for enrichment of phosphopeptides in phsophoproteome analysis, and the systems with automation of nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry by using a particles packed and monolithic strong cation exchange trap column have been developed for proteome analysis. Highly ordered mesoporous silica particles have been applied for selective extraction of peptides from human plasma for peptidome analysis. Large-scale analysis of protein phosphorylation and glycosylation in human liver tissue was achieved which resulted in the generation of the largest human organ phosphoproteome and glycoproteome datasets.
Education and Professional Experiences:
1978-1982, Zhejiang University of Technology
1983-1986, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, MS student in Analytical Chemistry
1986-1989, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Ph.D student in Analytical Chemistry
1989-1991, Assistant Research Professor Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
1991-1992, Visiting Scientist at US-EPA, Atmospheric Research Center, RTP, NC
1992-1994, Associate Research Professor at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
1994-1995, Visiting Scholar at Northeastern University in Boston, USA
1995-present, Research Professor, Director of the National Chromatographic R&A
Center, Member of Scientific Committee of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
2003-present, Vice Director of Education Committee, Vice Director of Biotechnology Division, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
2008-present, Director of CAS Key Lab of Separation Sciences for Analytical Chemistry.
Editors and Editorial Board Members for the International Journals:
Contributing Editor for Trends in Anal. Chem.,
Editor for J. Chromatogr.A ,
Associate Editor for BMC Genmoics
Editorial Board Members for the Anal. Chem.(ACS), J. Proteome Res.(ACS), Anal. Chim. Acta , J. Sep. Sci., Electrophoresis and Anal. Methods (RSC)
Excellent Young Scientist awarded by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology in 1990
Silver Award for Excellent Young Scientist by the Chinese Academy of Sciencein 1991
Third-Class Award for Natural Sciences by CAS in 1996
Excellent Young Scientist Funding awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 1997
Excellent Young Scientist Award by the QiuShi Foundation (HK) in 1998
First-Class Award for Natural Sciences by Liaoning Provice in 2002, 2004 and 2011
Second-Class Award for State Natural Sciences in 2012
Research interests:
Technology and method for analysis of post-translational modifications of proteins
Chromatographic media for purification and analysis of biological samples
Multidimensional HPLC hyphenated with MS for proteome analysis