2018年國際著名SCI學術期刊 Journal of Hydrology主編 。
2012年國際SCI學術期刊Applied Geochemistry副主編。
2012年國際SCI學術期刊Chemie der ERDE-Geochemistry副主編。
(1) Guo H.M., Zhang Y., Xing L.N., Jia Y.F. Spatial variation in arsenic and fluoride concentrations of shallow groundwater from the Shahai town of the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Applied Geochemistry, 2012, 27: 2187-2196.
(2) Breit G., Guo H.M.* Geochemistry of arsenic during low-temperature water-rock interaction. Applied Geochemistry, 2012, 27: 2157-2159.
(3) Guo H.M., Zhong Z.N., Lei M., Xue X.L., Wan X.M., Zhao J.Y., Chen T.B. Arsenic uptake from arsenic-contaminated water using hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L.: Effect of chloride, bicarbonate and arsenic species. Water, Air Soil Pollution, 2012, 223: 4209–4220.
(4) Neidhardt H., Norra S., Tang X., Guo H., Stüben D. Impact of irrigation with high arsenic burdened groundwater on the soil-plant system: Results from a case study in the Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 163: 8-13.
(5) Zhao J.Y., Jin X.L., Shen Z.L., Guo H.M. Accumulation and risk assessment of heavy metals in vegetables in wastewater irrigation areas. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 183-185: 527-531.
(6) Guo H.M., Li Y., Zhao K., Ren Y. Removal of arsenite by synthetic siderite: Behaviors and Mechanisms. J. Hazard. Mater. 2011, 186: 1847–1854(7) Guo H.M., Zhang B., Li Y., Berner Z., Tang X.H., Norra S. Hydrogeological and biogeochemical constrains of As mobilization in shallow aquifers from the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Environ. Pollu. 2011, 159: 876-883.
(8) Guo H.M., Zhang B., Zhang Y. Control of organic and iron colloids on arsenic partition and transport in high arsenic groundwaters in the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Appl. Geochem. 2011, 26: 360-370
(9) Liu Q., Guo H.M.*, Shan Y. Adsorption of fluoride on synthetic siderite from aqueous solution. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2010, 131: 635-641.
(10) Guo, H.M., Zhang, B., Wang, G.C., Shen, Z.L. Geochemical controls on arsenic and rare earth elements approximately along a groundwater flow path in the shallow aquifer of the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Chemical Geology, 2010, 270: 117-125 .
(11) Guo, H.M., Li, Y., Zhao K. Arsenate removal from aqueous solution using synthetic siderite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 176: 174-180.
(12) Guo, H.M., Zhang, B., Yang, S.Z., Li, Y., Stüben, D., Norra, S., Wang, J.J. Role of colloidal particles for hydrogeochemistry in As-affected aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. Geochemical Journal, 2009, 43: 227-234 .
(13) Guo, H.M., Stüben, D., Berner, Z, Yu Q.C. Characteristics of arsenic adsorption from aqueous solution: Effect of arsenic species and natural adsorbents. Applied Geochemistry, 2009, 24: 657-663.
(14) Guo H.M., Tang X.H., Yang S.Z. Effect of indigenous bacteria on geochemical behavior of arsenic in aquifer sediments from the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia: Evidence from sediment incubation. Applied Geochemistry, 2008, 23: 3267-3277.
(15) Guo H.M., Yang S.Z., Tang X.H., Li Y., Shen Z.L. Groundwater geochemistry and its implications for arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. Science of the Total Environment, 2008, 393: 131-144.
(16) Guo, H.M., Stüben, D., Berner, Z., Kramar, U. Adsorption of arsenic species from water using activated siderite–hematite column filters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 151: 628-635.
(17) Guo, H.M., Stüben, D., Berner, Z. Adsorption of arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) from groundwater using natural siderite as the adsorbent. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 315(1): 47-53.
(18) Guo, H.M., Li, G., Zhang, D., Zhang, X., Lu, C. Nitrogen balance and dynamics as affected by water table and fertilization management in celery ( Apium graveolens) cropping system of southwestern China. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2007, 2(4): 139-149.
(19) Guo, H.M., Stüben, D., Berner, Z. Arsenic removal from water using natural iron mineral-quartz sand columns. Science of the Total Environment, 2007, 377: 142-151..
(20) Guo, H.M., Stüben, D., Berner, Z. Removal of arsenic from aqueous solution by natural siderite and hematite. Applied Geochemistry, 2007, 22: 1039-1051.
(22) Kramar, U., Norra, S., Guo, H.M., Stüben, D. Adsorption mechanism of As in rice paddy soils and on mineral surfaces for water remediation, ANKA Annual Report, 2006: 156-157.
(23) Guo, H.M., Li, G., Zhang, D., Zhang, X., Lu, C. Effect of water table and fertilization management on nitrogen loading to groundwater. Agricultural Water Management, 2006, 82(1-2): 86-98.
(24) Guo, H.M., Wang, Y. Geochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater in Datong Basin, northwestern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2005, 87(3): 109-120.
(25) Guo, H.M., Wang, Y.X. Hydrogeochemical processes in shallow Quaternary aquifers from the northern part of Datong Basin, China. Applied Geochemistry, 2004, 19(1): 19-27.
(26) Guo, H.M., Wang, Y.X. Specific vulnerability assessment using MLPI model in Datong City, Shanxi Province, P. R. China. Environmental Geology, 2004, 45(3): 401- 407.
(27) Guo, H.M., Wang, Y., Grigoriy, M.S., Yan, S.L. Natural occurrence of arsenic in shallow groundwater, Shanyin, Datong Basin, China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health – Part A, 2003, A38 (11): 2565-2580.
(28) 代天嬌, 彭彤, 陶晨, 吳俊延, 郭華明*, 趙凱. 天然錳砂去除水中砷的性能研究. 環境工程學報, 2013, 7(1): 50-56.
(29) 楊利錦, 郭華明*. 活化赤泥的除氟性能. 環境工程學報, 2012, 6(11): 3981-3988.
(30) 楊利錦, 郭華明*. 化學沉澱法處理除氟吸附劑再生尾液的實驗研究. 安全與環境工程,2012, 19(5): 59-64.
(31) 郭華明, 劉春華. 簡易陰離子交換柱分離不同形態砷的研究及其在除砷實驗中的套用. 分析化學, 2012, 40(7): 1092-1097.
(32) 任燕, 郭華明*. 人造菱鐵礦造粒條件及其吸附As(V)的特性研究. 環境工程學報, 2012, 6(9): 70-77.
(33) 張揚, 郭華明*, 賈永鋒. 不同還原階段淺層含水系統砷的釋放特徵:以內蒙古河套平原為例. 水文地球化學研究進展(慶祝沈照理教授從事地質教育六十周年論文集),地質出版社,2012, 156-166.
(34) 魏亮, 郭華明*,謝振華,李志萍. 北京平原包氣帶典型沉積物對NH4-N吸附特性研究.水文地質工程地質,2012, 39(1): 81-88.
(35) 趙凱, 郭華明*, 李媛, 任燕. 天然菱鐵礦改性及強化除砷研究. 環境科學, 2012, 33(2): 459-468.
(36) 沈照理, 王焰新, 郭華明. 水-岩相互作用研究的機遇與挑戰. 地球科學——中國地質大學學報, 2012, 37(2): 207-219.
(37) 郭朝斌,孫婷婷,鄭炎松,馬自強,白露,吳桂松,劉瓊, 郭華明*. 改性灰岩除氟的實驗研究. 環境科學與技術, 2011, 34(8): 89-94.
(38) 單悅, 郭華明*, 劉瓊. 不同鋁鹽改性人工合成菱鐵礦除氟性能研究. 安全與環境工程,2011, 18(3): 22-27.
(39) 劉春華, 郭華明*, 鄭偉, 李媛. 天然磁鐵礦吸附-電感耦合電漿質譜測定砷. 分析化學, 2011, 39: 115-119.
(40) 郭華明, 張波, 李媛, 魏亮, 張揚. 內蒙古河套平原高砷地下水中稀土元素含量及分異特徵.地學前緣, 2010, 17(6): 59-66..
(41) 魏亮, 郭華明*, 謝振華, 李志萍. 北京平原沉積物稀土元素地球化學特徵及物源意義. 地學前緣, 2010, 17(6): 72-80.
(42) 沈照理, 郭華明, 徐剛, 王翠珀. 地下水化學異常與地方病. 自然雜誌, 2010, 32(2): 83-89.
(43) 李媛, 郭華明*. 套用微生物除砷的研究現狀及前景, 環境科學與技術,2009, 32: 144-149.
(44) 劉瓊, 郭華明* . 活化鐵錳結核的除氟性能研究. 環境科學,2009, 30(8): 2263-2270.
(45) 郭華明, 唐小惠, 楊素珍, 李媛, 沈照理, 張玲.土著微生物作用下砷的釋放和轉化實驗研究. 現代地質, 2009, 23(1): 86-93.
(46) 韋超, 王軍, 張超, 郭華明, 章金剛, 劉明. 凍乾人尿中砷形態成分標準物質的製備研究. 分析化學, 2009, 37, 232-232.
(47) 郭華明, 陳思, 任燕. 反硝化菌的耐砷馴化及其對水鐵礦吸附態砷遷移轉化的影響. 地學前緣, 2008, 15(5): 317-323.
(48) 郭華明, 楊素珍, 唐小惠, 張波, 李媛, 沈照理. 內蒙古河套平原淺層高砷地下水分布及形成機理研究. 水文地質工程地質, 2008, 35(增刊): 92-99.
(49) 郭華明, 劉瓊. 改性鐵錳結核對水中氟離子的吸附作用研究. 安全與環境學報, 2008, 8(2): 26-30.
(50) 楊素珍, 郭華明*, 唐小惠, 沈照理. 內蒙古河套平原地下水砷異常分布規律研究. 地學前緣, 2008, 15(1): 242-249.
(51) 唐小惠, 郭華明*,劉菲. 富砷水環境中微生物及其環境效應的研究現狀. 水文地質工程地質, 2008(3): 104-107.
(52) 郭華明, 楊素珍, 沈照理. 富砷地下水研究進展. 地球科學進展, 2007, 22(11): 1109-1117.
* 為通訊作者
2、高效除氟吸附劑的製備和套用方法, 專利號:ZL200710176919.6.
5、2009入圍Scopus “未來科技之星”環境科學領域十強。