2004年7月於河南理工大學計算機科學與技術 專業獲工學學士學位,2007年7月於河南理工大學控制理論與控制工程專業獲工學碩士學位,2007年9月開始在上海交通大學控制理論與控制工程專業攻讀博士學位,2013.7.12通過博士學位論文答辯。
[1]ChenyuGuo, Weidong Zhang and Jie Bao.Robust Output Feedback H∞ Control for Networked Control Systems Based on the Occurrence Probabilities of Time Delays International Journal of Systems Science 2012 ,V43, No2, 259-271(SCI)
[2]Chenyu Guo,Weidong Zhang. H∞Estimationfor Stochastic Time Delays in Networked ControlSystems by Partly Unknown Transition Probabilities of Markovian Chains. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,Transactions of the ASME,Jan 2013, V135,No1, 014508(16 pages) (SCI)
[3]Chenyu Guo. H∞ Stabilization of Networked Control Systems Based onthe Occurrence Probability of Time Delay, Advanced Science Letters,2011.6.17, Accepted.(SCI)
[4]Chenyu Guo. H∞ control of multi-loop networked control systems withlow bandwidth communication channel. 2011 11th International Conference on Control, Automation andSystems.(EI)
[5]Chenyu Guo. H∞Stabilization of Networked Control Systems Based onthe Occurrence Probability of Time Delay,Advanced Materials Research,Accepted.(EI)
[6]Mantian xue, Chenyu Guo. H2 decouplinganalytical design for dual thrusters 2blending controlled missiles.2010 3rd International Conference on Computer and ElectricalEngineering (EI)
(1) 網路控制系統與無線感測網路
(2) 超超臨界火電機組的建模與控制