1980-1984: BS, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
1984-1987: MS, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
1987-1990: Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Chemistry, Peking University, China
1992-1995: PhD, Institute for Molecular Science, OKAZAKI, Japan
1995-1997: Postdoctoral RA, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
1997-1998: Postdoctoral RA, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
(1)小分子抗原的合成和多克隆/單克隆抗體製備. The syntheses of antigens of small molecules and preparation of corresponding polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies
(2)生物免疫技術藥物殘留檢測方法的研究和開發. Research and development of immunotechnical methods to detect drug residues
(3)納米免疫磁珠的合成和在疾病檢測和藥殘檢測中的套用. Preparation of nanomagnetic bead and explore its application in diagnoses of diseases and drug residues
(4)抗體的分離純化和性質研究. Purification and characterization of antibodies
(1) 山東大學引進人才科研啟動費 (負責人)(2003.3-)
(2) 教育部回國人員科研費 (負責人)(2004-)
(3) “硝基呋喃類藥物抗體的製備和酶聯免疫分析法的建立”,國家自然科學基金 (負責人) (2007-2009)
(4) “重要獸藥單克隆抗體的製備和免疫檢測試劑盒的開發”國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)(負責人)(2007-2010)
(5) “重大環境污染事件特徵污染物現場快速檢測技術系統”國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)(協作人)(2008-2011)
1.Meng Meng, Rimo Xi*. Establishment of immunoassays to detect harmful residues in foods and food products. Current Analytical Chemistry, 2011 (invited review in preparation)
2.Yabin Wang, Fangyang He, Yuping Wan, Meng Meng, Jing Xu, Yuanyang Zhang, Jian Yi, Caiwei Feng, Shanliang Wang, Rimo Xi*. An Indirect Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) to Detect Nitroimidazoles in Food Products, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2011 (in press).
3.Meng Meng, Rimo Xi*. Current development in analyzing drug residue in foods and food products. Analytical Letters, 2011 (review article in press)
4.Zhaozhen Cao, Shengxin Lu, Jinting Liu, Jinhua Zhan, Meng Meng, Rimo Xi*. Preparation of anti-Lomefloxacin Antibody and Development of an Indirect Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Lomefloxacin Residue in Milk. Analytical Letters, 2011 (in press)
5.Zhaozhen Cao, Meng Meng, Shengxin Lu, Rimo Xi*. Development of an Indirect Chemiluminescent Competitive ELISA to Detect Danofloxacin Residues in Milk, Analytical Letters, 2011 (in press).
6.Zhang, Yuanyang, He, Fangyang, Wan, Yuping , Meng, Mengb, Xu, Jing, Yi, Jian, Wang, Yabin, Feng, Caiwei, Wang, Shanliang, Xi, Rimo, Generation of anti-trenbolone monoclonal antibody and establishment of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of trenbolone in animal tissues, feed and urine, Talanta, 2011, 83, 732-737.
7.Jing Xu, Yuanyang Zhang, Jian Yi, Meng Meng, Rimo Xi*. Preparation of anti-Sudan Red monoclonal antibody and development of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosobent assay for detection of Sudan Red in Chili Jam and Chili Oil, Analyst, 2010,135(10), 2566-2572.
8.Yin, Weiwei; Liu, Jinting; Li, Weihua; Liu, Wei; Meng, Meng; Wan, Yuping; Feng, Caiwei; Wang, Shanliang; Lu, Xiao; Xi, Rimo. Preparation of Monoclonal Antibody for Melamine and Development of an Indirect Competitive ELISA for Melamine Detection in Raw Milk, Milk Powder and Animal Feeds, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010, 58, 8152-8157.
9.Wei Liu, Meng Meng, Yuping Wan, Caiwei Feng, Shanliang Wang, Rimo Xi*. Preparation of monoclonal antibody and development of an indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of chlorpromazine residue in chicken and swine liver, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2010, 90, 1789-1795.
10.Yongchao Lai, Weiwei Yin, Jinting Liu, Rimo Xi, Jinhua Zhan, One-Pot Green Synthesis and Bioapplication of L-Arginine-Capped Superparamagnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2010, 5, 302�307
11Meng Meng, Yulan Zhang, Shengxin Lu, Jinting Liu, Jinhua Zhan, Rimo Xi*. Preparation of anti-Salbutamol Antibody Based on a New Designed Immunogen and Development of a Heterologous Indirect cELISA for Detection of Salbutamol Residue in Swine Liver, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2010, 45 (4), 442-450.
12.Kai Ding, Cuihua Zhao, Zhaozhen Cao, Zhongqiu Liu, Jinting Liu, Jinhua Zhan, Chen Ma, and Rimo Xi*. Chemiluminescent Detection of Gatifloxacin Residue in Milk. Analytical Letters, 2009, 42, 505.
13.Zhongqiu Liu, Shengxin Lu, Cuihua Zhao, Zhaozhen Cao, Yanshuai Wang, Yulan Zhang, Chengbiao Zhao, Wei Liu, Jinhua Zhan, Jinting Liu, and Rimo Xi*. Preparation of anti-Danofloxacin Antibody and Development of an Indirect Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Danofloxacin Residue in Chicken Liver. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89, 1115.
14.Zhao, C.; Liu, W.; Ling, H.; Lu, S.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, J.; Xi, R*. Preparation of anti-Gatifloxacin Antibody and Development of an Indirect Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Gatifloxacin Residue in Milk. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 6879.
15.Liu, W.; Zhao, C.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, S.; Liu, J.; Xi, R*. Preparation of Polyclonal Antibodies to a Derivative of 1-Aminohydantoin (AHD) and Development of an Indirect Competitive ELISA for Detection of Nitrofurantoin Residue in Water. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 6829.
16.Xu, P.; Qiu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, J.; Wang, G. P.; Yan, B.; Song, J.; Xi, R.; Deng, Z.; Ma, C. Efficient whole-cell biocatalytic synthesis of N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 1614.
17.Zhang, Y. L.; Lu, S. X.; Liu, W.; Zhao, C. B.; Xi, R*. Preparation of anti-Tetracycline Antibodies and Development of an Indirect Heterologous cELISA Assay to Detect Residue of Tetracycline in Milk. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 211.
18, S. X.; Zhang, Y. L.; Liu, J. T.; Zhao, C. B.; Liu, W.; Xi, R*. Preparation of anti-pefloxacin antibody and development of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of pefloxacin residue in chicken liver. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 6995.
19.Zhang, X.; Xi, R.; Liu, J.; Jiang, J.; Wang, G.; Zeng, Q. Molecular and electronic structures as well as vibrational spectra assignment of biphenyl, 2,20- and 4,40-dichlorobiphenyl from density functional calculations, J. Mol. Struc-Theochem. 2006, 763, 67.
20.Xi R, Wang B, Abe M, Ozawa Y, Kinoshita I, and Isobe K. Tetranuclear Mo2Rh2 Complexes Obtained from Reactions between Triple Cubane-Type Oxide Cluster [(RhCp*)4Mo4O16] (Cp* =η5-C5Me5) and Methanethiol: [{Cp*Rh(μ-SMe)3MoO2}2(μ-O)] and [{Cp*Rh(μ-SMe)3 MoO}2 (μ-X)(μ-Y)] (X, Y = O and X=O, Y=S). Synthesis, X-ray Crystal Structures and Dynamic Behavior in Non-Aqueous Media, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1999, 72, 1985.
21.SITA LR, Xi R, Yap GPA, Liable-Sands LM, and Rheingold AL. High Yield Synthesis and characterization of Sn6(μ3-O)4(μ3-OSiMe3)4: A Novel Main Group Cluster for the Support of Multiple Transition Metal Centers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1997, 119, 756.
22.Sita LR, Babcock JR, and Xi R. Facile Metathetical Exchange Between Carbon Dioxide and the divalent Group 14 Bisamides, M[N(SiMe3)2]2 (M = Ge and Sn), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1996, 118, 10912.
23.Xi R, Babcock JR, and Sita LR. A. Thermal Reductive Elimination Route to Perbutylated Cyclopolystannanes, Organometallics, 1996, 15, 2849.
24.Xi R, Abe M, Suzuki T, Nishioka T, and Isobe K. Synthesis and Characterization of Pentamethylcyclopentadienylrhodium (III) and �iridium(III) Complexes with 1,2-Benzenedi- thiolate: [(Cp*Rh)2(μ(S)-1,2-C6H4S2-S,S’)2], [(Cp*Rh)2(μ(S)-1,2-C6H4S2-S,S’) (μ(S)-1,2- C6H4S(SO)-S,S’) 2] and [(Cp*Ir)(1,2-C6H4S2-S,S’)] (Cp*=η5-C5Me5), J. Organomet. Chem., 1997, 549, 117.
25.Xi R and Sita LR. Mechanistic Details for Metathetical Exchange between XCO (X = O and RN) and the Tin(II) Dimer,{Sn[N(SiMe3)2](μ-OBut)}2, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 1997, 270, 118.
26.Xi R, Wang B, Isobe K, Nishioka T, Toriumi K, and Ozawa Y. Isolation and X-ray Crystal Structure of a New Octamolybdate: [(RhCp*)2(μ-SCH3)3]4[Mo8O26] 2CH3CN (Cp*=η5-C5Me5), Inorg. Chem., 1994, 33, 833.
27.Xi R, Wang B, Abe M, Ozawa Y, and Isobe K. Fragmentation of Triple Cubane- Framework in [(RhCp*)4Mo4O16] (Cp*=η5-C5Me5) by MeSH into Tetranuclear Parts in [{Cp*Rh(μ-SMe)3MoO}2(μ-O)2] and [{Cp*Rh(μ-SMe)3MoO}2(μ-O)(μ-S)] Providing a Novel System for Studying Stereodynamics of Thiolate Complexes Chem. Lett., 1994, 1177.
28.Xi R, Wang B, Abe M, Ozawa Y, and Isobe K. New Linear-Type Tetranuclear Complexes, [{Cp*Rh(μ-SMe)3MoO2}2(μ-O)] (Cp*=η5-C5Me5), Chem. Lett., 1994, 323.
9.郗日沫, 劉中秋,丁 鍇,李偉華,劉 偉,尹偉偉(2008)一種特布他林的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
10.郗日沫, 丁 鍇,劉中秋,李偉華,尹偉偉,劉 偉(2008)一種呋喃唑酮的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
11.郗日沫,丁 鍇,劉中秋,李偉華,尹偉偉,劉 偉(2008) 一種呋喃妥因的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒, 國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
12.郗日沫,丁 鍇,劉中秋,李偉華,尹偉偉,劉 偉(2008) 一種加替沙星的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒 ,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
13.郗日沫, 劉偉,李偉華,丁楷,劉中秋,尹偉偉(2008)一種沙丁胺醇的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
14.郗日沫, 尹偉偉,李偉華,丁楷,劉中秋,劉偉 (2008)一種萊克多巴胺的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
15.郗日沫, 李偉華,丁楷,劉中秋,尹偉偉,劉偉,王亞賓 (2008) 一種環丙沙星的化學發光酶聯免疫檢測試劑盒,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
16.郗日沫, 劉圍, 趙承彪,張玉蘭,盧聖欣(2007)1-氨基-乙內醯脲的免疫原及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
17.郗日沫, 張玉蘭,盧聖欣,劉 圍,趙承彪(2007)特布他林的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局;
18.郗日沫, 張玉蘭, 盧聖欣,(2006)四環素的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.
19.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2006)達氟沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
20.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2006)培氟沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
21.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2006)諾氟沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.
22.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2006)洛美沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局。
23.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2006)氧氟沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局
24.郗日沫,盧聖欣, 張玉蘭(2005)沙拉沙星的偶聯物及其製備方法與套用,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.。
25.郗日沫,盧聖欣 (2004)一種環丙沙星免疫原及其製備方法,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局,.
26.郗日沫,盧聖欣,劉金庭,張玉蘭 (2004)3-氨基-2-惡唑烷酮的偶聯物及其製備方法,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.
27.郗日沫,盧聖欣,劉金庭,張玉蘭 (2004)5-甲基嗎啉-3-氨基-2-惡唑烷酮的偶聯物及其製備方法,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.
28.許平,陳淨,邱建華,王鵬,馬翠卿,張奕南,郗日沫,魏中浩 (2004)一種由廉價乳酸鈉經多步偶聯生物轉化製備高價值唾液酸的方法,國家發明專利,國家知識產權局.