The Sunni Triangle is a densely-populated region of Iraq to the northwest of Baghdad that is inhabited mostly by Sunni Muslim Arabs.
The roughly triangular area's corners are usually said to lie near Baqubah (on the east side of the triangle), Baghdad (on the South side), Ramadi (on the west side) and Tikrit (on the north side). Each side is approximately 125 miles long. The area also contains the cities of Samarra and Fallujah.
The area was a center of strong support for former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's government; starting in the 1970s many government workers, politicians, and military leaders came from the area. Saddam himself was born just outside Tikrit.
After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the area became a focus of armed Sunni opposition to Coalition rule. It was widely predicted in the Western press that Saddam would seek shelter from Sunni supporters and on December 13, 2003, he was captured in a raid on the village of ad-Dawr about 15 km south of Tikrit.
The term "Sunni triangle" was used intermittently from the 1970s among academic Iraq specialists, usually to differentiate it from the northern and southern parts of the country. An early use in mainstream media is a San Francisco Chronicle article of September 14, 2002 in which former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter says: "We may be able to generate support for an invasion among some of the Shiites and some of the Kurds, but to get to Baghdad you must penetrate the Sunni Triangle." However, it did not achieve widespread use until a NEW YORK TIMES article of June 10, 2003 popularised the term in a report on "a new U.S. effort to quell nascent armed resistance in Sunni Muslim-dominated areas north and west of Baghdad [in an] area known as the 'Sunni triangle'." It has since become virtually ubiquitous in reports on the US-led coalition's efforts to control the region.
The "Sunni Triangle" should not be confused with the so-called "Triangle of Death", an area south of Baghdad inhabited by Sunni majority which was the focus of major combat activity in November and December 2004.
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。為烏法—圖伊馬茲—薩拉瓦特三角地帶工業核心。烏拉爾西南部地區交通樞紐...落在白河和烏半島烏法的河間地帶 。城市面積達70 793公頃。南北長度超過...)大概在卡瑪河和依克河的河間地帶中,初步地指明巴什科爾基城市在白河上...
基本簡介 來源 早期歷史 烏法峰會 -
。為烏法—圖伊馬茲—薩拉瓦特三角地帶工業核心。烏拉爾西南部地區交通樞紐...落在白河和烏半島烏法的河間地帶 。城市面積達70 793公頃。南北長度超過...)大概在卡瑪河和依克河的河間地帶中,初步地指明巴什科爾基城市在白河上...
基本簡介 來源 早期歷史 烏法峰會 -
帕克人信仰伊斯蘭教,屬遜尼派教徒。他們是由居住在錫爾河三角州和鹹海南部...到了阿姆河三角州地區。19世紀下半葉,位於阿姆河右岸的領土併入沙俄帝國...。北部種植水稻,從事牧業,沿鹹海地帶則發展漁業、牧業(包括養馬業)。 ...
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