Alan Rudolph's "The Moderns" is a wonderful, funny and twisted film set in 1920's Paris, France. The front burner story is a triangle between Nick, his runaway wife and a cold as ice businessman that wants to obtain a higher social status. Nick(Keith Carradine)and Rachel(Linda Fiorentino)were married years ago and she bails out of the marriage. Years later, she shows up on the arms of Bertram Stone (John Lone). While he deals with her reappearance, he is also talked into making art forgeries by a rather shady behaving gallery owner, Valentin(Genevieve Bujold), as a favor for the wealthy Nathalie De Ville(Geraldine Chaplin). His friend, Oiseau (Wallace Shawn)constantly tells Nick that they should head to a new town called Hollywood to seek their fortune and Ernest Hemingway (Kevin J. O'Connor)wanders around in a state of alcoholic cynicism and making quirky observations.
The story, like the period in which the action takes place, is surreal. One scene has one of the dead characters rise from the grave like Houdini, strait-jack, chains and all. The relationship between Nick and Rachel is the heart of the story: Nick doesn't want to trust Rachel because of what she did, but all of his actions throughout the film are a result of Rachel. When he paints the forgeries, he thinks of Rachel's beauty and puts his feelings on canvas. He loves her, but is fighting with the possibility that if he opens his heart to her again, she will break it again. You can see this conflict when he slaps her in front of Stone, yet immediately becomes apologetic. Should he love her, or should he just back off? He clearly does when they share a sexual romp on the bathroom floor while her husband is downstairs.
The entire cast is great, but the best performance comes from O'Connor, who I think is one of the most underrated actors around.
This is a great movie to have if you feel like having a Paris night movie marathon, or just to have fun.
Stone夫妻是上流場裡一對亮眼的愛侶, Bertie Stone(尊龍飾)是白手起家的暴發戶,非常富有。RachelStone是嬌美的愛妻。Bertie雖然是暴發戶的背景,然而從美國到巴黎,他依然是無數藝術家、畫家競相追逐的藝術商。
與Rachel偶遇後,Nick寄賣畫作的畫廊女老闆Libbly Valentin勸說Nick為一位N女士仿製3幅畫,女士用來離婚分財產時渾水摸魚用。Nick不同意。後N女士不停表示對Nick愛慕並與其發生了關係,Nick開始為女士仿製。 詭異的是,N女士竟然將3幅真跡任由Nick帶回家用於臨摹。
Rachel自從於Nick再遇以來,已多次與其偷歡,在Nick成功完成偷梁換柱的事情之後,Rachel與Nick準備私奔。Bertie驅車趕來,一身簡單的毛衣,一頭不再那么精緻的頭髮,與他畢生摯愛--Rachel相見與私奔路上。 此時,Rachel和Nick才爆出一個驚天的秘密,二人從未離婚,Rachel仍然是Nick的妻子,與Bertie的婚姻從一開始,就暗藏了謊言。然而這個強硬的富商,卻慢慢的說出了令人動容不已的話,Bertie說他什麼都知道....
Keith Carradine
Linda Fiorentino
John Lone
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