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出版社: 中國出版集團,世界圖書出版公司; 第1版 (2012年1月1日)
叢書名: 跟老外學英語系列
平裝: 205頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787510039195
條形碼: 9787510039195
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.4 x 1.6 cm
重量: 440 g


編者:盛丹丹 (美國)Rachel Gosling (美國)Eileen Shepard 合著者:(美國)Patrick Wilson (英國)Rebecca Parr (美國)Micheal Hill 等




Chapter 1 Greeting and Introducing
Unit 1 Meeting Acquaintance
Unit 2 Meeting at the First Time
Unit 3 Self-introduction
Unit 4 Asking for Introduction
Unit 5 Inlroducing Others
Unit 6 In-depth Knowledge
Unit 7 Seeing Off
Chapter 2 Daily Contact It
Unit 1 Making an Appointment
Unit 2 Refusing an Appointmenl
Unit 3 Changing the Appointment
Unit 4 Calling On Friends and Relatives
Unit 5 Enlivening the Atmosphere
Unit 6 Inviting Friends and Relatives
Unit 7 Giving a Gift
Unit 8 Visiting a Patient
Unit 9 Having a Party with Friends
Unit 10 Neighbors
Unit 11 Grieving Etiquette
Unit 12 Wedding Etiquette
Unit 13 Family Relationship
Unit 14 Relationship with Colleagues
Chapter 3 Communicating Through the Telephone
Unit I Making a Phone Call
Unit 2 Answering the Phone
Unit 3 Absent for a Call
Unit 4 Bad Connection
Unit 5 Can Not Hear Clearly
Unit 6 Transferring a Call
Unit 7 Taking a Message
Unit 8 Passing On a Message
Unit 9 Hanging Up
Unit 10 Dialed the Wrong Number
Chapter 4 Wills and Feelings
Unit I Assistance
Unit 2 Gratitude
Unit 3 Suggestion
Unit 4 Advisement
Unit 5 Apologizing
Unit 6 forgiving
Unit 7 Agreeing
Unit 8 Disagreeing
Unit 9 Encouragement
Unit 10 Urging
Unit 11 Promising
Unit 12 Predicting
Unit 13 Congratulations
Unit 14 Blessing
Unit 15 Pit
Unit 16 Sympathy
Unit 17 Warning
Unit 18 Reminding
Unit 19 Understanding
Unit 20 Puzzles
Unit 21 Like
Unit 22 Dislike
Unit 23 AnxJely
Unit 24 Consoling
Unit 25 compliment
Unit 26 Flaflery
Unit 27 Joy
Unit 28 anger
Unit 29 Contradicting
Unit 30 Criticizing
Unit 31 Surprise
Unit 32 Suspicion
Unit 33 Nervousness
Chapter 5 Speaking Skills
Chapter 6 Public Places


