BellSouth Corporation (NYSE: BLS) is a U.S. telecommunications company based in Atlanta, Georgia. BellSouth was one of the seven original Regional Bell Operating Companies after the U.S. Department of Justice forced the American Telephone and Telegraph Company to divest itself of its regional telephone companies on January 1, 1984. It is also the only "Baby Bell" or Regional Bell Operating Company (Cincinnati Bell was an independent Bell System franchise) that still uses the Bell symbol in its logo.
The subsidiaries Southern Bell and South Central Bell have now been combined to operate under the corporate name BellSouth. Services provided in the BellSouth operating area include telephone and DSL/Dial-Up Internet services in the States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
BellSouth is realigning itself in two important areas, wireless and broadband. A 40 percent joint venture with AT&T (formerly SBC) in U.S. wireless telephone service Cingular provides a large percentage of BellSouth's revenue. Continued increase of broadband penetration and applications in the consumer market is a key strategy to the company. These activities are being funded in part by the sale of Latin America operations.
BellSouth is currently the only "Baby Bell" that does not operate pay telephones. By 2003, BellSouth's payphone operation was discontinued because it had become too unprofitable, most likely due to the increased Availability of cell phones. Cincinnati Bell has taken BellSouth's place for payphones in northern BellSouth territory; independents have set in further south.
BellSouth operates many companies to provide the services that customers consider as coming from BellSouth. The BellSouth Corporation is the holding company. The operating companies include BellSouth Telecommunications (local phone company), (the ISP), BellSouth Long Distance (the long distance carrier), and Cingular Wireless (formerly BellSouth Mobility, jointly owned with AT&T). There are other operating companies, like the publishing and advertising companies, but the ones mentioned above are the main ones.
The BellSouth - AT&T relationship goes further than just Cingular Wireless. BellSouth & AT&T also co-own (formerly and
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深圳貝爾南方檢測技術有限公司 資質認可/Qualification -
約翰·貝爾Jhon Bell(1691-1780),蘇格蘭物理學家和旅行家,他的遊記使得西方人了解俄國和東方,特別是中國人的生活方式,生於斯特靈郡,曾獲...
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魯道夫·阿貝爾(Rudolf Abel,1903年7月11日—1971年11月15日) ,原名威廉·奧古斯特·費舍爾(William August Fi...
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《荒野求生秘技》(Man vs. Wild)是美國探索頻道(Discovery Channel)製作的寫實電視節目,由英國冒險家貝爾·格里爾斯(Bear...
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約翰·貝爾John Bell(1691-1780),生於斯特靈郡,曾獲大學學位,後獲醫生執業資格,蘇格蘭物理學家和旅行家。他的遊記使得西方人了解俄國和東...
蘇格蘭旅行家 美國政治家 演員 -
呼侖貝爾城,也稱呼侖城,是一座修建於18世紀的東亞草原古城堡,城址在今內蒙古呼倫貝爾市海拉爾區。 內蒙古自治區下轄地級市,以境內呼倫湖和貝爾湖得名。地處...
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紅葡萄酒主要葡萄品種:美樂(至少50%)。 補充品種:品麗珠,科特(至少20%)。 桃紅葡萄酒主要葡萄品種:品麗珠(至少50%)。
產區介紹 地質條件 氣候條件 葡萄品種 釀造工藝