



In the annals of espionage, one name towers above all others: that of H.A.R. “Kim” Philby, the ringleader of the legendary Cambridge spies. A member of the British establishment, Philby joined the Secret Intelligence Service in 1940, rose to the head of Soviet counterintelligence, and, as MI6’s liaison with the CIA and the FBI, betrayed every secret of Allied operations to the Russians, fatally compromising covert actions to roll back the Iron Curtain in the early years of the Cold War.

Written from Moscow in 1967, My Silent War shook the world and introduced a new archetype in fiction: the unrepentant spy. It inspired John le Carré’s Smiley novels and the later espionage novels of Graham Greene. Kim Philby was history’s most successful spy. He was also an exceptional writer who gave us the great iconic story of the Cold War and revolutionized, in the process, the art of espionage writing.


哈洛德‧亞德利安‧羅素‧金‧費爾比(Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby 或稱 H.A.R. Philby,1912年1月1日-1988年5月11日,OBE:1946-1965)是蘇聯在冷戰時期潛伏在英國的間諜,暗中替蘇聯內務人民委員部和克格勃效力,提供情報。

費爾比生於印度,父親 St. John Philby 是英國軍隊的情報官員,曾是印度第一個總理賈瓦哈拉爾·尼赫魯的同學。1930年代,費爾比在劍橋大學就讀時加入共產黨,1933年成為蘇聯的諜報人員。1940年正式被蘇聯吸收,並加入英國情治單位,負責反間諜任務。

蘇聯情報單位給他的代號是 Stanley,和其他四個潛伏在英國的蘇聯間諜並稱為“劍橋五傑”:唐納德·麥克林(Donald Duart Maclean,代號:Homer)、蓋伊·伯吉斯(Guy Burgess,代號:Hicks)、安東尼·布倫特(Anthony Blunt,代號:Johnson)和另一位身份仍未確認的英國人。



