
2001年於四川大學華西醫院生物治療國家重點實驗室幹細胞與組織工程研究室工作至今。任《Cardiovascular Toxicology 》 Managing Editor ,《 Experimental Biology and Medicine 》、《中國修復重建外科雜誌》等編委。政協第十三屆成都市委員會委員。十一屆全國青聯委員。
幹細胞與組織工程,心血管再生研究,作為課題負責人主持國家 863 計畫重大專項項目,國家自然科學基金項目,省課題等多項課題研究。
(1) Cytochrome c Oxidase is Essential for Copper-Induced Regression of Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy.Cardiovasc Toxicol,2010; 10(3): 208-215
(2) Grafts of porcine small intestinal submucosa with cultured autologous oral mucosal epithelial cells for esophageal repair in a canine model. Exp Biol Med ( Maywood ), 2009; 234(4):453-461
(3) Repair of infracted myocardium using mesenchymal stem cell seeded small intestinal submucosa in rabbits. Biomaterials, 2009; 30(19): 3234-3240
(4) Role of copper in angiogenesis and its medicinal implications. Curr Med Chem. 2009; 16(10): 1304-1314
(5) The possible role of Myosin Light chain in myoblast proliferation. Biol Res. 2009; 42(1):121-132
(6) Regulation of cell proliferation by fast Myosin light chain 1 in myoblasts derived from extraocular muscle, diaphragm and gastrocnemius. Exp Biol Med ( Maywood ), 2008; 233(11): 1374-1384
(7) The performance of a bone-derived scaffold material in the repair of critical bone defects in a rhesus monkey model. Biomaterials, 2007; 28(22): 3314-3324
研究成果曾獲得教育部中國高校技術發明獎一等獎和中華醫學科技獎二等獎。申請國家發明專利 4 項。被評為四川省傑出青年學科帶頭人,教育部新世紀優秀人才。 2010 年獲得霍英東教育基金會第十二屆高等院校青年教師獎。主持 / 主研完成的多項研究成果正在實施產業化轉化,部分產品已完成臨床實驗,將於近期批准上市·