
1963年3月28日生。曾在英國和新加坡工作約20年,先後擔任15項科研項目課題負責人,總計科研經費合人民幣約四千餘萬元。已發表SCI收錄的論文170餘篇(第一作者或通訊作者),多次在國際光學工程學會(SPIE)和美國光學學會(OSA)年會作微光學、光學顯微成像與感測、光鑷等方面邀請報告。鑒於其在微納米光學領域的貢獻,於2005年被選為SPIE Fellow。2007年底回國,擔任南開大學光學所長江學者獎勵計畫特聘教授,信息科學技術學院副院長。2009年當選為國務院學位委員會學科評議組成員(儀器科學與光學工程組).目前就職於深圳大學。2012年9月袁小聰當選美國光學學會會士成員委員會(Fellow Members Committee)及會議委員會(Meetings Council)新一屆委員,將於2013年開始行使職能。
1994 -1999, 博士後(光學),英國劍橋大學卡文迪許實驗室 (University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory)
研究領域:亞波長光學和近場光學; 超分辨x射線顯微成像
1989 -1994, 理學博士(光學),英國倫敦大學國王學院(King’s College London)
1985 -1988, 工學碩士(光學工程),天津大學
1981 -1985, 工學學士(光學工程),天津大學
1. J. Chen, X.-C. Yuan*, X. Zhao, Z. L. Fang and S. W. Zhu, “Generalized approach to modifying optical vortices with suppressed sidelobes using Bessel like functions”, Optics Letters, vol. 34, p. 3289-3291, (2009).
2. X.-C. Yuan*, D. G. Zhang, Y. Y. Sun, J. Bu and S. W. Zhu, “Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystals with the Talbot self-imaging effect”, Journal of Optics A, vol. 11, p. 105104, (2009).
3. G H Yuan, X.-C. Yuan*, D G Zhang, P Wang, H Ming and T Mei, “Numerical demonstration of all-optical switching in dielectric-loaded surface Plasmon polaritonic crystals with a defect mode”, Journal of Optics A, vol. 11, p. 085005, (2009).
4. D. G. Zhang, X.-C. Yuan*, J. Bu, G. H. Yuan, Q. Wang, J. Lin, X. J. Zhang, P. Wang, H. Ming, and T. Mei, “Surface plasmon converging and diverging properties modulated by polymer refractive structures on metal films”, Optics Express, vol. 17, p. 11315-11320, (2009).
5. K. J. Moh, X.-C. Yuan*, J. Bu, S. W. Zhu and Bruce Z. Gao, “Radial polarization induced surface plasmon virtual probe for two-photon fluorescence microscopy”, Optics Letters, vol. 34, p. 971 – 973, (2009).
6. K.J. Moh, X.-C. Yuan*, J. Bu, S.W. Zhu and Bruce Z. Gao, “Surface plasmon resonance imaging of cell substrate contacts with radially polarized beams”, Optics Express, vol. 16, p. 20734-20741, (2008).
7. Qian Wang, Xiaocong Yuan*, Piausiong Tan and Douguo Zhang, “Phase modulation of surface plasmon polaritons by surface relief dielectric structures”, Optics Express, vol. 16, p. 19271-19276, (2008).
8. X.-C. Yuan*, S.W. Zhu, J. Bu, Y.Y. Sun, J. Lin and Bruce Z. Gao, “Large-angular separation of particles induced by cascaded deflection angles in optical sorting”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, 263901, (2008).
9. Z. J. Hu, X.-C. Yuan*, S. W. Zhu, G. H. Yuan, P. S. Tan, J. Lin and Q. Wang, “Dynamic surface plasmon patterns generated by reconfigurable “cogwheel”-shaped beams”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, 181102, (2008).
10. P. S. Tan, X.-C. Yuan*, J. Lin, Q. Wang and R. E. Burge, “Analysis of surface plasmon interference pattern formed by optical vortex beams”, Optics Express, vol. 16, p. 18451-18456, (2008).
11. X.-C. Yuan*, J. Lin, J. Bu, and R. E. Burge, “Achromatic design for the generation of optical vortices based on radial spiral phase plates”, Optics Express, vol. 16, p., (2008).
12. Zhen Ma, Karen J. L. Burg, Yanzhang Wei, X.-C. Yuan*,Xiang Peng and Bruce Z. Gao, “Laser-Guidance Based Detection of Cells with Single-Gene Modification”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 92, p. 213902, (2008).
13. P.S. Tan, X.-C. Yuan*, J. Lin, Q. Wang, T. Mei, R. E. Burge and G.G. Mu, “Surface plasmon polaritons generated by optical vortex beams”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 92, p. 111108, (2008).