By the summer of 1942, the German land forces command made a contract with thecompanies Krupp and Rheinmetall to create a SPG on the Panther hull. Severalvariants with 128mm K43 gun and 375px sFH 43 howitzer were considered. Theseprojects were called Grille 12 and Grille 15. Their armament was located in theback of the vehicle and they were different from each other only by the type ofthe gun. Later on, requirements were issued to install the 375px L/63 gun onGrille 15 chassis. This gun could penetrate 200mm of armor at 4000 meters. Theproject was however stopped and no prototype was built.
1942年夏,德國陸軍指揮部與克虜伯及萊茵金屬公司簽訂了一份契約,要求其基於黑豹坦克底 盤開發一款自行火炮。計畫搭載的火炮分別為128mmK43及15cm sFH43,根據搭載火炮的不同,設計案分別稱作蟋蟀12型(128mm)和蟋蟀15型(150mm)。之後軍方又要求在蟋蟀15型的底盤上安裝15cm L/63炮。該炮能夠在4000m距離上擊穿200mm厚的裝甲。最終該項目被終止,也沒有造出原型車
引擎: 900 馬力
重量: 40 噸
單位質量功率: 22,5 馬力/噸
最大速度: 60/20 千米/時
車體轉速: 26 度/秒
地面阻力係數: 0,959/1,151/1,918
視野: 400
車體裝甲: 30/16/?
炮塔裝甲: 20/0/?
主炮: 375px L/63 (無彈夾)
ROF: 4,171
DPM: 3128.6
裝填時間: 14,34秒
精度: 0,268
瞄準時間: 2,68s
俯仰角: -8/+15