螢火蟲[owl city樂隊作品]

螢火蟲[owl city樂隊作品]

《Fireflies》是owl city樂隊的主打歌曲,一經推出就登上了各大音樂電台以及音樂榜單的冠軍寶座。


You would not believe your eyes 或許你無法相信自己的眼睛

If ten million fireflies 如果那千萬隻螢火蟲

Lit up the world as I fell asleep 在我熟睡時照亮了我的整個夢境

'Cause they fill the open air 因為她們在空中飛舞

And leave teardrops everywhere 同時四處灑落著眼淚

You'd think me rude But I would just stand and stare 你覺得我無禮,但我只是站在原地凝視

I'd like to make myself believe 我想我深信不疑

That planet Earth turns slowly 地球正微妙地改變著

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 我難以表達,但當我在夢中卻又感到如此的簡單

'Cause everything is never as it seems 因為一切似乎都已改變

Cause I'd get a thousand hugs 而且我得到了一千個擁抱

From ten thousand lightning bugs 就來自那一萬隻飛螢的溫暖

As they tried to teach me how to dance 她們試著教我如何跳舞

A foxtrot above my head 我的頭上 ,她們跳起了狐步舞

A sock hop beneath my bed 我的床下,她們踢踏著跳步舞

A disco ball is just hanging by a thread 就在那只有線拉著的迪斯科球上

I'd like to make myself believe 我想我深信不疑

That planet Earth turns slowly 地球正微妙的改變著

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 我難以表達,但當我在夢中卻又感到如此的簡單

'Cause everything is never as it seems 因為一切似乎都已改變

When I fall asleep 當我在夢境時

Leave my door open just a crack 咿呀聲中,我的門已被打開

(Please take me away from here) (請帶我離開這裡)

'Cause I feel like such an insomniac 因為我感覺自己像個失眠的人

(Please take me away from here) (請帶我離開這裡)

Why do I tire of counting sheep 為什麼我已厭倦了數羊遊戲

(Please take me away from here) (請帶我離開這裡)

When I'm far too tired to fall asleep 當我實在是太疲倦而難以入眠時

To ten million fireflies 面對那千萬隻飛螢

I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes 我感覺如此不對勁 因為我不想說再見

I got misty eyes as they said farewell(said farewell) 與她們離別時我淚水盈眶

But I'll know where several are 但我會知道她們在哪

If my dreams get real bizarre 如果我的夢真的很異想天開

'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 那是因為貯存就在我的記憶盒子裡

I'd like to make myself believe 我想我深信不疑

That planet Earth turns slowly 地球正微妙地改變著

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 我難以表達,但當我在夢中卻又感到如此的簡單

'Cause everything is never as it seems 因為一切似乎都已改變

When I fall asleep 當我在夢境時

I'd like to make myself believe 我想我深信不疑

That planet Earth turns slowly 地球正微妙的改變著

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 我難以表達,但當我在夢中卻又感到如此的簡單

'Cause everything is never as it seems 因為一切似乎都已改變

When I fall asleep 當我在夢境時

I'd like to make myself believe 我會使我深信不疑

That planet Earth turns slowly 地球正微妙地改變著

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 我難以表達,但當我在夢中卻又感到如此的簡單

Because my dreams are bursting at the seams 因為我的夢正被滿滿地撐起


貓頭鷹城市樂隊(owl city)是一支來自美國明尼蘇達州的電子音樂樂隊。樂隊僅由一名成員組成:亞當·揚(Adam Young)。亞當·楊於2007年創建了該樂隊,並且擔任樂隊的主唱、編曲、創作、混音合成工作。貓頭鷹城市樂隊的音樂飄逸、靈動,既有夢幻的神秘色彩,又有電子音樂的動感節奏。樂隊的主打歌曲《Fireflies》一經推出就登上了各大音樂電台以及音樂榜單的冠軍寶座。受到樂迷的熱烈追捧。


