2. 金黃色葡萄球菌中新型small RNA的探尋及其與致病性相關的上下游調控通路;
3. 金黃色葡萄球菌與宿主相互作用的分子機制。
1.T. Xue*, Y. You, D. Hong, H. Sun, and B. Sun*. Staphylococcus aureus KdpDE two-component system couples extracellular K+ sensing and Agr signaling to infection programming.Infection and Immunity. (2011) 79:2154-2167.
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3.T. Xue*φ, X. Zhangφ, and B. Sun*. QrrB, the novel staphylococal small RNA, couples Agr quorum sensing to virulence regulation. (2011). In preparation. (φco-1st author)
4.T. Xue, L. Zhao, H. Sun, X. Zhou, and B. Sun*. LsrR binding-site recognition and regulatory characteristics in Escherichia coli AI-2 quorum sensing. Cell Research. (2009) 19:1258-1268.
5.F. Shangφ, T. Xueφ, H. Sun, L. Xing, S. Zhang, Z. Yang, L. Zhang and B. Sun*. The Staphylococcus aureus GGDEF protein (GdpS) influences protein A gene expression in a c-di-GMP independent manner.Infection and Immunity. (2009) 77:2849-2856.(φco-1st author)
6.L. Zhao, T. Xue, F. Shang, H. Sun, and B. Sun*. Staphylococcus aureus AI-2 quorum sensing associates with the KdpDE two-component system to regulate capsular polysaccharide synthesis and virulence.Infection and Immunity. (2010) 78:3506-3515.
7.E. Fei, X. Ma, C. Zhu, T. Xue, J. Yan, Y. Xu, J. Zhou, and G. Wang*. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of dysbindin-1, a schizophrenia related protein, regulates synapsin I expression. The Journal of biological chemistry. (2010) 285: 38630-38640.
8. Ma, J., Z. Ren, Y. Ma, L. Xu, Y. Zhao, C. Zheng, Y. Fang, T. Xue, B. Sun, and W. Xiao*. Targeted knockdown of EGR-1 inhibits IL-8 production and IL-8-mediated invasion of prostate cancer cells through suppressing EGR-1/NF-kappaB synergy. The Journal of biological chemistry. (2009) 284:34600-34606.
9.X. Wang, S. Foday, T. Xue, and B. Sun*. Methylobacterium salsuginis sp. nov., isolated from seawater.International Journal of Systematic Environmental Microbioly (2007) 57:1699-1703.
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