1、“五點一線”布局。葫蘆島在落實遼寧省“五點一線”開放開發戰略中,要圍繞錦州灣的開發,以北港工業區為起點,由東向西,沿258公里的海岸線,構建若干個開放先導區,以點帶面,成面連片,最終形成“三點一線”沿海開放開發新格局。所謂“三點”是指:“東部區”為錦州灣的葫蘆島經濟開發區,“中部區” 為興城曹莊——沙後所經濟區,“西部區”為綏中高嶺——萬家經濟區。“一線”是指:以海岸線和沿海交通幹線為紐帶,將上述“三點”逐步擴充成面,集中連片開發,開成沿海經濟帶。該經濟帶覆蓋我市中心城區和4個縣區城區,土地面積3200平方公里,約占全市的三分之一;人口120萬,約占全市的五分之二。
2、中部、西部經濟區情況。這兩個區都有一定的工業基礎,和東部的北港工業區一樣,都享受省級開發區的政策。 中部區為興城曹莊——沙後所經濟區。規劃面積20平方公里,其中起步區10平方公里。該經濟區依託菊花島30萬噸原油碼頭、現代漁業園區等,重點發展石化、倉儲、冶金、製藥、現代農業等產業。 西部區為綏中高嶺——萬家經濟區。規劃面積20平方公里,其中起步區10平方公里。依託止錨灣、36—1油田、綏中電廠煤碼頭等,重點發展造船及船舶配套、燈具製造、木材加工、現代物流等產業。此地連結河北省秦皇島市,目前,我們兩市正在共同建設經濟開發區。
Huludao Peikang Economic Development Zone in Liaoning industrial zone is the coastal economic zone "5.1%" in one of the key development areas in Liaoning "5.1" in the most western end, and Hong Kong is located in Huludao between Jinzhou Port, 35 km2 area planning , 32 km long coastline, and not freezing all natural port Huludao harbor district one, along the Jinzhou Bay strip layout, and Jinzhou Bay shoreline occupy 70 per cent of chief, with broad space for development and tremendous potential for development. Peikang industrial areas in the Northeast and North China Economic Area, two major domestic point of intersection on the north region of Inner Mongolia and resources linked to: undertake east-central city of Shenyang radiation, 240 kilometers away from Shenyang; westward with the Beijing, Tianjin, Tang link 420 kilometers away from Beijing. Radiation Northeast Asian economic zone. Peikang industrial zone and port Huludao not freezing all natural zero distance Hong Kong, the Hong Kong one. Naju 80 nautical miles Qinhuangdao Port, 290 sea miles west of the Tianjin Port, four sea miles south of Jinzhou Port, the 63 sea miles from Yingkou, 100 nautical miles west of Dalian Port. Huludao the depth of the width, and natural conditions excellent throughput capacity of the "11th Five-Year Plan" will reach the end of 50 million tons. Beijing-Shenyang Expressway, 102 State Line Road, Jingha railway electrification of the railway and the Trans-Qinhuangdao-Shenyang throughout Coastal Highway with the province's major thoroughfare in the industrial area to achieve convergence, a more developed three-dimensional traffic system. Relying on rail transport route from the industrial areas within four hours to reach Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, and other key cities. Industrial area 30 kilometers from the airport in Jinzhou, 150 km from Shanhaiguan airport, arrived within one day of the major cities.
By 2010, the basic completion of the old industrial base adjustment, transformation and revitalization of tasks, build four bases.
1, the country's major nonferrous metal base. Mainly rely on existing resources and key enterprises to forge zinc, copper, molybdenum, aluminium, lead, manganese, and other important national base of nonferrous metals, non-ferrous metals increased from the present 700,000 tons to 160 million tons.
2, the state's important energy power base. Firepower is to continue to expand the scale of development, while the development of nuclear power, wind power and other clean energy. A total installed capacity of 190 kilowatts from the current high瓦提to 4 million kilowatts.
3, the Bohai important oil and petrochemical base. Give full play to advantages of petrochemical industry to focus on as the leading petrochemical enterprises, the major petrochemical project, fine chemical projects at the core, construction, petrochemical industrial park.
4, the Bohai important marine machinery manufacturing bases. Heavy ship with Bonan of large-scale manufacturing VLCC tankers and 8,000 TEU container ship large capacity, shipbuilding capacity of 2.5 million tons, and forming a ship supporting industrial park.
Coastal open the whole idea
1, "3:1" in the layout. Huludao in Liaoning province in the implementation of the "5.1" in opening up and development strategy, we must focus on the development of Jinzhou Bay to Peikang industrial areas as a starting point, from east to west, along the 258 km of coastline, build a number of pilot areas, opening up a point with face-planted into, and ultimately a "3.1" in the coastal open New Pattern of development. The so-called "three-point" means: "eastern areas" for the Huludao Jinzhou Bay Economic Development Zone, "the central zone" for Xingcheng Caozhuang - shahousuo Economic Area, "Western Region" Suizhong kaolinite - 10,000 the economic zone. "Frontline" means: to the coastline and coastal roads as a link to the above-mentioned "three-point" gradual expansion into face, planted development, as a coastal economic belt. The central economic zone coverage I and four counties City District, the area 3,200 square km, accounting for about one-third of the city's population of 1.2 million, accounting for about two-fifths of the city.
2, the central and western areas of economic circumstances. Just now, I briefly introduced the eastern region in the core - Huludao Peikang industrial zones. Below, I would like to brief you on the central and western areas of the district. These two areas have certain industrial base, and the eastern part of the industrial zone in Peikang, enjoy provincial-level development zones policy. Central District Xingcheng Caozhuang - shahousuo economic zone. Planning area of 20 square kilometres, which started 10 square kilometers area. Relying on the economy District Chrysanthemum Island 300,000 tons of crude oil terminals, parks and other modern fishing priority to the development of petrochemical industry, warehousing, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, modern agriculture, and other industries. For the western district of Suizhong kaolinite - 10,000 economic zone. Planning area of 20 square kilometres, which started 10 square kilometers area. Relying on only Anchor Bay ,36-1 oilfield, Suizhong power plant coal wharf, it focused on the development of shipbuilding and ship support, lamp manufacturing, wood processing, modern logistics, and other industries. Links here in Qinhuangdao City of Hebei Province, at present, the two cities are working together to build our economic development zone.