目前主要從事智慧型混凝土、高性能混凝土的製備及性能、混凝土材料與結構耐久性、混凝土微觀結構及模型、道路病害機理及養護方面的研究。近年來主持和參與包括國家自然基金項目、美國自然基金項目、美國聯邦公路局項目在內的多項科研項目。擔任Construction and Building Materials、Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities、Testing and Evaluation 等國際學術期刊的審稿專家。
1. 國家自然科學基金項目
● 基於碳納米管水泥基複合材料的砼道路應力自檢測機理研究
● 透水性混凝土樁複合地基工作機理與關鍵技術研究
2. 山大自主創新基金項目
● 廢粘土磚粉作為高性能混凝土摻料的可行性研究
3. 交通運輸部公路科學研究院項目
● 《公路養護安全作業規程》修訂
4. 美國自然科學基金項目:
● 水泥窯灰-粉煤灰混合膠凝材料水化的熱分析
5. 美國聯邦公路管理局項目
● 適於實驗室與工地的混凝土水化放熱過程快速監測方法和關鍵技術研究
6. 美國國家混凝土路面技術中心項目
● 用於混凝土路面的混合水泥的性能研究
7. 美國聯邦公路管理局項目
● 防止混凝土路面早期開裂的材料和施工最佳化
8. 愛荷華州交通部項目
● 水泥混凝土道路養護材料與技術研究
● AASHTO 道路的力學-經驗法設計
1. zhi Ge, Kejin Wang, and Zhili Gao, “Prediction of Pavement Concrete Strength Development, Joint Sawing and Opening Time Using FEMLAB”, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2012, 26(2):162-169.
2. Zhi Ge, Zhili Gao, Renjuan Sun, Li Zheng, " Mix Design of Concrete with Recycled Clay-Brick-Powder Using the Orthogonal Design Method", Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 31:289-293.
3. Zhi Ge, Kejin Wang, and Surendra P. Shah, "Hydration and Strength Development in a Cement kiln Dust-Fly ASh System", Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2012, 40(1):12-19.
4. Li Zheng, Zhi Ge, Zhanyong Yao, and Zhili Gao, "Mechanical Properties of Mortar with Recycled Clay-Brick-Powder," Towards Sustainable Transportation Systems Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, p 3379-3388, 2011.
5. Zhi Ge, Renjuan Sun, and Li Zheng, "Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Recycled Clay-Brick-Powder," Advanced Building Materials,v 250-253, p 360-364, 2011.
6. Zhi Ge, Kejin Wang,Paul Sandberg, and MauricioRuiz, “Characterization and Performance Prediction of Cement-Based MaterialsUsing a Simple Isothermal calorimeter" Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v 7, n 3, p 355-366, 2009.
7. Zhi Ge and Kejin Wang, “Modified Heat of Hydration and Strength Models for Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Slag”, Computers and Concretes, Vol. 6, No. 1, p 19-40, 2009.
8. Zhili Gao, Charles McIntyre, and Zhi Ge, " Using TOP Method to Enhance the Construction Engineering Student Learning," Proceedingsof 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2011.
9. Jiong Hu, Kejin Wang, and Zhi Ge, “Study of the Mechanical Properties of Iowa Concrete Pavement for Use in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG),"Geotechnical Special Publication, n 203 GSP, p 169-175, 2010.
10. Qinwu Xu, Jiong Hu,MauricioRuiz, kejin Wang, and Zhi Ge, " Isothermal Calorimetry Tests and Modeling of Cement Hydration Parameters," Thermochimica Acta, v 499, n 1-2, p 91-99, 2010.
11. Zhi Ge, Kejin Wang, and Zhili Gao, “Properties and Early-Age Cracking Potential of Blended Cement Concrete," Geotechnical Special Publication, n 193, p 163-170, 2009
12. Kejin Wang, James Cable,and Zhi Ge, "Evaluation of Pavement Curing Effectiveness and Curing Effects on Concrete Properties," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, P377-389, 2006.
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