



性 別:男
籍 貫:安徽肥東






1. Li Huang, Rui-bing Cao, Ning Wang, Ke Liu, Jian-chao Wei, Hassan Isahga, Li-jie Song Wei-yong Zuo, Bin Zhou, Wei-wu Wang, Xiang Mao*, Pu-yan Chen* The design and Recombinant Protein expression of a Consensus Porcine Interferon: CoPoIFN-α Cytokine,2011 (accepted)
2. Li Huang, Yuan-peng Zhang, Ya-ling Yu, Ming-xia Sun, Chen Li, Bo Ni, Xiu-hua Wang, Pu-yan Chen, Xiang Mao* Role of cholesterol in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection on MARC-145 cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2011 (accepted)
3. Li Huang, Xiang Mao*, Najmoutin G. Abdulaev, Tony Ngo, Wei Liu, and Kevin D. Ridge One-step Purification of a Functional, Constitutively Activated Form of Visual Arrestin
Protein expression and purification 2011 (accepted)
4. Feng X, Liu T, Wang F, Cao R, Zhou B, Zhang Y, Mao X, Chen P, Zhang H. Isolation, antiproliferation on tumor cell and immunomodulatory activity of BSP-I, a novel bursal peptide from chicken humoral immune system. Peptides 2011 32:1103-1109
5. Feng X, Su X, Wang F, Wei J, Wang F, Cao R, Zhou B, Mao X, Zheng Q, Chen P. Isolation and potential immunological characterization of TPSGLVY, a novel bursal septpeptide isolated from the bursa of Fabricius Peptides. 2010, 31:1562-1568
6. Wei JC, Huang YZ, Zhong DK, Kang L, Ishag H, Mao X, Cao RB, Zhou B, Chen PY. Design and evaluation of a multi-epitope peptide against Japanese encephalitis virus infection in BALB/c mice Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;396(4):787-92.
7. Zhou B, Liu K, Wei JC, Mao X, Chen PY. Inhibition of replication of classical swine fever virus in a stable cell line by the viral capsid and Staphylococcus aureus nuclease fusion protein. J Virol Methods. 2010 Jul;167(1):79-83
8. Najmoutin G. Abdulaev, Xiang Mao, Eva Ramon, Tony Ngo, Justyna Mysliwy, John P. Marino Kevin D. Ridge Detecting Long Range structural coupling in a heterotrimeric G protein alpha-subunit by NMR Spectroscopy Photochemistry and Photobiology 2009, 85(2):431-6.
9. Eva Ramon, Xiang Mao, Kevin D. Ridge Studies on the stability of the human cone visual pigments Photochemistry and Photobiology 2009, 85(2):509-16
10. Zhiyong Ren, Xiang Mao, Claudia Mertens, Ravi Krishnaraj, Jie Qin, Pijus K. Mandal, Michael J. Romanowski, John S. McMurray,Xiaomin Chen Crystal structure of unphosphorylated STAT3 core fragment Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008, 374:1-5
11. Yaomin Hu, Yan Ren, Robert Z. Luo, Xiang Mao, Xiujun Li, Xu Cao, Lu Guan, Xiang Chen, Jianwei Li,Yang Long, Xiangxun Zhang, Haoming Tian Novel mutations of the lipoprotein lipase gene associated with hypertriglyceridemia in members of type 2 diabetic pedigrees J. Lipid Res. 2007, 48:1681-1688
12. Xiang Mao, Zhiyong Ren, Gregory N. Parker, Holger Sondermann, Michael A. Pastorello, Wei Wang, John S. McMurray, Borries Demeler, James E. Darnell, and Xiaomin Chen. Structural Bases of Unphosphorylated STAT1 Association and Receptor Binding. Molecular Cell. 2005, 17: 761-771
13. Minghao Zhong, Melissa A. Henriksen, Kenji Takeuchi, Olaf Schaefer, Bin Liu, Johanna ten Hoeve, Zhiyong Ren, Xiang Mao, Xiaomin Chen, Ke Shuai, and James E. Darnell, Jr. Implications of an antiparallel dimeric structure of nonphosphorylated STAT1 for the activation-inactivation cycle. Proceedings of National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 2005;102:3966-71
14. Xiang Mao, Xiaomin Chen. Crystallization of X-ray crystallographic analysis of human STAT1. Acta Crystallographica Section F61. 2005; 666-668
15. Arata Nishimoto, Yinhua Yu, Zhen Lu, Xiang Mao, Zhiyong Ren, Stephanie S. Watowich, Gordon B. Mills, Warren S-L. Liao, Xiaomin Chen, Robert C. Bast Jr., and Robert Z. Luo. A Ras Homologue Member I Directly Inhibits Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 3 Translocation and Activity in Human Breast and Ovarian Cancer Cells. Cancer Research. 2005, 65:6701-6710
16. Shulin Zhuang, Jianwei Zou, Yongjun Jiang, Xiang Mao, Bing Zhang, Haichun Liu and Qingsen Yu Some Insights into the Stereochemistry of Inhibition of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor with 2-Fluoro-p-hydroxycinnamate and Its Analogues from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005, 48:7208-7214.
17. Xiang Mao*, Weiwu Wang, Weihong Jiang, Guoping Zhao His23β and Glu455β of the Pseudomonas sp. 130 glutaryl-7-amino cephalosporanic acid acylase are crucially important for efficient autoproteolysis and enzymatic catalysis. The Protein Journal. 2004, 23:197-204.
18. 馬偉, 茅翔, 盧捷, 姜衛紅, 覃重軍, 趙國屏. 頭狀鏈輪絲菌(Streptoverticillum aespitosus) ATCC27422染色體基本複製起始區(oriC)的序列分析與功能研究. 生物化學與生物物理學報. 2003, 35: 930-936.
19. 張怡軒,郭曉奎,茅翔,繆有剛,吳春福,趙國屏. 鉤端螺旋體血小板激活因子乙醯水解酶基因特徵分析.中國人獸共患病雜誌. 2003, 19:12-16
20. 馬偉,茅翔,盧捷,姜衛紅,焦瑞身,覃重軍,趙國屏. 頭狀鏈輪絲菌染色體複製起始區的克隆和對變鉛青鏈黴菌的轉化. 生物工程學報. 2002, 18: 662-666.
21. 盧捷,馬偉,茅翔,覃重軍,姜衛紅,焦瑞身. 除蟲鏈黴菌複製起始區克隆和功能初步分析. 生物化學與生物物理學報. 2002, 34:712-718.
22. Xi Huang, Rong Zeng, Xiaoming Ding, Xiang Mao, Yi Ding, Zihe Rao, Yong Xie, Weihong Jiang, Guoping Zhao. Affinity alkylation of the Trp-B4 residue of the β-subunit of the glutaryl 7-amino-cephalosporanic acid acylase of Pseudomonas sp. 130. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002, 277:10256-10264
23. 茅翔, 張菁, 李勇, 何宇炯, 王恩多, 楊蘊劉, 焦瑞身, 姜衛紅, 趙國屏. 假單孢菌 sp.130 GL-7-ACA醯化酶的核苷酸和蛋白質序列分析. 生物工程學報. 2002, 18 : 63-68.
24. 李祥, 張偉, 茅翔, 蔡煊, 楊蘊劉, 趙國屏, 姜衛紅. GL-7ACA醯化酶表達檢測系統的建立. 生物工程學報. 2001, 17: 673-677.
25. Yong Li, Jianfeng Chen, Weihong Jiang, Xiang Mao, Guoping Zhao, Enduo Wang. In vivo post-translational processing and subunit reconstitution of cephalosporin acylase from Pseudomonas sp. 130. European Journal of Biochemistry. 1999, 262: 713-719.
26. 宋剛,宋後燕,茅翔. 用計算機模型研究葡激酶與人微小纖溶酶原的相互作用. 高技術通訊. 1999, 9:48-51



