Lesson OneThe Johnson FamilyLesson TwoOur VillageLesson ThreeGoing to the SunLesson FourDinner for TwoLesson FiveThe Artist and the BeggarLesson SixThe ExcursionLesson SevenFather and SonLesson EightFuwaLesson NineThe Policeman and the ThiefLesson TenDifferent CustomsLesson ElevenA Change for FunLesson TwelveBarbie DollLesson ThirteenThe Strange EchoLesson FourteenMonday MorningLesson FifteenEverything Is ReasonableLesson SixteenWarm and Cool ColoursLesson SeventeenWorking TogetherLesson EighteenYao Ming ArrivesLesson NineteenAn Interesting ExperienceLesson TwentyThe BearLesson Twenty-OneThe Age of ComputersLesson Twenty TwoShenZhnu-5