

英語聽力入門2000共分為 英語聽力入門2000(教師用書)(第1冊) 英語聽力入門2000(第2冊)(學生用書)(附磁帶4盤) 英語聽力入門2000(第3冊)(學生用書) 英語聽力入門2000(第4冊)(學生用書)







Unit 1 Happy New Millennium!
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ The Time ball
Part Ⅲ Word of the millennium
Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills
Focus on the Main Idea
Unit 2 Net Changes Life(Ⅰ)
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ Network
Part Ⅲ Online shopping
Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills
Dont Attempt to Write Too Much
Unit 3 Net Changes Life(Ⅱ)
Part Ⅰ Warming up
part Ⅱ Net changes dorm life
part Ⅲ Global multi-media giant
part Ⅳ Language study and lanuage appreciation
Unit 4 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ In Brazil and France
Part Ⅲ Life here and there
Part Ⅳ Short talks onlistening skills
Be Careful with Numbers
Unit 5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ The worlds six billionth inhabitant
Part Ⅲ The biggest cities in the world
Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation
Unit 6 From Place in Place
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ Villa Rentals
Part Ⅲ Its the only way to travel
Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation
Unit 7 Approaching Culture
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ Museums in the modern world
Part Ⅲ Kwanzaa
Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation
Unit 8 Creative Minds
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ Scientists of the millennium (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅲ Scientists of the millennium (Ⅱ )
Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills
How Is It Being Said——Formal or Informal Language?
Unit 9 Visions of the Future
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ Working at home
Part Ⅲ The Times capsule
Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills
Making Use of Them——Signals and Fillers
Unit 10 For Peace and Development
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ The Panama Canal handover
Part Ⅲ Financial news
Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation
Unit 11 Its Great to Be a Champion
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ The Womens World Cup
Part Ⅲ Luck in the hat
Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation
Unit 12 Leisure Time
Part Ⅰ Warming up
Part Ⅱ The new Star Wars movie
Part Ⅲ The man with the horn
Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills
Letting Things Go——Speed and Vocabulary,Acknowledgements


初版《英語聽力入門》(Step by Step,下稱《聽力入門》)在走過十五個春秋之後,正式向大家告別了。編者由衷地感激眾多同行與廣大師生多年來所給予的厚愛和幫助。其實,這份情緣也正是《聽力入門》的生命力之所在。而且,當歷史的車輪和社會的巨變以咄咄逼人之勢挑戰《聽力入門》時,還是這份情緣為《聽力入門》的更新與發展鋪路導航。今天,在新世紀的曙光中《英語聽力入門2000》(下稱《聽力入門2000》)邁出了第一步。編者特意將千禧之年各國人民普天同慶的真實記錄編入《聽力入門2000))第一冊第一單元。這首先是為了致意;第二則是藉此引出《聽力入門2000》富有時代性的主題內涵並表達其繼往開來的責任與志向。





英語聽力入門2000(第二冊) 英語聽力入門2000(第二冊)



UnIt 1 EducatIon Is a Key
Part Ⅰ WarmIng up
Part Ⅱ EducatIonal systems
Part Ⅲ Remarks on modem educatIon
Part Ⅳ Short talks on lIstenIng skIlls
ThInkIng Ahead of the Speaker——AntIcIpatIon Helps
UnIt 2 Language——A VehIcle In CommunIcatIon
Part Ⅰ WarmIng up
Part Ⅱ What makes a good or bad student
Part Ⅲ Some facts about EnglIsh
Part Ⅳ Language study and language apprecIatIon
UnIt3 GettIng Ready for the Future Career
Part Ⅰ WarmIng up
Part Ⅱ PaIntIng for pay
Part Ⅲ ChoosIng a career
Part Ⅳ Short talks on lIstenIng skIlls
You Just Cant Remember So Much !
——Learn to Select,Learn to SImplIfy
UnIt4 All Can Succeed
Part Ⅰ WarnmIng up
Part Ⅱ Successful people
Part Ⅲ The work of Gordon Parks-an InternatIonally konwn AfrIcan AmerIcan artIst
Part Ⅳ Language strdy and language apprecIatIon
UnIt 5 ShapIng and ReshapIng PersonalIty(Ⅰ)
Part Ⅰ WarmIng up
Part Ⅱ Self-esteem
Part Ⅲ BalancIng work and famIly
Part Ⅳ Language study and language apprecIatIon
UnIt 6 ShapIng and ReshapIng PersonalIty(Ⅱ)
Part Ⅰ WarIng up
Part Ⅱ Hand washIng
Part Ⅲ How to deal wIth depressIon and anger?
Part Ⅳ ExpressIons that sprIng from a hand
UnIt 7 For the Glory of Sport(Ⅰ)
Part Ⅰ WarmIng up
Part Ⅱ Sydney 2000
Part Ⅲ News from the OlympIcs
Part Ⅳ Language study and language apprecIatIoon
UnIt 8 For the Glory of Sport(Ⅱ)
UnIt 9 Everybody Can Help the EnvIornment
UnIt 10 News(Ⅰ)
UnIt 11 News(Ⅱ)
UNit 12 News(Ⅲ)





英語聽力入門2000(第3冊)學生用書 英語聽力入門2000(第3冊)學生用書



Unit 1 World News:Up in Space
Part I Warming up
Part II News reportrs
Part III China's space and aeronautics industry
Part IV Mir-Russia's space glory
Unit 2 World News:International Relations
Part I Warming up
Part II News reports
Part III Speeches
Part IV Language study and language appreciation
Unit 3 World News:Economic Developments
Part I Warming up
Part II News reports
Part III China and WTO
Part IV UN business conference
Unit 4 World News:Earth and Environment
Part I Warming up
Part II News reports
Part III City recycling
Part IV Language study and language appreciation
Unit 5 Health and Medicine
Part I Warming up
Part II Frankenstein food or food to feed the world?
Part III Medical emergency 911
Part IV Doctors on the Inter
Unit 6 Science and Technology
Part I Warming up
Part II Latest breakthroughs in technology
Part III Nobes prize winners in physics and chemistry
Part IV Language study and language appreciation
Unit 7 Communications(I)
Part I Warming up
Part II The Inter
Part III Kigital McLuhan
Part IV Beware hackers
Unit 8 Communications(II)
Unit 9 Architecture
Unit 10 Tourism
Unit 11 Transportation(I)
Unit 12 Transportation(II)



英語聽力入門2000(學生用書)(第4冊) 英語聽力入門2000(學生用書)(第4冊)





Unit 1 Happy Family Life(1)
Part 1 Warming up
Part 2 All you need is love?
Part 3 First meetings
Part 4 Listen and relax
Unit 2 Happy Family Life(2)
Part 1 Warming up
Part 2 Mothers and daughters
Part 3 Family
Part 4 Listen and relax
Unit 3 The Changing Women
Part 1 Warming up
Part 2 Working mothers
Part 3 Women and the web
Part 4 Language study and language appreciation
Unit 4 Work and Workforce
Part 1 Warming up
Part 2 Americans at work
Part 3 Stress management
Part 4 Listen and relax
Unit 5 Matching Dreams with Education(1)
Unit 6 Matching Dreams with Education(2)
Unit 7 Love and Help(1)
Unit 8 Love and Help(2)
Unit 9 Managing Personal Development
Unit 10 Youth Aspirations
Unit 11 Extending Life through Fun(1)
Unit 12 Extending Life through Fun(2)


